Author/Xiao Zhi In my life, I can always meet some people who discuss such topics with me: Is there pure friendship between boys and girls? I have found that the final results vary from person to person. In the world of some people, there is indeed a relatively innocent friendshi


In life, I can always meet some people who discuss such topics with me: Is there pure friendship between boys and girls?

I found that the final results vary from person to person.

In the world of some people, there is indeed a relatively innocent friendship with the opposite sex, but in the world of other people, the so-called pure friendship is just pretending to be confused. What kind of thoughts do you have in your heart? I definitely understand.

Some people even joke like this: The uglier each other looks, the purer the relationship can be.

is really not like this.

In fact, if you observe carefully, you will find that those who believe in pure friendship are very particular about distance when dealing with this opposite-sex friendship. It is this kind of emphasis that allows each other to retain their feelings. With a sense of purity.

On the contrary, if you don’t understand the sense of proportion in this process, even if it is a pure friendship at the beginning, it may deteriorate later and even become a particularly strange relationship - two people are obviously not lovers, but they act like a couple. some things.

Therefore, it is really important for each other to respect each other and maintain a good sense of proportion, especially when you have a significant other.

Believe it or not, when people of the opposite sex often talk about the following topics when getting along, it will be a matter of time before they cross the line.

01. Talk about the sad things in their past;

In everyone's life, there will inevitably be some sad things that you don't want to tell outsiders. These things are your weaknesses, but they can also be armor. You don't want more people to know. This is an effective means of protecting yourself.

Therefore, if a person of the opposite sex starts to talk about these past experiences with you, it can basically prove that you are a relatively important existence in the other person's heart, at least more trustworthy than ordinary friends.

Even if you don't have more tacit understanding at the beginning, this way of talking is undoubtedly a good way to cultivate a sense of tacit understanding - this is what you really need to know a person.

In the same way, when a person tells you these things, subconsciously, the other person's dependence on you will increase significantly again.

If under this premise, you also confide some things about yourself, the status of the two of you in each other's hearts at this time will become more important. As time goes by, if there is no ambiguity in this situation, I don’t think you believe it yourself. Among the people who came to consult me ​​in the

backend, I found that many people who had betrayed during love or marriage had one thing in common: they didn't think about betrayal at first, but they just felt depressed and wanted to find someone to talk to online. Then, the relationship between the two people was born unconsciously.

Regardless of men or women, human nature is common in many cases. You must not overestimate your own strength, nor overestimate the other person.

02. Talk about daily trivial matters;

Don’t underestimate this seemingly boring daily trivial matter, because what it represents is an endless desire to share. Just imagine, when you start to like someone, does it stem from a desire to share with the other person no matter what?

So, if you know someone of the opposite sex in life, and you find that the other person always sends you messages every day and shares his daily life with you, if you don’t mean to, it’s best not to pick up this topic, but if you just start out of If boredom or other thoughts take over, the consequences may be beyond your imagination.

One of my friends encountered such a thing.

She and her ex have been together since college. Logically speaking, their relationship is relatively stable, and they still love each other very much.

Until later, for some reasons, she and her ex were in a different place.

During this period, she once went to look for her ex and found that her ex was chatting very frequently with a girl, basically every day.She looked through the chat history. At first, the girl took the initiative to share some things. Her ex was also slow to reply, but then she also started to share some things about herself, such as what she had for lunch, and a song she listened to recently. What song? Wait.

In this regard, her ex's attitude was: We are just ordinary friends chatting, and we have nothing. If there is anything, why should I keep the chat history for you to see instead of deleting it directly.

She didn't find any direct evidence at the time, so she just let it go.

In the end, they broke up for some reasons, and the girl who seamlessly connected with her ex after the breakup was the girl who chatted with him every day.

If two people chat about little things in life every day, but still insist that they are just friends, they are really deceiving themselves, or some people just enjoy this vague ambiguity, even if They may not have what they want, but they definitely understand that the other party has intentions in their heart.

In relationships, no one is stupid, and there are not so many straight men and straight women. Some of the opinions are just a cover to cover up their true purpose.

03. Talk about each other’s emotional experiences;

In life, if you tell too much about your emotional experiences to a person of the opposite sex, you are essentially talking about your emotional outlook, and at this time, due to your self-position, you will be in a certain degree To beautify your own emotional outlook, so as to form a very good impression in the other person's mind.

As time goes by, when the other person meets other members of the opposite sex in life, they will inevitably secretly compare themselves with them, and it is easy to think that these members of the opposite sex cannot compare to the other person because of the preconceived mentality I mentioned earlier.

Furthermore, personal feelings are a relatively private topic, and are a kind of secret sharing. This is similar to the first point. If you talk too much, you will inevitably have different feelings in each other's hearts.

Therefore, if you have a significant other, it is also the most basic thing not to talk about your relationship views with other members of the opposite sex.

People who understand these principles are often able to handle their relationships with friends of the opposite sex more rationally.


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