Su Xiaohong is 47 years old this year. She has a brother who is six years older than herself. Because her family's economic conditions are better than her brother's, she has been helping him over the years. According to Su Xiaohong's statistics, she has lent her brother a total o

Su Xiaohong is 47 years old this year. She has a brother who is six years older than herself. Because her family's economic conditions are better than her brother's, she has been helping him over the years.

According to Su Xiaohong's statistics, she has lent her brother a total of 310,000 yuan over the years. These are all recorded transfers. Su Xiaohong did not include other unrecorded or cash payments. Originally, Su Xiaohong had never thought of asking her brother for the money. She planned to wait for her brother to have money before returning it to her.

Later, when she saw that her brother often asked her for money in the name of her mother, and her tone became more and more natural, Su Xiaohong mentioned the loan of 310,000 yuan.

She originally thought that her brother would restrain himself, but she did not expect that when Su Xiaohong mentioned the loan, his brother actually denied it. She said that the money should be given by Su Xiaohong because her mother had been living in his house and provided her with basic necessities. His family is also responsible!

Thinking that she gave her mother so much money every year, and her brother actually said these words, Su Xiaohong asked her brother to settle the account with herself.

After being rejected by her brother, Su Xiaohong began to ask her brother to pay back the debts owed over the years. Later, when she saw that her brother still ignored her, Su Xiaohong and her husband directly took her brother to court.

After learning that he was being sued, his brother felt very angry. He sent his 70-year-old mother directly to Su Xiaohong's home and left the scene. He said that if his brother-in-law insisted on suing him, then the work of caring for the elderly would also be done by him in the future. My sister and brother-in-law are responsible!

Faced with her mother’s tearful dissuasion and her brother’s shirking of the responsibility of supporting the elderly, what choice will Ms. Su Xiaohong make?

In order to make her mother live a better life at her brother's house, Su Xiaohong would give her mother a sum of money every month. Su Xiaohong usually would not pursue her brother's excuses for asking for money from her!

Her father passed away due to illness in 2007. Then considering that it was inconvenient for her mother to live alone in her hometown, Su Xiaohong proposed that her mother move to her home. But unexpectedly, my brother also made this request at this time. He also wanted his mother to move to his home.

Faced with simultaneous invitations from her daughter and son, the mother finally chose to live with her son. Although she knew that she would have a very hard life in the future, she still made this decision without hesitation.

Su Xiaohong's sister-in-law has a very strong personality and cannot bear any loss. The reason why her mother does not go to live with Su Xiaohong is just to take care of her grandson.

knows that her parents have always favored her brother, but Su Xiaohong has still been very filial to her parents for so many years. She is very grateful to her parents for raising her and is relieved that many things happened in her childhood.

Seeing that her mother was unwilling to live in her home, Su Xiaohong never mentioned the matter again, but she would transfer 1,000 yuan to her mother every month. It was not until many years later, when my mother's legs and legs became inconvenient and her health began to deteriorate, that my brother proposed the idea of ​​sending her to Su Xiaohong's home.

The brother and sister-in-law had good reasons. He felt that his sister's family was large enough and she had enough time to take care of her mother. Su Xiaohong wanted to take her mother to live in her home. Although she was in very bad health at the time, she ultimately did not agree to the matter because she had to take into account the attitude of her husband and her parents-in-law. After all, her parents-in-law lived with her and there were many people at home. Two small children.

After my brother proposed to send his mother away, he was criticized by many relatives because her mother had helped him take care of his children for so many years and did housework for so long. Finally, in order to calm the matter, his brother told Su Xiaohong that what he said was a joke. !

Su Xiaohong didn't think her brother was joking. She knew that her brother was unwilling to support her mother, so in order to compensate her brother and make her mother live a better life at her brother's house, Su Xiaohong also tried her best to treat her brother as much as possible in her life. help.

In addition to transferring money to her mother once a month, she also shares her mother's additional expenses with her brother, such as the cost of her mother's illness and hospitalization, or the money to buy supplements.

Sometimes she knew that her brother did not spend so much money, or that there was no such expense at all, but Su Xiaohong would not care about it. She thought that it would be good for her mother to be happy, and there was no need to be unhappy with her brother for a little money.

Brother not only found various reasons to ask Su Xiaohong for money, he would also borrow money from Su Xiaohong. Every time he borrowed money, his brother would promise to repay as soon as possible, but every time he forgot about the repayment after getting the money. In 2020, Su Xiaohong counted that she lent her brother 310,000 yuan, all of which had transfer records.

In fact, it’s not that my brother has no money to repay the debt, but that he deliberately refuses to repay it. He has two properties in his name, and he also traded in a car worth more than 200,000 yuan in 2018!

At the beginning, his brother was restrained. As time went by, he found that after his sister stopped caring about him, she asked for money more and more often. Sometimes he could ask Su Xiaohong for money in the name of her mother every month. Five times money.

Seeing that her brother had asked her for money in a matter-of-fact manner, Su Xiaohong also responded. She deliberately mentioned the fact that her brother still owed her 310,000 yuan at the family gathering.

Su Xiaohong had no intention of asking her brother to repay the money immediately. She originally wanted to wait until her brother had money before asking him for it. However, after her brother denied the loan, Su Xiaohong proposed to recover the arrears.

This money is what you gave me to support the elderly, not what I asked you to borrow. After his brother said this, his sister Su Xiaohong started a fierce quarrel with him.

After coming to the door many times but failing to get her brother to acknowledge the loan, Su Xiaohong took out the transfer records and chat records, but her brother refused to acknowledge the loan.

Seeing that her brother was unwilling to admit the debt, Su Xiaohong didn't care. She directly took her brother to court. Her request was to get the debt back from him. Even though their mother has been trying to mediate the dispute, neither brother nor sister is willing to take the lead in giving in and compromising.

On May 21, 2022, after receiving the indictment , his brother sent his 70-year-old mother directly to Su Xiaohong's home. He said that if Ms. Su insisted on asking for the debt, she would be responsible for supporting her mother in the future. .

Her mother's tearful dissuasion and her brother's shirk of responsibility did not make Su Xiaohong compromise. Regardless of her mother's objections, she and her brother walked into the court to resolve the dispute.

On June 21, 2022, the loan dispute between Su Xiaohong and her brother was resolved in court. Because Su Xiaohong collected a lot of evidence to prove that her brother owed her 310,000 yuan, her brother was finally asked to pay off the debt. Considering that it was her brother, Su Xiaohong did not ask her brother to pay off the loan in one go, but gave him three years to repay.

As for her mother's subsequent support, Su Xiaohong has decided to let her mother live with her in the future, but her brother will have to pay a monthly alimony to her mother and share 50% of her mother's additional expenses.

Seeing that her brother ignored her, Ms. Su said this to her brother when leaving the scene: We both have equal responsibilities in supporting our mother. If you are not willing to pay alimony, I will not send my mother out of the house, but I will sue you without hesitation!