#On my first blind date, I invited the woman to eat fried noodles with eggs, but she blocked me the next day. Could it be that the noodles are not delicious? It’s not that the noodles are not delicious, it’s because I think you earn too little money and are stingy. . Women judge

Whenever a woman blocks a man, it means that the man is just like a stranger to her, has no value and is not worth continuing to associate with. In other words, the value is zero and of no use.

Women judge the value of a man based on whether he will be useful to her in the future. If he has zero value or no value, it is best to block him directly. Save time.

If a man knows that he has been blocked by his blind date, it means that he is of no use to women at all. No need to think too much.

The value of a man is to be useful to others. The more useful he is to others, the less he dares to block him.

When men are young, they are actually not suitable for falling in love. Because falling in love is a matter of consumption, spending money and time, but it has no effect. Being in a relationship for a long time wastes a lot of time and affects men in pursuing their careers.

The source of a man's charm is a successful career and fame. As long as there are these two things, women will take the initiative to pounce on him, unable to push him away at all, and will not go on a date with him first. After eating a bowl of fried noodles with eggs, he did not get any delicious food.

There is no need for men to focus on love. After having a meal like this and being blocked, I felt unhappy.

When you are young, time is too precious.

There is no need for a poor man to fall in love, it will have no effect, because without a high-income man, there will be no charm.

Men should work hard to make money when they are young instead of spending time falling in love.

When a man is young, he falls into love and wastes a lot of time. He is not happy eating with the opposite sex. Like this, being blocked the next day after meeting each other makes people feel very depressed.

But there is no way. The other party has judged that the man has no potential and is not worth dating at all.

At this time, I can only give up on this woman.

Men have low value, especially low survival value, and will be disliked by all women.

What a man should do most is to focus on his career and spend all his spare time on his career. When his career is successful, he will not be rejected if he falls in love again.