Sigh for the joys and sorrows of the past, frustrations in life, the whole life of the north and south of the Yangtze River, a smile for Ren Pingsheng

It turns out that the dream of a thousand mountains at midday is just an arrow from the shadow of the window.

From July 13th of last year, I gave a summer intern student a trial of " Niannujiao·Chibi Nostalgia" to April 16th of this year. A short light dream in the night.

The school finally paid the salary a week later. The moment I got the salary, I saw the look of loss in Fang Chao's eyes, and heard the cheerful laughter of Zheng Li and Li Ying, in my heart Secretly bid farewell to them.

The next day, Xiaoding and I asked for leave. I said that I went to the county to look at my throat. In fact, I wanted to release my mood in the county and take a turn. Take a look at the scenery, and by the way, take a look at Zhang Kenan's group of students who originally transferred from foreign languages ​​to the second high school. On the third day, I explained to the students that because of my voice, I asked them to study on their own.

Fang Chao came to see me at night. Sitting on the bed, Fang Chao sighed and said nothing. Fang Chao talked to me about people and things in school. He said he missed Wang Chuanzhong and Long Guilin more. Now Chuanzhong still works in a tutoring class in Qinhuangdao, and Long Guilin still does not have a stable job.

Fang Chao told me that Xiaoding is actually a good person. When he came at the beginning of this semester, when he learned that the school did not want him, Xiaoding came to greet him cordially and asked him what he planned to do. There are several jobs that he can try. Fang Chao said that Wang Jinli was by his side at the time, and he didn't even look at him. Fang Chao said that at that moment he felt the warmth and coldness of the world.

I said: "Fang Chao, I am leaving, when will you leave?"

Fang Chao said: "I am going to wait here until May.Wait until May is over, let's talk about it.

finished, he continued to lower his head to smoke, and suddenly sighed again. I know the reason for his sigh.

Fang Chao is superficially bohemian, but his heart is as fine as a spring rain. , Only poor, the rivers and lakes are not old before the elderly.

The sky is quiet and the stars are full of stars. What a beautiful spring night, but it’s a pity that it’s time to leave.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, I had a showdown with the students. I expressed my intention to leave. The students were silent below, and I guess they are already aware. Zhang Fei asked below, "Is this the last lesson you gave us?" "I'm really helpless: "I'm all here, don't you understand?" "

I said: "It's good to get together and get together. When we are together, we get along well. After we break up, we don't have to remember. I don’t have to miss anymore, I won’t miss you, and everyone doesn’t have to think of me anymore.

This is the last sentence I said to the students. After speaking, I left this school and never stepped in.

As soon as I entered the rivers and lakes, I think I can’t look back.

That night, I invited Sun Yang, Fang Chao, Xiao Ma, Chen Pan, Wang Tianhui and the others for a meal. They asked me what to do after I went back, and I told them that Xuchang is now Recruiting civil servants. I will go back to read the book carefully and put it together.

They raised their glasses one after another, wishing me a good future.

I also raised my glass.I wish them a better future.

Under the dim light bulbs in the food stalls, everyone’s face is shining with greasy light. The effect of alcohol makes everyone forget about it. I think of the night of last year’s Mid-Autumn Festival. We were also in Xiaodingzhuang. Toast in the moonlight. At that time, the high school department was still thriving, but now it has spread to the north and the south.

The few people in front of us will leave sooner or later. Sun Yang and Wang Tianhui are from Jilin, Fang Chao is from Hebei, Xiaoma and Chen Pan are from Anhui. We will separate sooner or later. The side whose name is at the end of the world is going away and busy.

April 16, 2009, the spring is bright and beautiful. National Highway 311 People come and go, and there are chaotic flowers and leaves beside National Highway 311.

The parting people are like revolving lantern , and finally it's my turn to play. Before leaving, I didn't feel any sadness in my heart, but a little bit of relief.

There is a reunion, there must be parting, and many things in the world are helpless. It's like we are desperate to retain the spring, and finally found that the spring cannot be retained. Even if you set foot on the rivers and lakes to catch up with the spring, you can only enjoy it, but you can't keep it.

finally left. Finally left. The morning sun on April 16 slanted from east to west, and I returned from east to west from to Xuchang.

spent my life in the north and south of the Yangtze River, and returned to Huafa Cangyan. The cloth was dreamed by Qiu Xiao, and there are thousands of miles in front of me.

