Don't love someone who makes you cry, love someone who makes you laugh. It takes several relationships, or an unforgettable relationship, before you can realize this. We are always confident about what we can't get, and we don't cherish what we get. Most of the time, we are obses

Don't love someone who makes you cry, love someone who makes you laugh.

It takes several relationships, or an unforgettable relationship, before you can have such an awareness.

We are always confident about what we can’t get, and we don’t cherish what we get. Most of the time, we are obsessed with the things we can’t get, knowing that there will be no results, and knowing that the other party is deliberately playing hard to get, but you still want to give it a try.

even knows that he will not give you a future, but you still have to continue because you like it.

Rather than being suitable, you want someone you like more. Even if it is hard to chase him along the way, at least he is someone who makes you laugh when you see him.

If you don't like it, if you don't have a good impression, you won't want to get in touch with anyone no matter how suitable you are.

Later, the person you have been chasing for a long time finally becomes someone else. The thought, energy and time you spent on it make you no longer willing to contact new people.

is not a proactive person, because the other person was proactive at first and said a lot of sugar-coated words about love. In the sweet pink bubble atmosphere, you fell in love with him, but the other person's plan ran away in a hurry.

first said that she loved her, but then refused to give up. From time to time, she took out the sugar-coated bullets given to her in the past and complained about why the other party suddenly stopped sending sugar. She was immersed in the atmosphere of the past and walked away. Not coming out.

You will realize that relationships don’t actually need to be so hard. Love makes people feel happy, not immersed in sadness.

Later on, you meet someone who says he loves you very much and makes you laugh.

You will make trouble unreasonably from time to time; if the other person does something that makes you unhappy, you will put on a bad face; when you are in a bad mood, you can not talk to him or her for a whole day, and all your emotions will be expressed on your face...

No matter how you make trouble, he will come over to coax you and make you laugh every time. He will also carefully say to you afterwards, "It's so scary when you are angry and don't speak. I'm most afraid of you not speaking. Can you stop being angry in the future?" not talking".

Because you are afraid, you will be injured completely before giving your sincerity, so you test his sincerity and patience. You show your worst side to see how he accepts it.

Later, if you think about it carefully, what is the meaning of falling in love and deciding to live with someone? Isn't it just for fun?

In the past, you were always afraid that the other person would leave, or that there would be no results. You would rush into a love relationship with the idea of ​​getting married, but the other person only wanted to accompany you for a journey.

You have worked hard every step you take, and you have set many rules for yourself in your relationship. For example, if you are in love, you must get married, and you cannot be a guest in your own home until you are married.

Now you have removed many rules and regulations, and no longer think about the results. You go into love with the idea of ​​"no matter what happens in the future, at least, I am happy now", and you live a very happy life instead.

No matter what life is like now, or what will happen in the future, live the present moment first, because in the "present" life, you will experience a lot together. How you face it and how you get through it will be witnessed along the way.

So, you can think about the future, but don’t think too much. Live it as you please. You don’t know who you will meet in the future and what will happen in the future. It’s all in the future.

This life is still so long, who you are with is very important, and being happy is also very important.

Love someone who makes you laugh. Many people can make you cry, but few can make you laugh after wiping your tears. There are many people who say they love you, but few can love you all the time.

When I see you, I smile; when I see you, I smile. The same words in form two sentences with completely different meanings.

When I see you, I smile. It’s because he loves you and he has you in his heart, which makes you happy. When I see you, you smile. It’s the person you love. When you see him, you smile.

The person who makes you cry is the person you love; the person who makes you laugh is the person who loves you the most! But often we foolishly choose the person who makes us cry.

Don't be such a fool from now on. If you want to love, love someone who smiles when he sees you and makes you smile when he sees you.