"Nuo Nan sketch" love shines into reality


After so many years, that string of numbers is still clear in my mind. It is Wu Jin’s mobile phone number.

probably because the number itself is very simple, and there are some symbols hidden in the number, about our anniversary, about a special day, so remember it firmly, you will never forget it, and push it repeatedly. Can be pushed out.

But I haven't thought of it for a long time. It sinks in my heart quietly. If it wasn't for the stimulation of some accidental factor, I am afraid I would not take the initiative.

I caught the flu in the past two days. In order to avoid the infection, the mother-in-law took the son and stayed there for a few days. It happened that my husband was also on a business trip. I was at home alone. The usual busy atmosphere suddenly quieted down, and there was a sense of uneasiness in what to do.

I was shopping at the supermarket this afternoon and heard a conversation between a couple.

"Today is 1228, you have the final say on what you buy, I will pay." "Of course, once a year, I can't make you cheaper."

"" 1228",I felt familiar inexplicably, and it took a long time to figure out what it was related to. It turned out to be the last four digits of Wu Jin's mobile phone number. It was so coincidental that I heard it. More coincidentally, 1228 is also the anniversary of Wu Jin and me.

remembered that moment, the honey jar in my hand almost fell to the ground, scared me to bend my knees and catch it with my legs. Fortunately, it didn't fall and make a sound, otherwise it would cause crowds to watch. One year, Wu Jin and I were playing around in the supermarket, playing too crazy, knocking down several bottles of canned fruit neatly placed in the middle of the road, and losing a lot of money, still fresh in my memory. They were also onlookers, like two punished children. I used to think that the most unlikely thing to separate us was money. I didn't expect that we were still torn apart for money after all.


I formally established a relationship with Wu Jin. It was almost a year in my senior year that he managed to make a mystery.

Actually, when I was in my sophomore year, I had already fallen in love with him. He is a high-achieving student in the Foreign Languages ​​Institute. In a municipal English speech contest, I was a "little transparent" volunteer helping the organizer to do miscellaneous tasks. I sat down and looked at him like a fan admiring her "idol". The entire process was able to highlight the encirclement and won the applause.

At that time he didn't know me, so I remembered his name.

after we are together,Only then did I know that he was in a bad family situation and was financially struggling. The student loan he applied for could only be paid off after he worked. Compared with him, I am naturally much stronger. Although my parents are working-class parents, as an only child, I was spoiled and spoiled since childhood.

He is a bit machismo and thinks that he can't spend more money on women. I always dare not show superiority in money, and try to preserve his pride. I always choose places to eat according to his standards, and I am very content every time I go to a cheap restaurant.


By the senior year, we all made up our minds to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Originally, with his ability, he could try to make a breakthrough and go to a better school in developed cities, but for me, he finally applied for this school.

I always thought it was because our feelings were unbreakable and indestructible. It wasn't until a long time later that I faintly realized that maybe he was too inferior. He was afraid of long-distance dating, and I couldn't bear to be lonely. He was worried that others would take advantage of it, but he didn't have the confidence to grasp me at the other end of the kite string.

The postgraduate entrance examination is a huge test for us. Fortunately, we work through every difficulty together, encourage each other, and aim to win.

During graduate school, it was the happiest time. We are poor students after all, after all, there is not much money to control. He often has a scholarship to subsidize his life, and I occasionally go out to tutor. When we have money, we will eat a big meal, or go to various places with friends to travel poorly.

give me a decent gift on birthdays and anniversaries if there is no extra money,He often felt that he owed me, promised me many times, and later made money to compensate me. In fact, I really don't care about compensation. I just hope that we will always be good and love each other, because there will always be bread, but love is a rare treasure.

I found that I seem to take money too deliberately. I just don't want him to speculate on my mind and let the mist of distrust spread. However, the facts tend to be overshadowed, and the more I want to avoid it, the more the contradictions are exposed.

Once, Wu Jin participated in a badminton match and the final was held on Saturday afternoon. He made an appointment with me in advance and said that he wanted me to turn off the tutor of the day and go to the scene to cheer for him. I agreed without hesitation.

But on the day of the game, the mother of the child’s tutor called me. It was supposed to be changed to Sunday, but they had other arrangements. They wanted me to go there on Saturday and agreed to start earlier. Will be able to rush back to school on time. But my time was still uncertain, and the traffic jam on the road was delayed again, and the game was almost over when I returned.

After the game, when I saw Wu Jin's eyes, I regretted it. He was really unhappy and looked depressed. Later, what he said to me was also implicitly ironic, and blamed me for taking the agreement between us as empty talk in order to make some extra money, saying that my own wishes were not as good as bullshit.

I was so ashamed that I was cautiously making him happy all the way, but he still shook his face to show me, I was so anxious that tears would fall, but he hugged me and said that he couldn't bear it.

I care about him too much,Can only think of a more absolute way. I took out 100 yuan from my wallet and tore it to pieces in front of him. I told him "I don't care about 100 yuan in two hours" and "Money is never as important as his agreement."

He finally forgave me from the bottom of his heart, and he spoke a lot more relaxed. While joking with me, he pretended to be angry and picked up the pieces. We reconciled happily again, carefully taped up the torn money, and went to garbage street to have a spicy and spicy pot.


