There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be

2024/05/2611:25:33 emotion 1993
There is a problem with

that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be happy if you remarry? A lot of questions arise around this issue: Should we remarry? If so, why?

Let's take a look at what this woman said. After reading it, you will have the answer in your heart. What is going on? Let's take a look at this together. Should a single woman over 50 remarry? 56-year-old woman: She is so young, she must remarry.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

case story sharer,

56-year-old Aunt Zhang:

When it comes to single women over 50, should they remarry? I think I am the most qualified to answer this question. Because I chose to remarry. So today I will talk about this and use my personal experience to answer this question. At the same time, I also hope that through this question, everyone can pay attention.

Don’t think that it would be embarrassing for a single person over 50 to remarry. What I want to tell you is this. Life goes on. Why would I choose to remarry? Isn’t it because of 1+11? 1+11 means that two people are better than one.

My life was very difficult before I got remarried. Especially at night, I would deliberately turn the TV up to the maximum volume. Because it's so lonely. It's very lonely when you're alone. Maybe you don't feel lonely at first, but as time goes by. You will definitely be lonely. Many people say don’t you have children?

Why don't you live with them or let them accompany you? There is a gap between ideals and reality. Many times the only one you can rely on is yourself. The kids are totally unreliable. And you don’t want to rely on them, after all, they have their own lives. Take my children, for example. I have two sons and a daughter.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

They usually work outside and only come back during the holidays. They went to bed long ago when I couldn't sleep. They had a hard day's work and wanted to take care of him when they came back. Where do you have time to listen to our chat about home affairs? Not to mention it's so late, you don't want to disturb them, they have to go to work the next day, what if you tell them something. It will affect their rest.

And you told them about this, do they really know? They will just tell you, um, okay, got it. In addition to online responses. Basically there is no reply. Gradually you don’t want to tell them anymore. This is how my kids treat me.

Gradually, I don’t want to talk to them anymore, and I don’t want to disturb their rest. After finally coming back from get off work, they also need to take a rest and have things to do. The more this happens, the more uncomfortable I feel, and I can't chat with them, and I can't let them come back to accompany me. So what should we do all the time?

At the beginning, I thought I could make it to the end. It's only been a few years now and I can't stand it anymore. My husband left for 5 years, and then I endured it for 5 years. In the past five years, no one knew how I got here, and I was so bored every night. Usually I don't dare to go out and play. I'm afraid to see other people in pairs.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

Others have wives to accompany them. But I am alone and sometimes go shopping for groceries. I always go there quickly and come back quickly, but most people go there as a couple. But I went alone. I don't really want to cook when I'm at home. Although I'm a little hungry, I don't want to cook. Eating alone is boring. If there are two of us, we can at least talk and laugh while cooking.

Even if you have a quarrel, there is still someone who will talk to you. When you are alone, you find that there is no one to quarrel with. Not to mention finding a nanny. Not every family has this condition when it comes to finding a nanny. How to live?

What if something goes wrong? The more this happens, the more scared I become. Sometimes I am so scared that I can't sleep at night.Because of a little glitch. I thought about it all night. I accidentally had a fever before. I thought I had some disease. The epidemic was still very serious at that time, and then I had a fever again. I went to the market to buy vegetables the first day. Could it be that he is infected? If this is the case, what will we do in the future?

What should we do if we waste a lot of money on this matter? Do you want to tell your children? It was night then. If I tell my children, will they rush back immediately? They still have to go to work. If they come back, it will affect their lives. The more I think about it, the more I can't sleep.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

The more this happens, the more uncomfortable it becomes. I went to the hospital early the next day. The test report came out and it was found that I was not infected, but had a normal fever. Maybe it was because I turned on the air conditioner and it was too cold. Maybe it's because I kicked the quilt.

If there is any reason, I don’t want to deal with it. A small question scared me all night. I originally thought that I would be able to have a good sleep tonight if I was so tired. But it was particularly uncomfortable at night, as I still had a fever. Then I thought about my loneliness. Now I'm thinking about how to live a life like this?

After so many years, I don’t know how I survived. Do you still want to live your life after you are over 50 now? The more I thought about it, the more I became afraid. The more I think about it, the less I want to think about it. Later I decided to find a wife. Although I am over 50 years old. But it’s been so many years since my husband passed away. If you don't find a wife now, when will you? Maybe you think being over 50 is old.

At that time, I wanted to say that I was still very young in my 50s. Now the average life expectancy is around 80 years. There is a 30-year difference between being in your 50s and being in your 80s. You can do a lot of things in 30 years. To put it bluntly, 30 years of life is about 1/3 of a human being. In other words, I still have 1/3, so much to live on. Then why can't I live a good life?

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

So I’d better find a wife, find someone to accompany me and take care of each other, isn’t that good? I used to be afraid of being alone. If you are afraid, why not break this pattern? Although my children don’t agree with me looking for a wife. My child told me, you are already old, there is no need to worry about it anymore, okay?

