Couples of old and young have shortcomings and lack the energy to support love. The 3-point mode has room for it to survive.

Old and young couples are a niche model that social development must experience. The progress of society is bound to coexist with pressure and opportunity. The perfection of the fountain lies in its pressure, and the rush of the waterfall is that it cuts its own back. The reason for this view is that your values ​​and emotional system have become stable. If you say that couples of young and old are absolutely not good, no matter how strong your desires are, you will not block your own way.

1. The public perception itself has a solidified model, men should bear more family and social responsibilities

We all know that the accumulation of wealth cannot be accomplished overnight, but marriage and love It is so and so reality.

Young men can meet your needs in terms of their facial features, but in reality they are often the defeated opponents of firewood, rice, oil and salt, because he does not have the material to stabilize the family. No matter how vigorous the love that leaves the material, it will smooth the water chestnut in the flatness of the years.

Women are more sensitive. Although they know how to love you, they also understand that love without material is very fragile. Therefore, material is more important in terms of criteria for mate selection. It does not mean that she is a gold worshiper, but that life needs love, and love needs material support. This is also the most important living space for young and old couples.

2. Older men are more considerate and tolerant, and this is one of the strongest conditions to seduce women

A woman’s subconscious has a kind of "Electra" complex, and this Electra complex makes her desire A kind of care and care is continued, and only older men have the feeling of paternal love.

In the past, we said that similar age is one of the references for men and women to marry.

Obediently, "daughter is the father's eternal lover" is actually psychologically based. Just looking for a man like "father" will be loved and cared for for a lifetime, and at the same time will tolerate his own willful, squeamish and other behaviors. .

How can a woman who wants to be taken care of in her bones can withstand the temptation of young and old couples, just like " the king of comedy " in Cecilia Cheung , I heard Zhou Xingchi ,"Knowing what can’t be done is not just being moved...

3. Happy marriages are diverse, good communication, mutual tolerance, and of course the support of fame and fortune is indispensable

The reason why young and old are not recognized, In other words, love is not favored. The most important reason for it is that it is interspersed with fame and fortune, and it has also become the object of ridicule by others.

So why are there so many women who risk the world’s bad faith, even if true love is willing to be misunderstood by others, "I want a lot of love, if there is no love, then I need a lot of money, if there are no two things, health is also OK".

The famous American psychologist Maslow divides people's needs into physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, respect needs, and self-realization. When a person feels that it is impossible for him to achieve his goal, or that kind of empty dream, he will try his best to realize his desire as much as possible, then the young and old couples can at least satisfy most of his psychology. . She can get security needs, social needs, respect needs, and the young and old couples you identify with are of course self-realization.

The existence of

must be objectively reasonable, and couples of young and old will definitely exist, but this degree should be controlled. Excessive age gap will cause a distortion of social outlook, and social harmony will be restrained if the proportion is too large.

The Chinese speak of "beautiful beauty". Young people can dress up. The biggest problem for couples of young and old is the physical gap.

Suppose a woman yearns for Watanabe Junichi and says that women on the surface like elegant men, but are more willing to accept "scum men", then he will definitely make up for the lack of physical strength and change to satisfy you. Hobbies, a man likes women's blows to break, and sometimes he feels that wrinkled skin makes him more relaxed and happy. So when you are touched once, you can't see the loss of time. There is really no distractions in love, and couples of all ages can live happily.
