When a couple was going through divorce proceedings, the husband hit his wife with his car and then ran over her twice, killing her. Netizens who have watched the video are all shocked, angry and thoughtful.

When a couple was going through divorce procedures, the husband knocked down his wife with his car and then ran over her twice, causing her death. Netizens who have watched the video are all shocked, angry and thoughtful.

The woman who passed away with regret was born after 2000, her husband was a beast, and she was just twenty-six years old this year. He was the one who fell in love with the woman at first, so he came to propose marriage and tracked her down. The woman gave birth to two children for him, who were taken care of by his grandparents.

My wife works outside all year round and only comes back during the holidays. After the couple had conflicts, they negotiated for divorce many times. This time it was the man who took the initiative to ask his wife to go through the divorce procedures.

Because there was something wrong with the man’s household registration, he had to wait a few days. As a result, after he came out of the government affairs hall, such a tragedy happened.

The car the man drove was bought by the couple with a loan. In the divorce agreement, the man once wrote that the woman was not allowed to see the children after the divorce. Later, he added that if the man treats the children badly, the woman can get back the custody rights. The two had many conflicts over the agreement.

According to common sense, if you can’t live any longer, you should leave when it’s time to leave. You shouldn’t cause such a shocking tragedy! To take a step back, even if the wife has done such and such wrong things and has two children, she is still the mother of the children after all. Can't she be cruel to her?

However, the bloody tragedy still happened! Many girls who are still waiting for marriage, many women who are preparing to enter the marriage hall, and many parents with precious daughters will definitely shudder and fall into deep thought.

Whose parents don’t hope that their daughter can find a husband who will be happy to her, and what woman doesn’t want to love her husband with equal respect and respect! The distance between ideal and reality is often thousands or even thousands of miles apart.

However, these real gaps and dissatisfactions will never lead to such an inhuman and shocking murder.

However, such a heart-wrenching, sad and angry marriage tragedy really happened in our world!

Poor woman, why didn’t she open her eyes at the beginning of her love? Why wasn't his true nature discovered? Why don’t the woman’s parents keep watch over their children?

just irresponsibly handed the girl over to a wolf, a man-eating wolf! Now, even if we beat it to death and cut it into pieces with a thousand cuts, can our lovely daughter come back?

What about the two growing women’s children? They need their mother's love and care!

The most important thing is, as parents, what should we think deeply about? What can you tell your children?