Click above to follow Xinrong Youdao! The description of the case is ridiculous. He had his first love at the age of 23. I met my boyfriend on Douyin. At that time, I just thought this boy was very positive. After adding WeChat, we chatted for five or six months and officially me

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The client’s description:

It’s ridiculous to say that you have your first love at the age of 23. I met my boyfriend on Tiktok . At that time, I just thought this boy was quite positive. After adding WeChat, we chatted for five or six months and officially met. Then it was natural and they slowly developed into a couple. But last month, a girl suddenly contacted me and said that she was my boyfriend's fiancée and was getting married soon, but the boyfriend said that they broke up in early 2020. It was because of various reasons that the girl deliberately came to destroy it. I was already determined to break up, but the girl suddenly said that this was all her plan, just for revenge. So we made up again. However, today I discovered that they were still in contact in September 21, and they still have WeChat messages until now, although he hid it very well. I don't know what to do. I want to break up, but I seem to be used to him and am a little reluctant to let him go.

Hello, thank you.

Your question is, should you break up after discovering your boyfriend’s huge lies? This proves that you have some entanglements and don't know how to face this relationship. At the same time, you have some fear of this huge lie, and feel the shock and helplessness of being deceived and hurt.

Your description of yourself is ridiculous. You were 23 years old and your first love was with your boyfriend. This is a very normal thing. It proves that it is not ridiculous that you have not met the person you like before and you are single. You will think that it is ridiculous to prove that you lack love and security in your heart, and you are not confident in yourself.

You describe: I met my boyfriend on Douyin. At that time, I just thought this boy was very positive. After adding WeChat, we chatted for five or six months and officially met. Then it was natural and they slowly developed into a couple. But last month, a dramatic scene happened. A girl suddenly contacted me and said that she was my boyfriend's fiancée and was about to get married. However, the boyfriend said that they broke up in early 2020. It was because of various reasons that the girl deliberately came to destroy it. I was already determined to break up, but the girl suddenly said that this was all her plan, just for revenge. So we made up again.

The plot here is a bit like the plot of a TV series. After you understand the truth, you choose to trust your boyfriend and continue to reconcile. However, there are indeed some strange things happening to girls. You might as well calm down and observe your boyfriend's behavior. See if the other person really loves you, and you must not let yourself fall deeply in love. If you are insecure and unsure of yourself, then you must learn to be reserved in love. I often fall in love with people around me. Girls who can't help themselves say, You have to learn to create an atmosphere where he loves you more than you love him, so that you won't be so sad and desperate even if you break up.

However, just today you discovered a huge lie. They were still in contact in September 21, and they still have WeChat messages until now, although he hid it very well. This proves that your boyfriend is acting in two different ways, and you may be his spare tire. But these should be judged based on his behavioral performance. You are confused and don't know what to do. You want to break up but you seem to be used to him and are a little reluctant to let go. This proves that girl, you are deeply involved in this relationship and cannot let it go, but you need to think rationally and calmly about the future and what you want in your heart. You can tell the other party that you need a cooling-off period after you discover these things, so that both of you can calm down before making a choice. Whether you break up or not depends on whether there is love between the other person and you. If the other person really has no feelings for that girl and is just an ordinary friend, then you can continue to observe your boyfriend's behavior and you must be mature and calm. To judge, in fact, you can completely feel whether a person loves you or not.

I hope the above can inspire you, and wish you happiness as soon as possible! The heart is harmonious and you are happy and worry-free~

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