People respect the rich, dogs bite the poor. You can only see people clearly when they are down. This is the most realistic sentence. Human nature is to pursue interests. In reality, the vast majority of people are people who worship the superior and despise the inferior. People

People respect the rich, dogs bite the poor. You can only see people clearly when they are down. This is the most realistic sentence. Human nature is to pursue interests. In reality, the vast majority of people are people who worship superiors and despise inferiors. They have good intentions. There are people too, but sincerity is no match for interests, even the most intimate couples are the same.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes." Today we are going to talk about such a case. The husband was unfortunately paralyzed in order to support the family. Unexpectedly, the wife and daughter deliberately went to sleep at a friend's house, leaving the paralyzed husband behind. The family's neglect eventually led to her husband's death. The selfishness and coldness of human nature were fully exposed at this moment.

Father's Paralysis

Lao Lu lives in Guangdong Province. As a simple man, he has been working honestly and diligently, doing his part well, and working hard every day without complaint, just to create a better life for his family.

Lao Lu has a wife named Xu Huilian, and they have a daughter, Xiaoying. The relationship between the husband and wife is also very good on weekdays, and they rarely blush. Lao Lu's health has always been good, and he has never had any major problems. As a As the backbone of the family, Lao Lu has to bear too many responsibilities. Not only does he have to support the family, but he also needs to support his elderly mother.

Responsible Lao Lu works from dawn to dusk every day. One day in 2017, Lao Lu suddenly felt extremely tired. At that time, he was in a hurry to go to work and didn't pay attention. He just thought it was a simple physical fatigue, but he didn't know that this was not the case. It's not simple fatigue, but a menacing illness.

In December 2017, Lao Lu collapsed. After being sent to the hospital, the doctor informed his family that Lao Lu had suffered a stroke! Originally, the family was not well off, and Lao Lu's wife was complaining constantly. Lao Lu's daughter, Xiaoying, was just a white-collar worker and was unable to pay Lao Lu's huge medical bills.

So his wife and daughter took Lao Lu home to take care of him. At the beginning, his wife Xu Huilian did her best to take care of her husband, feeding him food and water and wiping his body every day.

But as time went by, Xu Huilian couldn't bear the pain and became more and more slack. In addition, after her husband passed away, the family's main source of income was cut off. Xu Huilian had to do some work during the day to support the family. When she returned home at night, she had to wait for her husband to wash up. This made her very annoyed and treated her husband differently. Not pleasing to the eye.

Wife's Escape

As for Lao Lu's daughter, she was unwilling to take care of her father because Xiaoying had her own job and having to take care of her father would inevitably affect her own work, so the mother and daughter together sent her father back. In his hometown, Xu Huilian said that he was going to stay at a friend's house for a few days and then sent Lao Lu back.

There is only an old mother in my hometown. The old mother who is over 70 years old cannot even take care of herself. How can she take good care of her son?

In desperation, the old mother asked Xiao Lu for help in contacting her daughter-in-law Xu Huilian with tears in her eyes. Xiao Lu and her friends called Xu Huilian, but Xu Huilian was unwilling to answer the call at all. She was determined to leave her husband to the care of her mother-in-law, and she wanted to have some leisure time. For a while, the continuous calls from Xiao Lu and others annoyed her, and in the end she simply stopped calling.

In addition, Xu Huilian also told his daughter Xiaoying not to answer calls from Xiao Lu and others. In the end, Xiao Lu reluctantly took Lao Lu home and sent a message to Xu Huilian's mother and daughter. Xu Huilian still chose to ignore Xiao Lu's call. information.

Eight days later, the mother and daughter returned home. When their daughter Xiaoying opened the door, she saw her father's cold body. She was so frightened that she immediately collapsed on the ground. After the police intervened, they conducted a careful investigation of the case. After investigation, Xiaoying and Xu Huilian were taken away for interrogation.

The death of Lao Lu is inseparable from the abandonment of Xu Huilian's mother and daughter. One is a wife, but she does not fulfill her obligation to support each other, and the other, as a daughter, does not fulfill her obligation to support each other. Xu Huilian was sentenced to and to four years in prison, while Xiao Min was sentenced to two years in prison. The mother and daughter were still defending themselves until the end, but the law is fair and just, and they must pay the price for their actions.

Editor’s opinion

God’s way is reincarnation, no one will be spared. God is watching what we do, and we must not do too much in our behavior. Everything in the world is about the cycle of cause and effect. There is a direct cause and effect relationship between the death of Lao Lu and the cruelty and coldness of the mother and daughter, and the two of them were eventually affected. The law will punish any evildoer, and you should think twice before doing anything!