When I was young, I always thought falling in love was easy. As long as two people are in love, each other can protect this love, and holding hands can last a lifetime. But as I grow older, I realize that living with two people in a house, three meals and four seasons for a lifet

When I was young, I always thought that falling in love was easy.

As long as two people are in love, each other can protect this love, and holding hands can last a lifetime.

But as I grow older, I find that living with two people in a house, three meals and four seasons for a lifetime is actually a very luxurious thing.

There will always be some love, which has been separated before it goes far; there will always be some love, the love reaches the depths, but it is found that each other cannot stay together.

Love in the world is like the bright moon in the sky, waxing and waning, and there are more or less regrets.

I like someone but cannot get together in the end due to various reasons. This is the saddest thing in life.

After breaking up, how to put an end to the relationship is also a question that many people feel confused about.

Some people, once they fall in love, may never get out of it.

Because he was reluctant to let go of the beauty in his relationship, he always recalled the time when the two of them got together. As time went by, it became an obsession.

In my heart, it is obviously a thorn that may prick me at any time. But he couldn't bear to pull it out, and he could only let himself get hurt continuously.

It is said that obsession is the most harmful thing, it leads you step by step into the abyss.

Qingyu Luanniao in "Acquaintance with Jun" originally wanted to live an unrestrained life with her beloved, but due to Ning Qing's calculation, she and Ning Ruochu were separated.

She was trapped in the ten square formation and waited for him for more than a thousand years, but she never saw you.

Qingyu Luanniao initially waited with joy, but gradually turned into hating and complaining about him.

Thousands of years of waiting stem from the obsession for Ning Ruochu. However, when she regained her freedom, she was told that Ning Ruochu had passed away long ago.

I have been suffering for so many years, just to see him again one day, whether I love him or hate him, to put an end to each other, but there is no such opportunity.

In the end, the blue-feathered Luan bird flew away in the wind, but there was still a bird that looked exactly like her in the ten square formations.

It turns out that it was a possessed demon. In order to maintain inner stability and prevent damage to his spiritual practice, the big demon stripped away emotions such as great worry and great joy, which were equivalent to the waste produced by the body.

These emotions are so strong that they can be transformed. In fact, this is what we call obsession.

After giving up his obsession, Qingyu Luanniao finally put an end to thousands of years of hatred and resentment, guarding and hoping, as well as boundless expectation and loneliness.

Letting go is equal to rebirth.

Only by achieving this step can we abandon the past and move forward easily.

Because not everyone can get everything going as they wish in this world. Gains and losses are the normal state of life.

It’s painful to not be able to love, but holding on to your obsession will hurt you for a lifetime.

Instead of living in resentment, it is better to choose another way to let yourself and the other person go.

Comparatively, loving someone is far easier to get relief than hating someone.

If you can't be together in the end, wave and say "goodbye" generously, smile and wish the other person new happiness.

Only in this way can you get out of the old relationship and start a new life.

Because living in the past and clinging to obsessions can only drain your emotions and turn you into an unrecognizable person.

Even you find it annoying.

There is never a so-called right or wrong in emotional matters, it all depends on your own feelings.

Since we can't be together, it means that we don't have this fate. If we let go, we might see a more beautiful scenery.

If you insist on forcing it, it will be bad. In the end, both of you will be exhausted, and the remaining feelings will be exhausted, leaving only resentment for each other.

Instead of leaving no trace of the good things behind, so that one day in the future, when our eyes meet, ice will freeze in our eyes, it is better to get together and relax. Maybe one day we meet again, we can smile and ask "how are you".

Writer Wu Danru said that there is no need to talk about the length of love. The moment of sincerity is eternal.

We have loved each other and had each other. Even if we fail to achieve our final wish, it is enough.

The more you want too much, the faster you lose it.

Mr. Yang Jiang said that no matter what the relationship is, if the love is exhausted, the fate will come to an end. Blame the mistake on yourself and exit politely. Give yourself back to yourself and give others back to others. Let the flowers become flowers and the trees become trees. From now on, we will pass through mountains and rivers, and we will never meet each other again. I hope that in the next life, I will not see, owe, or think about them.

Being able to look at the people you once loved and get the happiness you want is your pattern and it is also a relief for yourself.

If you do this, you will win your life.

You must know that love is just an episode in life, just like the blooming and falling of flowers, this is a normal and natural phenomenon.

And life is like a flower blooming and falling, there is splendor when the flower blooms, and there is also desolation when the flower falls.

Only in the midst of gains and losses can we see through the whole life.