The Ruanfan man ignored his family and used my money to try out a female netizen, but the police called me to take him home.

【Foreword】Unfortunately, the native family was married to the husband who was officially working at the time. Who knows, my husband has been laid off, and the job search has not gone smoothly. I have provoked the burden of my family.

Author: Ye Zi


That day, I got up early to cook for the children, and my husband Wang Peng did not return all night!

The phone rang, an unfamiliar number. I was worried that it was a work matter, so I instinctively picked it up. The other party asked me if I was Wang Peng's lover and asked me to go to the police station.

My mind was stunned. Wang Peng actually entered the police station? What is the reason? In a hurry, I picked up my son and hurried out. Along the way, I imagined 10,000 possible accidents, only to find that things were completely beyond my expectations.

Surprisingly, Wang Peng went to open a room with a female netizen last night and was arrested! Unexpectedly, Wang Peng, who is old and solid in front of me, can still chat online! Before, I really underestimated him!

is really not good looking!

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In the late 1980s, I was born in a remote rural area.

Since I was young, my father worked outside to earn money, and my mother grew up and brought my brother and me at home. Maybe it's due to the times, or family dictates, my mother has always been a promise in front of my dad, and she didn't dare to speak out loudly. She took care of her children to farm the land and also took care of her grandparents. In my dad's place, she was still useless and was often scolded as decent.

My parents' unfortunate marriage has a huge impact on me. I want to escape from the original family, escape from this oppressive and suffocating life. After graduating from high school, I went to work as a temporary worker in a company in the town.

Here, I met Wang Peng. He is a formal worker in the factory and the conditions are much better than my home. In fact, I am resistant to marriage, but at the same time I want to leave home, and I have been in this kind of torment in my heart.

I couldn't stand Wang Peng's passionate pursuit, and I still fell. Maybe marriage can't give me what I want, but at least, it can make me leave home.

But I secretly swear in my heart, it's nothing but the humble days of my mother. Therefore, before we get married, I have agreed with Wang Peng, and my family must have the final say, otherwise the marriage will not end!

Wang Peng, who is in passionate love, immediately agreed with him when his head was hot. In this way, I entered into marriage.

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soon after marriage, I became pregnant. Wang Peng saw that I had severe morning sickness, so he asked me to quit my job and wait for delivery at home. To be strong, I still insist on working until half a month before my death.

Soon after his son was born, he caught up with the reform of state-owned enterprises. Wang Peng was laid off and he had to find another job. The expenses at home are getting bigger and bigger, how can it be done without income!

In-laws are not in good health and cannot be counted on. I had to throw the child to my mother. Came out to find a job as a clothing salesperson. I do this job very hard, because I know that I have no retreat.

I work hard to remember the item number and size of each piece of clothing, and I have also read many clothing sales books in private. The hard work pays off. I am the sales champion in the store every month, and my income is naturally the highest.

The economic base determines the superstructure, which is quite right. The higher the income, the more right to speak at home. I began to point fingers at Wang Peng.

Actually, Wang Peng is still good to me. According to what he said before the marriage, he listened to me and almost never violated my opinion.

However, if a man is obedient, he has to make money. Perhaps because of the family environment, I look down on men who eat soft meals. He has changed several jobs, either because his salary is low, or he is tired, or he despises the boss of other private enterprises.

I can understand that he is a middle-aged man who was a small leader when he was in a state-owned enterprise. After being laid off, I couldn't adapt to the huge identity gap for a while, and there was a transition period, which was normal.

But his transition period is too long. What's more, there are so many laid-off workers who are better than him.

Because of this, our marriage began to crack.

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we started to quarrel,Noisy endlessly. He just doesn't care about work, but at home, he still throws his hands off the shopkeeper. No matter what housework or housework, the son and son don't bring it.

I have finished my work and I have to take my children to do housework. It's really frustrating. Outside, I am a glamorous professional woman; when I got home, I became a hysterical housewife. I blamed all this on my husband Wang Peng.

Wang Peng's temper is getting bigger and bigger, and he often goes out to relax his sorrows by drinking wine. Sometimes I don’t even go home at night.

Later, my brother-in-law became pregnant, and my mother wanted to take care of her daughter-in-law. Naturally, I can't help me take my son. I discussed with Wang Peng, let him take the children at home, and wait until my son goes to kindergarten.

He thought about it and agreed.

Once, my boss and I went on a business trip to attend a clothing ordering meeting. Before I left, I specifically told Wang Peng that my son is very naughty now, so I must take him well without leaving any steps.

I never expected that I was on a business trip for only three days. After returning home, the son actually wrapped his head full of gauze. I was holding my son with tears on my face.

Wang Peng faltered and said that his son was too lively. He was not optimistic that he broke his head and went to the hospital for three stitches. I glared at him viciously, what can this kind of man do, and why do you want him?

