A message on the Internet was highly praised: "Look at the world and simplify it; put down your face and work with a bow; maintain your dignity and do not give up your original intention."

2024/05/2523:55:33 emotion 1680

Su Shi once wrote such a poem: What is life like everywhere

How should a person spend his life?

A message on the Internet was highly praised: "Look at the world, simplify; put down your face, Work with a bow; maintain your dignity and do not give up your original intention. "

I have seen the world

A message on the Internet was highly praised:

Some people say that if life is compared to an arithmetic problem, we add in the second half of our life and subtract in the second half of our life. When we have never seen the vastness and prosperity of the world, we always try to have more things and constantly allow ourselves to carry more

When a person sees the prosperity of the world, the more aware he is of himself, the more he becomes Hoping to return to a simple life and spend his life the way he likes

Mr. Yang was born into a famous family. He grew up in a sea of ​​books and was very knowledgeable. He studied at Tsinghua University when he was young, and later went to study in the UK with excellent results. After returning to China, he created plays such as "Satisfaction" and became famous instantly. In the 1980s, when the Queen of England came to visit, Yang was also invited to attend the state banquet

After becoming famous, Yang was not immersed in the dream of fame and wealth, but she continued to enrich her heart and chose to live the simplest life

She He refused the finely decorated room provided by the state and chose to live in a dilapidated storage room because it was close to the library. The room was also very simple, with a cement floor and no furniture, just a few tables and chairs. In such a simple room, she completed the final translation of " Don Quixote "

Less desire makes the mind calm, and a calm mind makes things simpler. A person who truly sees the world can cast off the shackles of prosperity and vanity and embrace a clear and simple life. Be able to fully tolerate and accept everything that happens around you, respect the richness and diversity of the world, and be neither flattering nor despicable, neither despicable nor overbearing

As Yang said: "A simple life and a noble soul are the highest of life. "Those who have truly seen the world know how to simplify and embrace a clear and simple life.

Put down your face

A message on the Internet was highly praised:

Yi Shu said: "The face is the most difficult and useless thing for a person to let go of. The more you care about it. , the heavier it becomes and the harder it is for you to walk. "The more you fear disgrace and death, the easier it is to lose your dignity." Maupassant's novel "The Necklace" tells such a story. A beautiful woman, her husband is an ordinary clerk. Mathilde's life is not rich, but she is obsessed with the luxurious aristocratic life. In order to attend a grand party, she made a dress with the 400 francs saved by her husband, and borrowed a beautiful necklace from a friend. Above the party, Mathilde showed off her extraordinary grace, her Vanity is fully satisfied. Unexpectedly, the necklace was accidentally lost on the way home. In this situation, she had to hide her friend and slowly make amends. From then on, the couple lived frugally for 10 years

Ironically, she didn't realize until the end that she had just borrowed a fake necklace. Just for a small illusory face, she lost ten years of youth

Saving face is a good thing, which shows that a person has a sense of shame and ambition. However, "pretending to be fat" for the sake of embarrassment, ruining your life for the sake of face, and showing off, showing off, and putting on airs are undoubtedly a disaster.

Face is not pretended, but earned. Like to show off and enjoy the feeling of being envied by others. This kind of face is only superficial, life is fundamental. Losing face is not about losing face, but doing things more purely, seeing things more thoroughly, and having a higher mode

In life, the face is to live for others, while the heart is to live for oneself.Only when you put down your unnecessary face and lower your head to do things, can you gain respect and better see the road on the mountain

Stay decent

A message on the Internet was highly praised:

Someone on the Internet asked: "What does a decent person look like?"

A high like Said: "If you are not worthy, don't look at his style when the weather is calm, but look at her appearance when she encounters difficulties. In difficult days, sticking to the bottom line and taking it easy is the greatest dignity and dignity."

There is a video online about a paralyzed son taking care of his paralyzed father. Zhang, 37 years old, is from Heilongjiang Province. He suffers from ankylosing spondylitis and has been paralyzed for 14 years. He can solve most of life's problems from a wheelchair using only his movable hands. At the same time, he also has to take care of his 63-year-old paralyzed father.

Zhang said, "I get up at 5 o'clock every morning, cook at 6 o'clock, and then start cleaning. After washing, I will clean for my father. Sometimes my father will be more emotional. , such as wiping the body, sometimes he would cry because he knew it was difficult for me to move. ”

The ups and downs of life have not defeated Zhang. Instead, they made him more depressed and braver. He bought a computer and worked part-time jobs to support his income. He said: "Cherish the romance of the universe, cherish the daily life of the world."

Some netizens commented above the video: "He is neither arrogant nor arrogant, nor does he sell out. He dresses well and speaks well. Although Life is difficult, but he still lives a dignified life. "Cai Gencang" said: "Everyone takes pleasure in good times, and a gentleman takes pleasure in adversity." The harder life is, the harder we should work hard, persevere, and persevere. Neither arrogant nor impetuous.

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