Text | Zhu Shenyong Extramarital love has a development cycle: in a short period of time, the relationship heats up rapidly and reaches its peak. The man will have a peak experience and feel perfect. He feels that the appearance of Xiaolu has made his life 100 points. This is the

2024/05/2515:39:33 emotion 1148

text | Zhu Shenyong

Extramarital affairs have a development cycle: in a short period of time, the relationship heats up sharply and reaches its peak quickly. The man will have a peak experience and feel perfect. He feels that the appearance of Xiaolu has given him a 100-point feeling in his life. .

This is the biggest bonus period for a man in his extramarital affair. As time goes by, and later on, he begins to have a normal emotional experience, and his feelings for Xiaolu will gradually become dull.

In an extramarital relationship, when is a man happiest? A man is happiest when his wife doesn't find out, when Xiaolu is obedient and doesn't want to be in the upper hand; but if his wife knows about it and Xiaolu wants to be in the upper hand, the husband will not only not be happy, but he will also be in stress and trouble for a long time.

Because in this relationship, the wife, husband, and Xiao Lu all have their own thoughts: the wife wants her husband to end things with Xiao Lu, and she wants a normal and healthy marriage; Xiao Lu wants to be in power, has a family, and Drive away the first wife; the man keeps swinging between the two women.

The longer the extramarital relationship lasts, the more lies a man exposes, and both women come to him for explanations, and the greater the man's pressure and trouble.

Text | Zhu Shenyong Extramarital love has a development cycle: in a short period of time, the relationship heats up rapidly and reaches its peak. The man will have a peak experience and feel perfect. He feels that the appearance of Xiaolu has made his life 100 points. This is the - DayDayNews

In the case I tutored, this man was miserable when he had a threesome. It was very typical: he was 49 years old, with a moderate income in a first-tier city, had a mortgage and car loan, and three children at home. Without an extramarital affair, his income and expenses were basically barely balanced.

After his wife gave birth to her third child, she became easily irritable and the two of them were constantly quarreling. The man started to get drunk and later met Xiao Lu in a bar. She had no income and no job, so she was living in the man's family.

Later, she gave birth to two illegitimate children to the man. The man felt that he was just like the emperor. The two women competed to give him children. He was very proud and proud of his deviance.

Later, Xiaolu felt that she had given birth to two children and had capital. She wanted to be in power. She wanted to use her children to trap the man. The man began to feel pressure and was unable to get off. After his wife knew the truth, she frantically forced them to break up. The man was exhausted and drank all day long. .

Text | Zhu Shenyong Extramarital love has a development cycle: in a short period of time, the relationship heats up rapidly and reaches its peak. The man will have a peak experience and feel perfect. He feels that the appearance of Xiaolu has made his life 100 points. This is the - DayDayNews

With two women and five children, the man is in dire straits financially. He relies on all kinds of loans, debit cards, and compound interest. He has no choice but to force his wife to take out a mortgage on the house to pay for living expenses. He also wants to find himself seven times. The eighty-year-old father borrowed money. He had no money in his pocket, so he went to his old comrades to borrow money to buy milk powder for his grandson.

In addition to financial pressure, men also face pressure on time and energy. Both women look to him for time, companionship, and attention.

A man works during the day, takes time to accompany Xiaolu at noon, entertains clients at night, and returns to his home to be with his wife and children around twelve o'clock. He also lies in various ways to prove that he is not accompanying Xiaolu/his wife and that he is working. Exhausted physically and mentally.

Text | Zhu Shenyong Extramarital love has a development cycle: in a short period of time, the relationship heats up rapidly and reaches its peak. The man will have a peak experience and feel perfect. He feels that the appearance of Xiaolu has made his life 100 points. This is the - DayDayNews

This man had an extramarital affair and was on the verge of bankruptcy. He was borrowing money from everywhere, and his time and energy were severely exhausted. He almost had no life left. Without a normal life, has no space and time to develop its career , and can only continue to struggle on the edge of collapse.

Both my wife and Xiaolu were in great pain. The five children did not have a healthy living environment. Although they would not starve to death, their quality of life was seriously affected and they suffered great psychological trauma.

Having a threesome is like being addicted to drugs. It feels pleasurable at first, but then it will break down and your life will be ruined. If you are a wife, you must stand up bravely when encountering a threesome, intervene decisively, and do not tolerate it; if you are a little green, you must expose the man's lies. If a man does not become single again, do not fall in love with him; if you As a man, you must be wary of your greed and luck, and know how to stop losses in time.

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