Those past events related to money have not broken us. For the love of the world, money is the least worth mentioning. What's more, I still admire Wu Jin, he is so good, and he has always worked very hard, whether it is academically or professionally, and all this is just for the bright future promised to me.

Before graduation, I took Wu Jin home to meet my parents. My parents seemed to have discussed it. One sang with a white face and the other sang with a black face. My dad is in charge of welcoming with a smile, while my mom is scrutinizing and questioning every move. The family and He Meimei had a meal, but thought that they were finally consummated. My mother asked me to wash the dishes, but actually took me away with excuses. I pricked my ears and heard her bitter advice to Wu Jin.

"Boy, we are parents, we all want our children to have a good life. I have no opinion on you. You are excellent, and I often hear Xiaojing mention you.But I think the basic bottom line should still be observed. We hope that before we get married, our two families will each pay a down payment of half to buy a house. With a house, I feel at ease...Have you considered returning to our N city to work? Our house price is slightly lower, and your pressure is also less. Besides, we also hope to live closer to our daughter. What do you think?

Although Wu Jin said verbally that he would discuss with me, but based on my understanding of him, I already knew the answer. He has already signed a foreign company in H city to do sales and start salary 5000, there is a commission, and I plan to follow him to a private middle school as a language teacher, the salary is not satisfactory. Buying a house in the short term is almost a fantasy. It is even more impossible to go back to the N city with me. Wu Jin is so strong.

On the way to send Wu Jin away, I immediately showed my attitude to him. I told him that I will be my parent's ideological work. , We still develop our business according to the original plan. I will always support him, and the house is not obligatory to buy.

Wu Jin smiled at me, but it felt embarrassing and bitter for me. I think he didn’t. Confidence, he took a step back, this is what I worry about the most.

After going to work, we moved to live together, in order to save money, we made a nearly harsh income and expenditure plan. Although compared When I was a student, the pressure on money was even worse, but the two people are in love with each other, Luan Feng and Ming, I cherish this tacit understanding.

But I probably really underestimated his inner anxiety and failed to do a good job. Prevention, so at the moment of crisis, it will be triggered and collapsed instantly, and I can only face the end of being overwhelmed.


I grew up with .Although I did my best to cooperate with him to save money, I occasionally lost control, especially when people around me showed off in front of my eyes, causing my vanity to burst.

Finally one day, I crossed the boundary several times and broke the limit of his tolerance, and that limit was unexpected to me.

The cause was that I was carrying him and overspending a certain amount of money. This is not the first time this happened, but I never realized how serious the consequences would be. That day, he found a cash register in a packing bag I carried home. It was a bill for high heels, which was more than 800 yuan.

In fact, if I leave a soft word, there must be no right and wrong afterwards. But at that time, he was hard-headed and carried it resolutely. A hundred people were not reconciled, and would rather stand in a stalemate than admit defeat.

"Quiet, I don't think I'm useful, I can't support you anymore." He gave me a cold sentence like a mocking demonstration, which made me chill. "Yes, of course you can't support me... I'm so expensive, my background is better than you, and my family is superior to you. I'm still young now, and my appearance is not bad. People like me should have married a good person long ago. I have a house and a car. Why didn’t I listen to my mother’s advice earlier and go to a good marriage? You can’t even afford 800 yuan, why should I follow you, so cheap......"

I know him so well, of course I know what can sting him most. I tore my face and said many of his most repulsive things, chasing his bottom line frequently.

"So,Let's... break up. "


Both pushed each other to the precipice, and no one can concede, and it’s useless to accept the actual judgment. It was adding fuel to the fire. Even if I knelt and begged for mercy, the cruel words I said could not be erased. That night, Wu Jin moved out of the house where we lived, even if I deliberately panted and cried out loudly, he didn’t. I approached me gently again.

It turns out that the true heart of death does not need to rely on the loud noise of closing the door to vent anger and prove the position, but the lightly closed lock is enough to shock the soul Out of my body, all thoughts are ashamed.

It is said that time is a good medicine to soothe the pain, I think those injuries will always be forgotten over time. I started to suffer from insomnia all night, but at least there is a glimmer of hope in my heart. It seems that if he waits one more day, he will come back and say sorry to me, and I have rehearsed countless times to ask for forgiveness, and only waited for the other person to speak, and then bowed my head without hesitation to admit my mistake.

But no one spoke, even the mobile phone lost its function, as if it was abandoned all of a sudden, I waited for the name to be resurrected, but lost again and again. Until every opening and closing action became a habit. , I occasionally shudder like a shot, and finally realized that there will be no more familiar voice awakening my life. In fact, a long time ago, he did not believe that he could give me happiness. He has been Withdrawal, the seeds of distrust have germinated long ago, only I realized it later,I thought everything was fine, and poverty was not an obstacle.

It is not that I am afraid that he has no money, but that he is afraid. Not only is he afraid, but he can't find a way out, so he chose to give up. I subjectively waited for him to greet me on the boat, but I didn't expect that his boat never docked at all.

Wu Jin can't be my Romeo after all. The window sill was too high and the surrounding was pitch black, so he didn't have the courage to climb to my position. Even though I stretched my neck and arms, I still couldn't clasp his fingers.

I turned off the light, and the burning and swelling of the flu continued to oppose me, and I was immersed in darkness. The fleeting sleepiness has sent me drifting to a flat beach, and the exiled people will never return to my world.
