A few years ago, Binbin, the son of Ba Jin's good friend, was diagnosed with terminal heart disease. Ba Jin had visited many times, but during each visit, even though Ba Jin was very concerned, he never asked his friend about Bin Bin's condition. All he did was hold his friend's

A few years ago, Ba Jin’s good friend’s son Binbin was diagnosed with terminal heart disease.

Ba Jin has visited many times, but during each visit, even though Ba Jin was very concerned, he never asked his friends about Bin Bin's condition.

What he did was just hold his friend's hand silently and stay by his side quietly.

Later, when faced with the thanks from his friends, Ba Jin just said calmly:

"It's nothing, I just happen to be free to accompany you."

Some people are nice to you and wish they could say it a thousand times, but Some people are nice to you, but they silently make every detail impeccable.

Napoleon once said:

"If you know how to put yourself in someone else's shoes and can truly look at problems from the perspective of others, the world is yours."

You will find that people with extraordinary patterns in life can always do things that they know nothing about. Ask, see through and say nothing.

No matter how good the relationship is, they will not lose their balance. No matter how big the matter is, they will not lose their position.

This is a kind of great wisdom, and it is also a rare transparency.

Details are in the details, and only by focusing on small things can you win people's hearts and cultivate a big picture.

The breadth of a person's mind and the height of his vision reflect the size of his pattern.

The size of the pattern determines the quality of his life.

In a bicycle race in Spain, rider Esteban unfortunately suffered a puncture when he was only 300 meters away from the finish line. He could only carry the bicycle and run to the finish line.

The opponent Navarro who followed closely did not overtake him. Instead, he braked and slowed down and followed slowly.

In the end, Esteban won the bronze medal, and Navarro did not get any medals.

Esteban thought about giving the medal to Navarro, but he declined.

This game is not about winning or losing, but about the pattern.

A person with a great mind, acts openly and aboveboard, and is sympathetic to his opponents.

They are rational and calm, and do not dwell on temporary success or failure. Instead, they work hard on themselves and look to the future.

The higher the vision, the more majestic the behavior; the broader the mind, the more things can be accommodated.

A person's mind often determines how much he can do.

And a person's first reaction when encountering trouble can best reflect his mind.

Physicist Professor Ding Zhaozhong, during the question-and-answer session of a public academic report, answered students' questions with three words: " doesn't know ."

, the winner of the Nobel Prize for , "knew nothing about everything", which deeply surprised everyone present.

But his expression was natural and sincere. There was no pretentiousness that he knew he didn't say, nor was there any pretentiousness about it.

Later, he explained that because the question was beyond the scope of his scientific research, he could not answer it. Mr. Ting Zhaozhong's academic achievements are already admirable, and coupled with his frankness and humility when encountering difficulties, it is even more convincing.

There are always some people in life who either talk about things to improve their status or become angry because they are afraid of losing face.

As everyone knows, really important people behave with an open mind when encountering problems, and use an empty cup mentality to absorb the wisdom of others.

Come to think of it, whether it is work or life, we need to look at ourselves objectively and treat others humbly.

When you have a broad mind, the future will naturally be vast.

- END -

Source: Xinhua Night Reading | Anchor: Liang Wei

Submission email: hbchanganbei@163.com

Column planner: Zhang Xiao Zhang Fade

Editor of this issue: Zheng Jinfei Li Dongyang