Looking at all kinds of life, regardless of wealth or poverty, education or education, everyone has to go through certain processes in this world, such as getting married and having children. Of course, there are also people who are unwilling to take this path, so that’s another

Looking at all kinds of life, regardless of rich or poor, regardless of education and education, everyone has to go through certain processes in this world, such as getting married and having children. Of course, there are also people who are unwilling to take this path, so that’s another matter. Once you get on this path, the rest of your life is pretty much the same.

Some people enter this process very early. With a young and healthy body, it is relatively easy for them to have children, and they will soon have a baby. But for those who are busy with their careers and put childbearing behind them, they will suffer a certain amount. Life is not about getting whatever you want, but you won't get what you care about.

I saw a video today. A 43-year-old pregnant woman with gray hair was pregnant with triplets. The doctor asked her to terminate the pregnancy . She felt very sad and wanted to keep the baby in her belly for a few more days, but conditions did not allow it. She suffered from gestational diabetes and was afraid of the impact on the child.

She and her husband both have Ph.D. degrees and were busy with their careers. It was only when they were 35 that they wanted to have a child to accompany the growth of their life. However, she unfortunately miscarried during her first pregnancy. She discovered a genetic mutation in her second pregnancy at 26 weeks, and had another miscarriage. This time she was 43 years old, and she was pregnant with triplets, and they were identical, which was even more difficult.

She had to take insulin four times a day to control her blood sugar. Anyone who is pregnant knows that it is difficult to have one child, let alone three children. She has endured a lot. But for the sake of her children, she persisted until she could hold on no longer. Women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong. Fortunately, the children were born safely, and she was also safe.

For every woman, becoming a mother has to go through the same process. When you have a child, you have to consider the children. Your life seems to have become a kind of soil, providing the children with the nutrients they need. .

The previous efforts and goals seemed to have suddenly disappeared, and everything in my heart and eyes became like children. The growth of a life cannot be separated from the soil and watering. Parents must devote their efforts and sweat to nourish and warm this little life.

Children are the future and the goal we strive for. This is how life continues from generation to generation. Only human beings can thrive and thrive. This is an eternal truth.

Since I had a child, although I no longer have an enviable job and can’t stand in front of others glamorously, my heart has been full of strength since then. I am the source of my child’s strength and her only support. In her young heart , I am everything to her. Just imagine, who in the world would care and depend on you like this.

I used to always think about the meaning of life, whether it was to have food and clothing, to be prominent in front of others, and to have a few taels of silver. But would I be happy if I really got these things?

Who are you working hard to make money in life for?

Who doesn’t want their children to have enough food and clothing, who doesn’t want their children to be successful, and who doesn’t want their children to be prominent? We all place our dreams and pursuits on our children, hoping that they will live up to our ideals.

Although the road of life is short, it is full of various emotions, rich and colorful, making people painful and happy.

The road ahead is long and unpredictable, so focus on doing what you can do, and the rest may be arranged by yourself. Since the paths of life are all similar, it is better to experience it earlier. If it is too late, there will be regrets and sadness. Don't wait until you have gray hair before you remember to do what you should do with black hair.

remembered the poem in "Golden Threaded Clothes": "Flowers have to be broken when they bloom, but don't wait until there are no flowers to break branches." You need to get married and have children as early as possible, and don't let your life have regrets.