Young people always feel that aging is a distant thing, but for the elderly, every day may be torture. Because people are old, it is difficult to move, and they cannot keep up with their thinking. It is troublesome to even go out. They cannot go up and down the stairs. They have

Young people always feel that aging is a distant thing, but for the elderly, every day may be torture.

Because people are old, it is difficult to move, and they cannot keep up with their thinking. It is troublesome to even go out. They cannot go up and down the stairs. When riding in the car, they have to wear reading glasses to read for a long time...I can't do anything. Lilisuosuo.

It was better in the past. It was not the smart era. As long as you had money in your pocket, the road was right under your nose. But nowadays, people are indifferent, and everyone cannot do without their mobile phones wherever they go.

As people get older, their ability to accept new things is getting worse and worse, so they are less and less afraid to go out, and they are at a loss for every little thing. Maybe it would be better if my children were with me. If it is DINK family , who can we rely on?

I have to say that this is a very serious social issue.

Some people say that couples who accompany each other may not fit into this era, but at least there is someone in front of them, which will always be much better. But life is impermanent. If one party dies before you, who can you still count on at that time?

There is a relative in the family. His wife passed away a few years ago and he has no children.

He has lived a free life without having to bear the heavy burden of raising children. He often feels that why do his neighbors bother to raise so many children and burden himself?

The neighbors have nothing to say to him. After all, who can guarantee that one day in the future, he will not rely on his children? Relatives disagreed. He thought it would be good to have his wife to take care of him, but he did not expect that when he was sixty years old, an illness took his wife away.

For a while, my relatives were depressed. It's not that he has deep feelings for his wife, but that from now on, no one can take good care of him in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Later, his relatives thought about it and found many women around him, but most of them did not last long.

You know, old people have their own plans in marriage and love. After everyone got together, they broke up if they couldn't achieve their goals.

After struggling for several years, my relatives gave up. After all, my health was getting worse day by day and I was getting older.

I am widowed and childless. When I am lying in bed unable to move, who can I rely on? This is a pressing question for relatives.

A relative remembered a nephew from the same clan. He was very popular when he was young. The relative took good care of his nephew because he had no children. Not only do I give her some delicious and fun things on a daily basis, I also take great care when my nephew needs money to study.

So he discussed with his nephew whether he could take care of himself in his old age, and he left all his property to him. However, the nephew's words chilled the relatives.

He said: "I now have a house loan, a car loan, a child to take care of, and I have to take care of four elderly people in the future. The pressure is unbearable. You can take care of me if you want. Please help me now, and I will go to the nursing home more often. It’s up to you.”

Actually, it’s not like the relative has never considered going to a nursing home in the future, but he gave up after investigating.

Because nursing homes are not as beautiful as imagined, and the lonely elderly people in nursing homes who have no one to visit often have the worst life. Not only are they mentally tortured, but it is also difficult to take good care of their daily lives.

Although he relied on his nephew and promised to visit him in a nursing home in the future, he was not reliable after all.

At this time, the relatives were obviously helpless.

When a person gets old, the most terrifying thing is that his partner leaves first and he is left alone without his children by his side.

It’s okay if you can take care of yourself, but if one day you lie in a hospital bed and can’t take care of yourself, who can you really rely on?

This relative's problem is indeed difficult to solve. It is highly likely that he will go to a nursing home. But as to whether he can be protected for the rest of his life, it can only be said to be a chance.

Thinking about it, it’s actually quite sad.

What do people want in this life? What seemed like a vigorous life turned out to be endless suffering in his later years.

In the past, people often said that raising children will prevent old age.

Modern people have become more ideologically aware and no longer place their hopes on their children for old age care. They have even come up with various ways of providing for the elderly. But which one can really stand the test and be implemented?

is really hard to say. And most people still choose to rely on their children in the end, after all, this relationship is the most real.

Blood relations will always have more feelings and responsibilities than hired nannies or nursing home caregivers.

Therefore, it is necessary to put more thought into the education of children when they are young, not only to cultivate their learning ability, but also to give them correct guidance in their three views of thinking and teach them a grateful heart.

Perhaps, for most families, this is the best pension method at this stage.

In this life, gains and losses are often balanced.

Those families without children have less responsibilities and obligations when they were young and have been relaxed for a lifetime. They must make proper retirement plans for themselves before they reach old age.

Don't wait until you really need to be taken care of, and then be in a hurry and know what to do.

As for who you can rely on, the first choice is your partner. Secondly, everyone's situation is different, and the results are also different.

But generally speaking, it is more reliable to rely on emotional support for old age care.

After all, no matter how rich you are, what's the use of money when one day you can't even sign the words that determine your own destiny?

In the final analysis, it is all sad.