For an instant, I suddenly remembered such a verse on the bus, Jiaxuan’s Qingping music moved me at this moment. For many years, I have been walking hurriedly in the vast expanse and met so many people.How many things have gone through. The memory flashed back more than ten years ago. In 1995, when I left home, I set foot on the noisy Luoyang alone. In 1996, I was lying in my dormitory while listening to Zhang. Really "I was hit by youth", while looking at the sycamore covered with cinders on the leaves outside the window. In 1997, the youth palace in the old city of Luoyang was brightly lit. For the first time, I knew what an arcade hall was. , I spent the night in the video room for the first time. In 1998, my father and I went through other people’s eyes in the drizzle of summer. The blue-black cliffs we saw in Dengfeng’s Nine-Round Eighteen Plate, Nine In nine years, I was in a great joy, listening to Andy Lau's "Language" over and over again. Stepping into the unfamiliar city of Zhengzhou and seeing the night view of street lights over and over again, for 2000 years, I was in an internet cafe, and I looked at how sweet and sad there was under the yellow moon outside the campus. In 2001, how did I faint? Obscurely watched the circulating fireworks on Wenhua Road. In the year of 2002, the sky was full of autumn rains, and the street lights on the Zhongyuan Road dampened the copper plate of the Yuren Bookstore. In 2003, it was in Xi'an. I’m talking loudly with my roommate about which kind of girl can shake people’s hearts most. In 2004, I failed to arrive before my father’s death. I missed the last side and left a lifetime regret. When I was lonely in the hospital, I was lonely in the hospital, feeling the warmth and coldness of people. In 2006, I wandered hard between the postgraduate entrance examination and employment. I don’t know why. In 2007, I was cold in Yulin, Saibei. Under the cold moonlight, listening to the words of the people in northern Shaanxi, thinking about where to go in the future, where to go in this life, in 2008, I will see off one by one on the 311 National Road in Luyi, Henan My friend, I would be moved for a girl in a snowy night in Xiaodingzhuang, and today, I escaped from Luyi under the gorgeous spring light, and where I went and where I was to imitate the unknown trip to Bengbu, Anhui, is "this In the past few years, it was the pride of a good day and a illusion, or a solitary injury of “even if there are thousands of styles, but to whom to say”, but to me, every parting is like a feast of carnival, every sadness They all jerked people down like the rain at night. The past is over. I, who spent my entire life in the north and south of the Yangtze River, returned to you with a beautiful face.

time flies,The dreams of the teenagers and the good wishes of the past were all rusted and bumped by the cold reality.

Ten years of hard work, ten years of dreams, ten years of dust, ten years of love, and countless poems, until today I know that everything is in a daze.

Now I am in Anhui, in a different place, and everything will start again. Looking back on everything in Henan last year, it is really embarrassing.

Wang Tianhui In May, when his father fell ill, Wang Tianhui returned by himself. Jilin visited relatives and never returned like a bird, which made Fang Chao lonely. Now I heard people say that Wang Tianhui found a job in a private school in her hometown.

Sun Yang returned to Tonghua, was admitted to the special post there, and became a rural junior high school special post teacher .

Li Ju and Fan Dandan were admitted to special posts in Henan. I don't know which country I went to.

Ni Ying should have a baby too, don’t you know if it’s a boy or a girl?

Wang Chuanzhong found a good school in Qinhuangdao, and he also had a new beginning.

Long Guilin broke up with his wife Zhou Jinxia, ​​and he was admitted to a village official in Chongqing. Now I work alone in Qianjiang in Chongqing.

Li Ying returned from Henan to Yangquan in Shanxi. She came and went silently. She spent two years in Henan. I wonder if she will remember many years later. I.

Wang Jing went to Guangxi with her boyfriend Wang Junzheng.Wang Junzheng was admitted to graduate school, and Wang Jing followed him.

Fang Chao did not go to Bengbu with us, but went back to his hometown Chengde . He found a job at the hometown of Chengde Huiyuan Middle School . Wang Wenbin and Yan Tingting went with him.

Zhu Zhaoxi returned to Huaibei, Anhui, and Xu Taolei returned to Weinan, Shaanxi. They are all looking for their own piece of sky.

People have become a sea, each asking about their future. Those who used to work together are now gone. I wish them all a bright future.

It's finally time to put the pen, I would like to use a song "Nanxiangzi" by to wish everyone I met in Luyi, Henan, and hope everyone will have a better tomorrow.

Mo Dao, the storm is not stable, the cup is stopped, and the clouds rise from the rivers and lakes.

Looking at each other has violated, and the five strings are silent and wave their hands. If the night is cold at Huai, who will be with whom and who will return?
