Text/Feiyu Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, life reaches middle age. Only after middle age did I realize that we are actually blessed by God to have brothers and sisters. At any time, loved ones are the most important. Apart from our parents, our brothers and sisters are


Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, life reaches middle age.

Only in middle age did I realize that we are actually blessed by God to have brothers and sisters. At any time, loved ones are the most important.

Besides our parents, our brothers and sisters are our closest relatives, and blood ties are forever separated.

After a person reaches middle age, the relationship between brothers and sisters should not become estranged, but should become stronger. Because our parents are old, we must work together to take care of our parents and maintain this big family.

Brothers and sisters should not have a harmonious relationship, but should be supportive and tolerant.

So if you want brothers and sisters to live in harmony, what should you do?

First, while living your own lives, don’t forget to have close contacts.

In fact, after middle age, brothers and sisters start their own families and have their own lives and families.

After we live our own lives, we should not forget our brothers and sisters. We should live in wealth and honor without forgetting each other.

Brothers and sisters still have close contact with each other. As brothers, they may no longer live together and have their own house. As sisters, they may have married off and formed a family with others.

However, no matter whether we are living well or not, we should not dislike it. Brothers and sisters work together and help each other. This is the best family tradition and blessing for this family. Even if one day the parents are gone, seeing their children have such a harmonious relationship, they will Nine springs with smiles.

Among the brothers and sisters, if your own life is good, others will naturally feel happy, but don't look down on other brothers and sisters just because you are living a good life. Keep in touch with each other more, and share any good things and whatever they encounter. Things should be discussed and resolved together, especially when it comes to parents. Don't push it to me, I'll push it to you. Only by thinking of ways and working together can the family become a good place.

Second, brothers and sisters should not complain about their parents, but understand that their parents are not perfect either.

Maybe in a big family, parents will be a little partial. In fact, no one can achieve a permanent balance. We need to be more tolerant, more understanding, and more tolerant.

Parents are not perfect. In fact, they only look at which child has the worst life, and just give them more help, but they love every child the same in their hearts.

Maybe sometimes we don’t get too much care from our parents, but we shouldn’t complain about our parents because of this, let alone be jealous of our brothers and sisters who are helped by their parents.

In fact, we have hands and feet, and it is best to be able to live our own lives without relying on our parents or others.

Everyone has weaknesses. We understand that parents sometimes favor one child over another, so we don’t have to hold it against them, let alone have trouble with our siblings.

In fact, when you are middle-aged and you are a parent yourself, you should be able to understand.

When facing brothers and sisters, be more tolerant, and if you have the ability, help your parents to take care of your brothers and sisters who are not doing well. Be a kind and dignified person, and you will always be treated well.

Brothers and sisters will also remember your love, thus cherish you more, and the relationship will be more harmonious.

Third, talk well without arguing.

Brothers and sisters must live in harmony. Whatever happens, they must talk to each other and avoid quarreling.

In fact, there must be conflicts, but we cannot have overnight feuds, but resolve them in time, talk things out, and don't let misunderstandings get deeper and deeper.

Especially after parents are gone, brothers and sisters are the closest people to you in the world. No matter who they are or what they do, don’t ignore each other, but actively help them.

When encountering a matter of profit, don't just care about your own interests and ignore brotherhood, and make a fuss. You feel that the other party has taken too much, and you are not balanced in your heart and want to fight for it back.

Between relatives, there is nothing to argue about. You must discuss it carefully, talk well, be more harmonious, distribute money and interests clearly, and do not let external things affect the brotherhood.

Getting along with brothers and sisters is actually not that difficult. Be more considerate, understand and support more, be more tolerant and accepting, care less and complain less, relax your heart, and have love in your heart, then the family will be happy. .

is written at the end:

In fact, brothers and sisters are a fate and a person's blessing. When brothers and sisters live a good life, we don’t have to be jealous or envious. We must know that life is always dependent on ourselves. What kind of life we ​​live and what kind of future we have are all achieved through our own efforts. Don’t be embarrassed by your brothers and sisters. Have a good time.

On the contrary, we want to bless our brothers and sisters who are doing well and be happy in our hearts, which is the best support we can give them as a family.

Human hearts are made of flesh, especially between brothers and sisters, blood relationship is the best connection. No matter how difficult or poor life is, we must interact with each other, help and support each other, know how to be grateful, and remember each other's goodness. No need to compare or compare, living in harmony is the best blessing in life.