Both men and women cheat, but the reasons are different. Men often cheat with great self-subjectivity, and the motives and reasons for cheating are often relatively simple. Women, on the other hand, are restricted and affected by various factors and do not accept cheating. Yes, t

Both men and women cheat, but the reasons are different. Men often cheat with great self-subjective will, and the motives and reasons for cheating are often relatively simple. Women, on the other hand, are restricted and affected by various factors and are not aware of cheating. If they accept it, they will not cheat easily. Most of the cheating is out of necessity, because it is forced by the outside world, and it is a helpless and passive act. There are many reasons, and the most common and common ones are three, then Do you know there are three main reasons why women cheat?

The first reason: women are overwhelmed by the burden of " widowed marriage and widowed parenting" and become unfaithful.

The word "widow" here is by no means the loss of a spouse, but a woman's encounter with a "widowed" marriage. The so-called "widowed" marriage means that one spouse ignores family responsibilities and obligations. Although there is a spouse, the married life is like being widowed. generally. Due to the influence of comprehensive factors, compared with women, men have unique advantages in social competition, which makes people require men to assume more responsibilities and obligations and play an important role in society and family, while women do their best to Complementary advantages with men.

becomes a perfect combination, which is also one of the important reasons for people to establish a marriage relationship. Usually couples can do this. Both parties perform their duties and do their best to make the marriage life harmonious and happy. This is the case in ordinary families, but In some families, men have no sense of responsibility and sense of responsibility. They are rarely able to fulfill their family responsibilities. They are unwilling to contribute to the family and cannot take charge of themselves to solve problems for their families. They just waste their time in a muddle-headed manner. They do not worry about anything all day long and do nothing. Regardless.

He keeps himself out of the family affairs. He puts everything at home and outside the house on his wife. The responsibility of raising children seems to have nothing to do with him. He thinks that it is all his wife's business. It seems that the whole family has little to do with him and all depends on his wife. When it comes to taking care of things, they never know how to help each other and share the burdens. They never think of understanding and being considerate of each other. They don’t know how to take care of each other. No matter how hard it is for their wives, they are indifferent and seldom communicate with their wives. They are relatively opposite when they are together. Speechless.

Being silent and speechless has become the norm. He treats his family indifferently, completely ignores and ignores his wife's existence, and rarely accompanies his wife and children. The family participates in activities together and faces things together. In the family, it feels as if the man does not exist or there is no such person. Likewise, it’s the same feeling as a widowed woman, but a woman is physically and mentally exhausted, overwhelmed, and completely disappointed in her marriage. Once she meets a man who is completely opposite to her husband and brings a completely different experience and feeling to herself, she will often be moved by him. Cheating.

The second biggest reason: the man a woman marries is "harmful and useless" and cannot bear the desperation and cheating.

Regarding the "widowed" type of marriage, although men are just decorations and dispensable, which makes women tired and exhausted, men will not cause humiliation or harm to men. However, some men behave better to women than in the "widowed" type. Marriage is even worse, making women intolerable. In some cases, the relationship between husband and wife is seriously imbalanced. The man is domineering at home and treats his wife as a subordinate, just like a master-servant relationship. He bosses his wife around, dispatching and driving at will. The man is overbearing and domineering at home, doing whatever he wants.

Everything is arbitrary, and the wife has no right to speak, or even the right to know. It is as if the wife does not exist. Everything must fully reflect her own wishes, without considering the wife's wishes and needs at all, and the wife has to suppress normal needs. It can be said that "only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps." There is no basic respect for the wife, which causes great insult and harm to the wife's personality and dignity. There are also some men with bad qualities who behave wildly outside and often create trouble for their wives.

His wife worries and worries about him all day long. She has some bad habits and bad habits that never arise. She creates troubles and conflicts at home, speaks harshly to her, or engages in various violent behaviors, which makes her fearful and uneasy all day long, causing harm to her body and mind. Huge harm, living in extreme pain, there are also some men who are not dedicated to their feelings, and are distracted and half-hearted all day long, stealing love and beauty outside, doing random things outside, cheating on their wives, cheating on their wives, and making other people feel sad. and mental damage.

Having such a bad man around is not only useless, but harmful. Having such a man is worse than not having one at all. Women feel sad and desperate about this. They always want to get rid of this tormenting environment. Once they find or meet the ideal man in their minds, As a man, you can respect, care for and treat yourself well, form a strong contrast between the front and back, and form a huge psychological contrast. You can easily be infected, warmed and moved by the other person, and you will desperately stay with the other person to get rid of and escape from a bad marriage. Experience feelings of happiness.

The third reason: Serious lack of women's needs leads to infidelity

People will be content with the status quo after their needs are fully satisfied. Even if they are not fully satisfied, when there is some deficiency, most people will suppress their needs and retreat. The next best thing is to accept the reality and have no obvious and strong will to change. Only when the needs are seriously lacking and you really want to get them, then you want to break through and change the status quo. This is also reflected in marriage. After some women get married, due to Various reasons lead to a woman's certain needs not being met for a long time, and she is very dissatisfied with this. If her desires exceed her reason, she lacks sufficient self-control.

will make up for it by cheating. For example, women value and care about the sentiment and romance in marriage, and hope to live a colorful and poetic life. However, men are not this type. As a result, life is like a pool of stagnant water, without any interest. It can be said that the life is far from what women expected, and women do not want to accept this fact, so they achieve it by cheating. Some women have rich and delicate feelings and hope to be accompanied and cared for by men, but some men do very poorly in this regard due to work or their own reasons.

If a wife has been neglected, neglected and neglected for a long time, the wife will feel lonely and feel that life is boring, so she is prone to cheating in search of emotional comfort. Some women also care about material enjoyment and are greedy for pleasure. They always hope that in marriage, men can fully meet their material needs. , but men do not have this ability and conditions, and are simply unable to provide the life that women want. Once they encounter superior conditions and have the ability to provide everything they need, they will not be able to withstand material temptations and will fall in love with others. These are the serious deficiencies in women's needs that lead to infidelity.