At this moment, I was thinking of divorce.

In the next few days, Wang Peng changed his old lazy style and performed very well and was very courteous to me. This matter was put aside for now.

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That night, as soon as I got home from get off work, Wang Peng hurried out and said that my friend asked him to get together and might come back later.

Unexpectedly, he went to see female netizens behind my back, and was taken into the police station by the police.

Even if he killed him, he would not have thought that the female netizen he met was a habitual criminal who deceived others by betraying her hue. The police watched her early in the morning.

Just when Wang Peng and him entered the hotel, they were caught by the police who had been waiting there early in the morning! Both of them were taken to the police station.

That woman was taken into custody first. About Wang Peng,After the police recorded his confession, he could be taken home by his family. Wang Peng's scandal can no longer be covered up.

What Wang Peng did really made me sick.

The moment he saw me, he was unshaven, sad, head drooping, dejected, and deep guilt and self-blame in his eyes.

But I hate him to death, gritted teeth! Such a dirty and dirty man, I can no longer live with him.

Without any hesitation, I mentioned the divorce to him that night.

This kind of man, do not divorce, still keep the Chinese New Year?

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Wang Peng certainly did not agree to divorce.

He knelt in front of me, crying and confessing, saying that he was confused and lost himself for a while. Let me give him a chance. If the family is divorced, what will happen to the son? Many children who grew up in single-parent families are mentally unsound...

I looked at him indifferently without saying a word. What good example can such a father give his children? I remembered the last time he threw his son's head on the head again. Is there such a man who has no sense of responsibility?

This hateful man confessed himself for a long time, and I just threw him one sentence. Needless to say, my heart is settled, and the divorce must be divorced, and then he carried the child into the bedroom.

It is a wishful thinking to do such a scandal and ask me for forgiveness. This incident strengthened my determination to divorce.

Think about the few short years of married life, what can I count on him? At this moment, he is like a bereaved dog, begging for my forgiveness, but I despise him more and more in my heart.

Seeing that I did not let go, Wang Peng chased after me. I changed my face and yelled at me: " Li Jing, you bitch, I can get to this point today, and it’s not thanks to you. Look at yourself, is there a woman like this, every day? Like a man, he is gentle and not virtuous at all. Ask yourself, how have you treated me these years, but if you treat me better, can I go out and find another woman?"

,I picked up the pillow at hand and threw it at him: "I'm not capable, and I'm fucking blamed on me. These years, who is supporting the family. Don't you blame yourself for being incapable and incompetent. It has become my fault. . I really found something like you blindly.”

Such a man, I can't live with him for a minute.

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Wang Peng still stubbornly does not divorce. He used both parents to persuade me. Especially the parents-in-law, they rushed over from their hometown, dragged their sick bodies, apologized, and said a whole lot of good things.

I took my child back to my natal home. An ultimatum was given to Wang Peng. If he doesn't sign any more, I have to file a lawsuit in the court.

They would not have thought that I would actually submit an indictment to the court. Therefore, when Wang Peng received the subpoena, he was deeply surprised.

In the court, he shamelessly demanded that the house and children belong to him, and let me go out of the house. At this moment, he still wants to use the child to hold me from divorcing.

I hired a lawyer, made a lot of preparations, and produced enough evidence. It proves that he has not fulfilled his duty of being a husband and dad over the years.

In front of the judge, I indignantly complained about his scandal. Everyone sighed. The husband and wife who used to sleep in the same bed became extremely jealous enemies at this time.

I don't want to be like this. He forced me everything! I gave up the house, as long as my son and savings.

The house was originally distributed by his unit and belongs to his pre-marital property. The savings are earned by me, and I have to plan for myself and my son's future.

After several difficult court trials, we were finally able to divorce. As I wished, my son and savings belonged to me!

It is said that marriage is the second life of a woman. Men are afraid of going into the wrong line, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. But for so many years, Wang Peng and this marriage brought me only unforgettable hurt and deep despair.

If a man is immature, if he does not have enough responsibility, he should not enter into marriage easily. Marriage is not only the love between Huaqian and Yuexia, but also the trivialities and heavy responsibilities.

Women, before marriage, you must open your eyes to see clearly whether the man you choose is a human or a ghost. Because once you find the wrong choice, getting out may not be so easy, just like me.

After the divorce, I took my son to another city. Fortunately, my son will go to kindergarten soon. Now, I am looking for a suitable store, and I am preparing to open a clothing store by myself. It is also convenient to take care of the children.

I chose to escape. On the one hand, I would heal myself. I want to get rid of this failed marriage as soon as possible. On the other hand, I don't want my son to know that he has such a father.

There is still a long way to go. I can't give up on myself just because I met a scumbag. For my son and myself, I can only live up to this life if I work harder and live better in the second half of my life!
