Preface: Many old people do not want to be alone in their later years, so they will consider looking for a satisfactory wife. However, it is not that easy to find a wife. If the two people have different views, then it will not work. They will be together for too long, and some p

Beginning of the sentence

Many old people do not want to be alone in their later years, so they will consider looking for a satisfactory wife. However, it is not that easy to find a wife. If the two people have different views, then They won’t get along for too long, and some people finally understand after a few more partnerships that they must say something clearly before looking for a wife. Only in this way can they be happy. Let’s take a look at it next Here’s the story.

Narrator: Aunt Liang is 65 years old

I am 65 years old. My wife passed away eight years ago. Since my wife passed away, I have retired because I am no longer in the mood to work. Now I have a monthly pension of 4,000 yuan, and I also have a 90-square-meter house. This house was bought through hard work when my wife and I were together.

Although the house does not look very big, it is quite luxurious for me to live alone, and it also makes me feel very lonely. I don’t want to live such a life, it is too boring.

Although I am older, I don’t like to live alone. I like to play with a group of people and make friends. If I stay at home every day, I will really get sick, so I decided it would be better to find a wife.

After a week of blind date, I met my first wife, Lao Chen. Lao Chen is only two years older than me. We didn’t feel awkward when we got along, and we felt we had a lot in common. The topic is also that Lao Chen’s pension is 5,000 yuan a month higher than mine, and he also has a 120-square-meter house. It is very suitable for the two of us to be together, and the conditions are good in all aspects, so the two of us are like this Let's live together. When we first started working together with

, I thought Lao Chen was quite honest and down-to-earth. But after three months of getting along with him, I found that he was very stingy. I didn’t even give him a favor in three months. I spent the money, and I was even asked to repay him. Although I liked him and wanted to spend the rest of my time with him, I had comforted myself that we were all a family and there was no need to care so much, but no matter what I did It's useless to comfort me, because he is really too thick-skinned. His pension is obviously higher than mine, but he doesn't spend a penny in life. I have never seen such a stingy person. man.

I feel very tired living with such a man, and I feel that relationships are the same in both directions. If it is just one-sided, I don’t think it is necessary. It would be too tiring. In the end, it would be better to live alone. So I chose to break up with him. After

broke up with Lao Chen, I quickly found Lao Zhou. The difference between him and Lao Chen was that he was quite generous. Moreover, I proposed to him that if the two of them wanted to live together, then they would have to The AA system can't just cost me money, and he agreed, so I thought he was pretty good, at least he didn't make me suffer financially, so I decided to give him a try.

I thought that Lao Zhou and I would be happy, and our partnership would last longer, but I didn’t expect that I would be disappointed in the end, because after I got together with him, I went to his house and found that his whole family was living together. I also understood why he wanted to find a wife, and he also promised me an AA deal. I think he just tricked me into going home first, and then asked me to take care of his family. I wouldn’t be that stupid. At this age, I just want to live a quiet life and don’t want to live with others. It’s such a hassle. And I also just want to find someone to accompany me and take care of me, but I have never thought about living with a family. Not long after that, I still chose to get angry. After

and Lao Zhou separated, I was a little disappointed with men, and I also thought that I should forget it and stop looking for them. After these two cases, I also discovered the real intention of some men looking for their wives. However, my friend introduced me to Lao Li. He told me that Lao Li was a special teacher, and he was different from the previous two who became my wives. He asked me to try to get along with him.

I didn’t want to agree at first, but when they introduced me so enthusiastically, I was embarrassed to refuse, so I tried to get along with Lao Li. If it wasn’t suitable, forget it. Later, Lao Li also impressed me. Yes, because he took good care of me and even handed over his pension to me every month. I was very touched and felt that I must have met the right person this time, so I decided to give Lao Li a chance. , the two of us lived together.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. After I got angry with Lao Li, half a year later I discovered Lao Li’s big secret, that is, he suffered from a heart disease. I was very angry when I found out about this. , angry about why he didn’t tell me before the two of us got together. If I didn’t know, I would never be with him, because I couldn’t take care of a heart patient, so I was under a lot of pressure. I felt like he was cheating. He hated me, so I broke up with him angrily.

After experiencing these several failed partner lives, I have also thought clearly. If we want to live a happy life as a partner, we must say these ugly words first. Only by saying these ugly words in advance can our later life be better. Live happily.

No. 1: Be sure to make a deal after you start a relationship

Most women know that some men cheat when they start a relationship. At the beginning, they say well that they will not make the woman feel wronged and will give her pocket money for living expenses and so on. Women coax you around, but once they get it, they will do all kinds of tricks and refuse to pay living expenses for various reasons. Moreover, some men clearly have pensions, but they just don’t give them to women. So for such men, you must tell them in advance I really want the AA system, and I must not let myself suffer.

Second: She is not your free nanny. Don’t think about asking a woman to take care of your whole family.

Some men are really over the top. They obviously had the opportunity to tell who else was living with them in their family before they got together, but they just didn’t make it clear. He waits for someone to be with him before telling them, and asks them to take care of him and his family at the same time. Such a man is really too much. He is living with you and asked you to take care of him. You are not here to take care of your whole family, and you have no obligation to do so. Don’t expect others to take care of your whole family.

Third: Before you get together, you must clearly explain your physical problems.

Although no one wants to get sick, since you are sick, you have to accept it. You can’t hold back on the people you like. If you make it clear to them before you get together, , if people really like you, they will accept you. If you cheat them, they will not only dislike you, but also hate you. So before you start a relationship, don't hide your physical problems from the people who like you.


Maybe you can live a happy life in your later years if you put the ugly words in front of you. If you don't say anything, you will be like the heroine, who broke up one after another, but still didn't find a suitable partner, and finally had no choice but to die. Anyway, so it’s better to be more cautious when it comes to feelings, what do you think?