Text | Zhu Shenyong After a man betrays his wife, he often neglects his wife and refuses to be intimate with her. The two of them are lying on the bed. He hugs his quilt and shrinks to one side of the bed. He does not look at his wife, while she stares at the ceiling. Sora shed t

text | Zhu Shenyong

After a man betrays his wife, he often neglects his wife and refuses to be intimate with her. The two of them are lying on the bed. He hugs his quilt and shrinks to one side of the bed. He does not look at his wife, but she stares at her. Crying at the ceiling.

Sometimes, when his wife takes the initiative to touch him, he will refuse in disgust, saying that he is too tired and doesn't want to do it, and then throws away the other person's hand. He has no concern for his wife's thoughts and feelings. Why is

like this? I discovered the following reasons.

1. Emotions have shifted.

Extramarital affairs are full of lies and no true love, but at the same time they are also full of excitement, freshness, attraction and excitement of breaking taboos. They are sexual and affectionate, which makes men very attracted to them.

However, the relationship between him and his wife for many years was diluted, especially at the beginning of the extramarital affair, which brought strong emotional satisfaction.

At this stage, it is a very common phenomenon for a man to become less interested in his wife and unwilling to touch her.

2, Xiaolu’s request.

Men lie a lot when they have extramarital affairs. For example, he would often tell Xiaolu: My wife and I have no relationship for a long time, and we have stopped exercising in the bedroom for a long time. We only got together because of our children.

Xiaoluhui believed it. Xiaolu believed that this man truly loved her, and Xiaolu was also deeply invested in her true feelings. Therefore, Xiaoluhui made clear requirements: no bedroom activities with his wife were allowed, and he had to divorce his wife, split rooms, etc.

Xiao Lu is looking for results from a man, and he also makes demands on men. In order to appease Xiao Lu and coax her into not making trouble or running away, a man will be loyal to Xiao Lu and not touch his wife.

3. Psychological pressure.

Although men get a lot of excitement and freshness when they engage in extramarital affairs, they also have psychological pressure, because men in extramarital affairs will coax, lie, and create personalities on both sides. In the later stage, there will be pressure from both sides, which will make men spend a lot of time and Energy, take on a lot of pressure.

Especially in the later period, when Xiaolu wants to be in power and forces a divorce, and when his wife discovers the extramarital affair and asks for a breakup, men will fall into a lot of pressure and trouble. Men's sex itself is relatively fragile. When men are under great physical and mental pressure, their desires will also Reduced accordingly.

Moreover, men are also afraid that their wives will discover abnormalities during bedroom exercises, they are afraid that their wives will know that they have an extramarital affair, they are afraid that their wives will pursue them, and they are afraid that their wives will know that they have not broken up. These psychological pressures will also reduce a man's desire for his wife.

4. If you are satisfied outside, your desires will decrease.

Extramarital affairs not only supplement the deficiencies in marriage, but also bring physical satisfaction to men. Therefore, when he returned home, he and his wife naturally could not pay the public food.

Among my counseling clients, many wives discover abnormalities through changes in men’s bedroom movements, and dig deeper to uncover extramarital affairs.

5. A means of sanctioning the wife.

After a wife discovers an extramarital affair, she will ask her husband to end it, but the husband is reluctant to end it, so he plays games with his wife, such as the Cold War, economic sanctions , emotional violence, divorce coercion, etc. Many husbands will also use the method of stopping bedroom activities to sanction their wives. This is a way for the husband to weaken his wife and force her to accept a threesome.

In addition to not touching his wife, he also has many other reactions, such as emotional instability, stiff limbs, mysterious cell phones, hiding his whereabouts, and more lies.

Faced with a series of changes in her unfaithful husband, what a wife should do is to be rational and firm, bravely fight against extramarital affairs, challenge the psychological motivations behind her husband's behavior, stand firm, never compromise or tolerate, and fight to the end. Until the extramarital affair ends.

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