In 2020, my daughter graduated from graduate school, and her roommates also went their separate ways. This time I shared a house with a roommate who had also found a job in New York.

My daughter graduated from graduate school in 2020, and her roommates also went their separate ways. So I started looking for a house again. This time I shared a house with a roommate who had also found a job in New York. Both girls are very disciplined people, so they chose each other to be roommates. That girl is also a Guangdong girl, a top student in undergraduate studies and a graduate student with almost perfect scores of and .

Later, I found a two-bedroom apartment in the Upper East Side (which is said to be a low-key, old-fashioned wealthy area with many galleries), and I liked it very much. It was a recession during the epidemic, and the rent was very cost-effective. The apartment cost 2,700 yuan in total, which equaled 1,350 knives per person. And the room has a small balcony and French doors.

reminds me of the heroine in a popular TV series whose wish is to have a house with a balcony in Shanghai.

I'm not sure whether this is the furniture they want to move or the daughter's belongings

they want to get rid of. Looking at these photos is still a bit sad.

My daughter showed off her book to me.

came to the present after another 2 years. My daughter’s best friend and roommate has changed jobs and is moving to another city. The daughter began to look for her third "home". The rental market in New York is booming this year, with rents rising sharply. My daughter finally found an acceptable price, a small studio for 2,500 yuan. This time the rent has doubled. Fortunately, she has received five or six salary increases in the two years she has been working. (At the same time, all the salary increase was used to pay the rent.)

It has heating and air conditioning

Studio is a small suite with a kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms.

There is also a small bar

My daughter finally rented her own house and ended the shared life.

My daughter has been in New York for 4 years, and now she is heading to the next 2 years. The order of rent is: 1,250 knives (2018-2020), 1,350 knives (2020-2022), 2,500 knives (2022-).