Finally, after asking questions several times and getting no answers, the two of them chose to remain silent and stopped contacting each other quietly and decently. No one said anything about breaking up, and there was no contact anymore. The tacit understanding between adults th

Finally, after asking questions several times and getting no answers, the two of them chose silence at the same time, and stopped contacting each other quietly and decently.

No one said goodbye, and there was no contact.

The tacit understanding between adults that does not need to be cultivated is that you don't say anything, I don't say anything, and we suddenly become strangers.

This is not the way I want to handle it, but I have to do it.

In the past, he would share every little thing with you, pictures + videos, but I don’t know since when, even his replies have become brief.

In the past, he would ask you every day what you were doing and whether you missed me. I don’t know when it started, but I never mentioned it again.

In the past, he would tell you that he misses you and loves you many times every day, and he would also keep asking you "Do you love me or not? Do you miss me?", for fear that you wouldn't like him anymore. I don't know when he started, but he never listened to you again. I have heard these two sentences.

In the past, if you went out to dinner with someone of the opposite sex, he would ask you many times, "Who? Male or female? What's the relationship? When will it end? Don't drink." I don't know since when, even if you drank and took photos and posted them on WeChat, the other person would I won't ask any more questions.

I can feel it when I don't love you so obviously, but as long as I like you, I can still continue to lie to myself.

Until I can’t stand the contrast between the two before and after, and I am eager to know what the other person is thinking and whether he still loves me, I still can’t help but ask:

“Why have you suddenly become cold?”, “Do you not like me anymore? ?", "Do you have a new love?", "Are we not compatible?", "What have you been busy with recently? You have reported your schedule before, but you haven't talked about it anymore."

ta remained silent and didn't answer. She still finds you annoying.

asked many times, but to no avail, so you just put down the harsh words and leave it at that. But when I wake up the next day, I can't help but say that I like you. Even though you know the ending, you are very hopeless, but you are still there.

Later, every day was like a routine, one word or two words of reply; slowly, only morning and good night were left; and later, it took two or three days to say a few words. Is

uncomfortable? Uncomfortable.

The information returned is getting slower and slower, and the number of words is getting smaller and smaller; he is getting more and more tired and busy.

The more you ask, the more annoyed he becomes; you threaten to break up, and in the past, he would immediately call you to coax you, saying that we don’t want to break up, and we both want to be fine;

now you say that we don’t want to break up, it’s been several days. I didn’t even reply to you a word; a few days later, I suddenly replied that I was too busy.

couldn't get the answer he wanted, so he continued to ask. After a few days, the reply was wrong. You said this was not what you wanted, and he said he was tired.

After going back and forth, it seems that there is nothing left to say. One person keeps asking the other silent person, knowing clearly the result, but not listening to the other person's own words, but still unwilling to give in, but what can be done?

The feeling of being hot and cold is really uncomfortable and tiring.

Later you stopped asking, and the other party also stopped talking.

finally had to admit that it was time to end. I endured the reluctance. After a month passed, the relationship became so dull that the other party stopped contacting me, and there was no longer any waves or expectations. The heart is probably dry.

Your sixth sense has never deceived you, but you don't want to admit that the indifference, alienation, impatience you feel, and the other person's thinking about how to leave are all real.

When a person starts to be more and more busy with you, you should think of the consequences. Sometimes it is not that you don’t want to leave, but that you are reluctant to let go of the past.

Too much disappointment and indifference are the answers.

Later, I finally understood that the most stable relationship in the world is that there is no relationship. It is quite useless to say it out loud. It is all because of feelings.

But there is no one in this world that you cannot live without. Let go. Some experiences are destined.