If you need care, you can come to us. If you are with someone else, how will we explain it to dad? If you are with someone else, will you stay in this family? Or go to someone else's place? I didn’t answer my kids’ questions. Although the problems they say are indeed problems.

But there is no way a person can manage so much in life. If you think about so many problems every day, you will not live well. For example, when you are eating, you are thinking about whether your meal will affect others, or whether it will harm the chicken because of this. So don’t you want to eat this chicken?

We just have to do our best. If you can ignore other things, then try to ignore them. After all, life has to go on. Is it possible to become someone else's life instead of your own? Then I didn’t care what my children said and chose to remarry. Soon I was with Lao Liu.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

Old Liu is 4 years older than me. I am 56 years old and he is 60 years old. After I got remarried, I moved to Lao Liu's house. I used to be afraid of being alone. Now that I have someone to accompany me, I am happy no matter what I do. I haven't been out for a walk in years. I'm afraid to face people in pairs. Now that Lao Liu and I are together, the two of us can go out for a walk together.

I didn’t dare to hang out with my friends before. Everyone brings their own partner. So when I am missing someone to take photos, my partner takes photos for them. I stood there awkwardly alone. Now I can finally go out and play with others openly, because I have someone who is dedicated to me.

Lao Liu can help me carry my luggage and take photos for me. Of course, I will also take photos for Lao Liu, and I will also help him wipe his sweat. After having Lao Liu. I found that my life was much better and it was enjoyable. After my husband passed away, I didn't have this period of time with Lao Liu.

makes my life worse than death. Now I know the benefits of having a partner. If I had known such a good thing, I would have found a partner earlier and wouldn’t have had to wait so long. I'm still so young, why don't I remarry? If I had not remarried, I would not be as happy as I am now. It is because I chose to remarry that I have the happiness I have now.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

Many people say that happiness in remarriage is only temporary. What I want to say is that temporary happiness is also happiness. Who can say what will happen tomorrow? Which one will come sooner, accident or tomorrow? No one knows for sure. If you don’t know, then why do you have to think so much about it?

The more you think about it, the more painful it will be. Let’s put it this way. Many times we don’t need to think about many things so much. All we can do is live every day well. Live your life well every day now. Things will get better in the future. If you can't live well now, you won't be able to live well now. Then why are you talking about the future? You can’t even live a good life now, and the days to come will 100% be miserable.

To take a step back, I may not have a good life in the future, but at least I am happy now. If I have a good life now, what will I do in the future? Now and in the future, at least I am happy now. Let’s talk about the future later. If you are not living well now, you will not be living well in the future. If this is the case, if you are not living well now, you will not be living well in the future either.

Aren't you half as happy as me? If that's the case, why not get married again? Moreover, the days after the age of just over 50 are still long, and there are still decades to live. Why can't I live out my life as I wish?

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

The day is your own. If you don’t want to make yourself happier, if you don’t want to live a better life, then you can’t blame others. It's just because you didn't make such a choice, it's just because you don't want to be happy, it's just because you don't want to remarry or find a wife.

So in many cases, we don’t have to look at what others say to make choices about many things. Instead, we can do whatever we want. After all, our future life is our own. 50+ is still very young, if you are not remarried at this time. How will you spend your days after that? Do you want to be alone for the rest of your life?

It’s okay to be alone for a while, but if it lasts for a long time, you will be very lonely and helpless. If you don’t remarry when you are in your 50s, it will be difficult to remarry when you are in your 70s or 80s. Single people in their 50s are still very young. Yes, you must remarry at this time. When you can enjoy life, enjoy it more. Don't wait until you can't enjoy it anymore. Only choose to enjoy it at that time. Wait until that time.

can be enjoyed now, why not? Is over 50 old? I feel alright. Over 50 years old is just the beginning of life for the elderly. If you think about the end before it starts, you are destined to not be happy, so you are still very young in your 50s, and you should spend more time when you have just started. Do you want to wait until the end to come back? By then it will be too late.

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews


This is indeed true. Now the average life expectancy is between seventy and eighty years old. Compared to those in their 70s and 80s, those in their 50s are indeed young. If you have this idea, it is better to remarry than to live together in a group. After all, remarriage at least has legal protection.

As far as retirement is concerned, remarriage is indeed very good. However, if you remarry, you must find someone who is suitable for you instead of blindly following the trend. If I need this and find the right person, I can remarry. If not found.

There is no need to be too pushy. Sometimes things are just like this and you can’t force them. Coercion is not sweet. If you don’t have it, forget it. If you have it, you can choose to remarry. If not, forget it, just live one day at a time and live each day well.

The question is, if it were you, would you choose to remarry? More than 50 years old is still relatively young, after all, the average life expectancy is so long now.Now that this is the case, what would you do if it were you? Do you think remarriage is the most embarrassing thing?

There is a question that has been confusing many people. This problem is single women over 50. Want to remarry? This is a difficult question to answer. Many people think that they should remarry, and some people think that they should not remarry. Should you remarry? Will you be  - DayDayNews

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