Mo Yan: Women who really live to understand, most of them have the following 3 "traits"

Love can be romantic or unrealistic, but marriage is not, marriage is often a life of a piece of cake.

In love, a woman does not have to live transparently, but in marriage, a woman must live clearly.

In reality, women with strong hearts can often live out themselves and become the "queen" in married life. A woman like

is sensible, courageous, independent , can love and put it down.

They do not depend on marriage to live, nor will they compromise with life, let alone lose themselves for a man.

A woman who truly lives and understands most of them has the following three "characteristics":

This article is accompanied by a picture: "Red Sorghum" stills

I. Has an independent soul

Mo YanThe nine'er in the novel "Red Sorghum" , is a woman who lives clearly. She lives herself, lives independently, and lives her own style. She is the queen of marriage and a strange woman in the eyes of men.

At the age of sixteen, Jiu'er was exchanged by his father for a mule for a single family, and married the only son of a single family, Shan Bianlang. A marriage like

is very unfortunate for any woman.

But Jiu'er did not seek life and death, but resigned. She pinned all her grievances and expectations on the scissors in her hands.

After the wedding, Jiu'er spent three days safely with the scissors in her hand. On the day she returned home, she was forcibly brought into the sorghum field by Yu Zhanao , which changed her life.

In the sorghum field, Jiu'er did not panic, she naturally knew Yu Zhanao's personality, and the two had already confirmed their eyes before.When love came in this way, she chose to accept it calmly, so she gave herself to this man.

After the incident, Jiu Erye's attitude was very firm, she said:

I am my own, not the daughter of the Dai family, nor anyone's wife, my body and soul belong only to myself.

Indeed, a woman with an independent soul is the most attractive to men.

Later, Jiu'er broke with her family, and when Shan Bianlang died, she bravely joined Yu Zhan'ao. She doesn't care about other people's comments, she follows and , and she lives clearly and freely.

In Mo Yan's writings, Jiu'er's female image is very full, with distinctive features, which is awe-inspiring.

In fact, A woman who truly understands her life can control her own destiny.

They do not live in someone else's playbook, but in their own independent soul, shining brightly.

Women with independent souls tend to become more charming and confident in their married life.

They live well, and their marriage will become happier with their self-confidence and courage.

Second, masters the initiative of marriage

"Single Woman" once wrote:

"I also think clearly, marriage is the same thing, and then the love is a sensation, after three or five years, it will vanish into thin air and get off work. Afterwards, everyone turned on the TV to watch the long series together, life is like this."

Love can be vigorous, but marriage is a dull life.

The reason why many couples can't make it to the end is often because they can't bear the dullness of marriage and must find some passion outside of marriage.

Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum" also has such a plot.

A heavy rain blocked Jiu'er's way home. Jiu'er was locked out of the house, but Yu Zhan'ao and Lianer were alone in the house. Lian'er liked Yu Zhan'ao, and Yu Zhan'ao couldn't hide his loneliness and intolerable heart, so the two of them joined together.

After Jiu'er went back, she naturally saw the clue. With her inner strength, she quietly acted a play, revealing Yu Zhan'ao and Lian'er's true colors.

In the face of his man's betrayal, Jiu'er didn't cry, let alone compromising, but simply slapped Yu Zhanao and told him to get out.

Jiu'er did not tolerate and , but turned passive into active, and gave a fierce counterattack to Yu Zhanao, who was emotionally unfaithful.

For this reason, she lived in the house of Yu Zhanao's rival, Siyan, which made Yu Zhanao very sad. In order to regain Jiu'er, Yu Zhanao had to duel with Siyan.

Jiu'er is not just to retaliate against Yu Zhanao, but to take the initiative so that she can figure out what she wants.

In the end, Yu Zhanao was injured and Jiu'er was distressed, so he chose to accept Yu Zhanao again.

In Mo Yan's novels, Jiu'er is the woman that men miss the most. She tells women in marriage this truth:

Only by mastering the initiative in marriage can you have the courage to decide against a man. When you leave, you can go without any hesitation; when love has not disappeared and is worth saving, you can follow your own wishes and fulfill yourself.

Women who really live and understand are often very strong in their hearts. They are not afraid of men's infidelity to their feelings. It is entirely up to them to leave or stay. Women like

, who take the initiative in marriage and determine what they want, often live more transparently and decisively.

Third, have a strong pattern

Zeng Guofan said:

"Those who seek great things are the most important pattern."

They know little things, know righteousness, and are truly praised women.

Jiu Er described by Mo Yan is a woman with such a big pattern. When Yu Zhanao's uncle abused a girl in the village while drunk, Jiu'er was very clear about the right and wrong.

At that time, after receiving the report of the adjutant Ren, Yu Zhanao wanted to settle the matter, so the adjutant Ren was furious and wanted to resign on the spot.

After learning about it, Jiu'er disregarded Yu Zhanao's anger and bluntly persuaded him that he could not let Adjutant Ren resign.

Yu Zhanao naturally wanted to protect his uncle in his heart, so he scolded Jiu'er: "Fu Dao people."

Jiu'er was not fooled, but rudely went back: "I thought you were a hero, but unexpectedly you are also a useless person. !"

In the end, with Jiu'er's incomparable determination, Yu Zhan'ao had to order his uncle to be executed, and the adjutant Ren was able to stay.

A good marriage must be evenly matched, and women must have the same right to speak as men.

In Jiu'er's thoughts, not only is the love between children and children, but she also has a sense of justice that is right and wrong. This big pattern also makes Jiu'er's female image more full.

Moreover, in Mo Yan's description later, Jiu'er's big pattern made her a heroic female image, and Yu Zhanao's transformation into a national hero. Who doesn't applaud a woman like


A woman with a strong pattern can achieve both herself and her husband. Women like

really understand their life. They know that a good marriage is about growing together, fulfilling each other, and being happy together.

is written at the end:

In Mo Yan's "Red Sorghum", the love between Jiu'er and Yu Zhanao really shocked many people, and Jiu'er's female image was praised by people.

Therefore, women who truly understand life, like Jiu'er, most likely possess the above three characteristics.

They always maintain an independent and resolute personality, live out self-esteem, and also live out themselves.

This kind of woman will not get lost in marriage, and she will know how to achieve each other.

When they get along with men, they know how to measure, they can not only maintain the self-esteem of men, but also insist on themselves, and they will not tolerate without bottom line.

A woman who really understands her life often follows her own heart, and while she is evenly matched with a man, she can also advance and retreat freely in marriage.