In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback. Thi

2024/06/2511:20:33 emotion 1484

In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback.

In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback. Thi - DayDayNews

This kind of feeling is called dog licking. As the name suggests, the word licking the dog. Now explain the meaning of the word dog licking in love. Licking a dog, this word is too vivid. Licking can be understood as kneeling licking, because if you want to lick someone else, you must kneel down. Once you kneel down, your dignity will be gone and others can trample on you at will. Because once you kneel down, you are naturally inferior to others. As the saying goes, a man has gold at his knees, and you cannot kneel down. Dogs are such animals. Whether we care or ignore them depends entirely on the owner's mood. The owner wants to play with you. Touch you. I thought you were annoyed, so I kicked you away. Therefore, the word "dog licking" vividly and accurately describes those men who put aside their dignity and only want to win the other person's heart.

In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback. Thi - DayDayNews

This kind of unilateral contribution is actually very uncomfortable and very humbling. Some people think this is a form of love, and even appear as a three-hit combo of dog licking: Are you there? Have you eaten? Have you slept? Good morning, good afternoon, and good night. etc. However, I want to tell you, young people, be more ambitious, raise your head, puff up your chest, and never do dog licking.

In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback. Thi - DayDayNews

You can't buy true feelings by selling your dignity. Even if you get temporary feelings, you will still be a spare tire in the long-term development. Whether you are a man or a woman, don't be a licker and don't please anyone. If she likes you, just talk to her. If you don't like it, it's human nature. The better you treat a person, the less he will take you seriously. Whether it's friends or lovers, it's the same.

In today's relationships, many people like to put their position very low and are quite humble in relationships. In order to win the other person's favor, he would do anything. Respond to the other party's requests, but the other party rarely gives real responses or feedback. Thi - DayDayNews

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