In the 1990s, after graduating from the Chinese Department of a junior college, I was assigned to teach in a township middle school. From then on, I was "eating from the national treasury" and everyone in the village envied me. I was introduced to Ma Jingjing through my female cl

htmlIn the 1990s, after graduating from the Chinese Department of a junior college, I was assigned to teach in a township middle school. From then on, I was "eating from the national treasury" and everyone in the village envied me.

I was introduced to Ma Jingjing through my female classmate. I went to the county town to attend a class reunion, and my female classmate brought her best friend Ma Jingjing and introduced her to me. From then on, I spent some of the most beautiful moments in my life with her.

Ma Jingjing is pure and beautiful, her eyes are as clear as blue waves, filled with a touch of warmth, and the curvature of the corners of her mouth is as perfect as a crescent moon, an angel's smile. Dress elegantly and be well groomed. I was indeed fascinated by her...

She works in the printing room of the County Highway Bureau. Her specific job is to print documents, and her work is relatively free. At that time, it was already very impressive to work in the county highway bureau.

Ma Jingjing and I made an appointment to meet every weekend. As soon as she goes out every weekend morning, she can see me standing at the entrance of the Highway Bureau waiting for her. Because after get off work on Friday, I hurried to the county seat by car, found a small hotel to stay, and waited to meet her on time the next morning.

At that time, we were a pair that was extremely enviable by others.

At that time, she liked me very much. She often bought me snacks and took good care of me. I often take her to dinner at her favorite restaurant; we often go to the movies, and I hold her hand in the movie theater. At that time, I was very happy and happy...

She said, there are thousands of men in the world, but I only love you.

I said, I will pamper you to heaven, then you will belong to me forever, and no one can take it away. I will love you forever and make you the most beautiful and happiest bride.

She said...

Half a year later, she told me, "I'm sorry, let's break up! I'm getting married." Her exit midway was like a bolt from the blue, leaving me puzzled.

From the initial struggle to stay, to the subsequent clearing of the clouds and breaking out of the fog. In the end, I got tired and had to let go, wishing her happiness!

Ma Jingjing finally wrote me a letter. After I summarized the content of the letter, it roughly has the following three points:

1. Why did we arrange to meet on Saturday morning? It was because of hope. I arrived in the county on Friday, found a hotel to stay in, and then invited her to stay with me. However, in the past six months, I have never invited her.

2. In the past six months, I just held her hand and never made any other move.

3. She thinks her appearance is okay and her conditions are good in all aspects, but I am too disciplined. She feels too tired...

I finally understand. In fact, I think I am respecting her. I have my own way of dating, but this way is too conservative.

The female classmate who introduced Ma Jingjing to me only said one sentence to me in the end: "Old classmate, you really deserve it! Go to hell with your respect... go to hell with your dating style..."

It is said that Ma Jingjing and her marriage partner were in The two decided to get married less than a week after they met.

Now, when I hear news about her, I will still pay attention and want to know how she is doing. When I hear that she is doing better than me and is going smoothly, I will silently bless her in my heart and hope that he can always be happy.

Now, I fully understand: different dating methods lead to different endings.

I am living a good life now...

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