I read an article many years ago. It was very realistic and heartbreaking to read. It said that if a man reaches middle age and still squeezes into buses and takes the subway all day long, then he must be a failure in life. After reading it, I fell into deep thinking and became t

html I read an article more than 0 years ago. It was very realistic and heart-wrenching to read. It said that if a man reaches middle age and still squeezes into buses and takes the subway all day long, then he must be a failure in life. After reading it, I fell into deep thinking and became the motivation for me to continue to work hard in the future.

20 years ago, due to the nature of my work, I had to squeeze into buses and subways every day. Only those who have experienced this kind of distress will understand, especially during the rush hour of commuting, you will realize the importance of physical fitness. Although I am from the north Although I am a man, I have a southern build and am relatively thin, so I am intimidated by things like squeezing into a car. And I secretly made up my mind that I could not live like the man in that article.

So, two years later, I resigned and started a business. I won’t go into too much detail about the hardships involved. Three years after starting the business, although I didn’t make a lot of money, I had the ability to buy a car. After taking the driver’s license test, I became a business owner. The people who own cars have truly said goodbye to buses and subways. This farewell lasted for more than ten years.

Later, when I moved to Tibet, I sold my car. In fact, it was also to raise funds again. This time I moved into an industry that was completely unfamiliar to me. When I work in catering, I cannot avoid food delivery, so I must have an electric car. , although I have never ridden it, I feel that it is just like a bicycle and should not be difficult. After I decided to do catering, I had to learn it as soon as possible.

Just like that, I walked into a specialty store, and the waiter started various introductions. I insisted on my request, which was to be small and light. It was not because of anything else, but because it was too big for me to handle. It fell down, and it was too hard to help me up. I finally chose the smallest one and spent more than a thousand yuan. I said goodbye to the female clerk and I pushed the car and walked boldly home. The female clerk was confused and reminded me. In one sentence, this new car has a new battery and it has electricity. Why don’t you ride it? I turned around and said loudly and awkwardly: I don't know how yet. Then, the store and outside were filled with joyful laughter.

After implementing it all the way, I returned home, picked up the instruction manual, and read it carefully. For the sake of safety, I decided to go out to practice late at night. There were many people and cars during the day, so problems could easily occur.

Finally, everyone fell asleep. There were almost no pedestrians on the road. Occasionally, I could see a car speeding by. I stayed close to the curb and started practicing. As expected, mastering balance is not a big problem. The problem is The ability to control speed is actually the same as learning to drive a car. If you can't control the throttle well, you'll be scurrying back and forth. Just like this, after several hours of careful practice, it's no longer a big problem. What makes me proud is that in the process, I Never fell down.

Everything is not difficult once you learn it, but it is not difficult at all. Learning anything requires a process. Some people always like to laugh at others, but forget how embarrassed they were when they first practiced.

Later, the electric cars were not included in the mix, and the business ended in failure again. In desperation, I started to look for a job. I heard that it was possible to deliver express delivery, but when I asked, I needed to know how to ride a tricycle. Tricycle? It's much more difficult than an electric bike. I've only tried it once before. As soon as I got on it and accelerated, it would run to one side without control, and finally hit a wall. I never dared to ride it again.

Based on my current driving skills and level, I had no choice but to join the food delivery team. After working for half a year, I didn't make much money, but I experienced ups and downs again and again, which made me deeply and painfully understand the hardships of the bottom class. Where is the future path for

? Now I don’t even think about it, because after going through ups and downs, I have looked down on everything. Success in a person’s life depends not only on hard work, but also on other factors that an individual cannot control.