Hello everyone, the 218th article of "Evening Breeze in the Wheat Field", remember to like and follow, and continue to share the philosophy and fun of life with you. . If people are not on the same level, no matter what you do, the other party will think you are wrong, and no mat

2024/05/2221:08:33 emotion 1321

Hello everyone, the 218th article of "Evening Breeze in the Wheat Field", remember to like and follow, and continue to share the philosophy and fun of life with you. .

Hello everyone, the 218th article of

If people are not on the same level

then the other party will think you are wrong no matter what you do

Whatever you say, the other party will think you are wrong

The environment we live in is originally very simple, but some people are too paranoid and difficult to Make peace with others.

The lower the cognitive level of a person, the more he likes to refute, which will only make his own path narrower and narrower.

Only by controlling the desire to refute and not letting refutation become a habit will your life become better and better and your life become more and more transparent.


The lower the level of people, the more they like to argue.

They like to refute you whatever you say.

I obviously don’t know what’s going on, but I like to find a sense of presence.

seems to want everyone to know about him. As the saying goes, those who don’t have two skills should not seek the limelight blindly.

There once was a neighbor who loved to block you.

Me: There is a restaurant downstairs. It looks pretty good. Let’s go and try it then.

Neighbor: Don’t go, it doesn’t taste good at first glance, and it’s not as well decorated as my friend’s restaurant.

me: Nowadays, there are many things that need to be paid attention to when classifying garbage, and it takes some thought and energy.

Neighbor: What should you pay attention to? You can throw them together. Anyway, the last truck to collect the garbage will all dump it into one truck.

me: I finally finished the game, I’m so happy.

Neighbor: You are the one who knows how to master it, my mother! That's been my thing for a long time.

happened again and again, and I never contacted any neighbor again.

Whenever you are willing to share with others, the other party will always pour a ladle of cold water on you to drench you thoroughly.

I have to say that in life, there are not many people like this.

only considers his own comfort, and does not think about whether his words without thinking will make others feel uncomfortable.

There are still people who, if you say one thing, they will retort ten sentences, leaving you speechless.

In fact, there is often no need to get too close to such people, which not only causes trouble for oneself, but also hurts one's mind and body.

Carnegie said:

Never get entangled with someone who likes to bully you, otherwise, you will easily become that person, and in the end it will only lower your own level.

Instead of being like that kind of person, it is better to maintain self-restraint and be yourself.

Hello everyone, the 218th article of


Loving to refute others is a kind of ignorance

There is a saying:

No matter what you do, don’t disturb other people’s lives too much with your own values ​​​​and lifestyle, or even try to change others. Sometimes it is better to accept or listen. Constantly refuting others will make you more lovable.

Every independent person has independent thoughts. Not everyone is like you. It’s hot today and you want to eat ice cream and drink ice water.

Learn to start from the other person's perspective and gain the comfort you deserve when getting along, so that you can chat happily together.

has a colleague who has been working in the company for five years and is now an ordinary employee.

He has rich experience, but every time he cooperates with his peers, he always gets into conflicts and even annoys the leader.

The reason is just one.

He always disagrees with the opinions of his friends. If his friends say something, he will reply many times.

caused the opinions and inspirations that his companions wanted to express to be stifled by him one by one. Of course,

's colleagues are also angry. Why, everyone just wants to do a good job, why do they always deny me and question me.

broke up unhappy in the end, and under the leadership's arrangement, they worked separately.

did not expect that this separation, the concept that had been suppressed, was recognized by leaders and customers, and his partner was directly promoted to manager as an exception.

Originally, colleagues could take advantage of their peers and be promoted from ordinary employees to managers, but in the end they failed to live up to that great opportunity.

People who always like to refute others are not only ignorant, but also ignorant.

You don’t know what benefits will come from loving to refute others, but it will definitely bring harm.

Hello everyone, the 218th article of


People with a high cognitive level can listen and be silent

What is the cognitive level?

Generally speaking, when talking between people, they will not focus on themselves and not consider others.

When you meet someone who chatters incessantly and likes to refute you all the time, and who thinks that what he says is very reasonable, it shows that his cognitive level is worrying.

once encountered a conversation between a man and a woman:

Male: This is my first time in Guangdong. As expected, the Cantonese people are very friendly and the night view is not disappointing.

female: Guangdong is okay! If you go to Qingdao , you will know that Guangdong cannot.

male: Really? Then go check it out if you get a chance.

female: Maybe you have no chance.

male: Why?

female: You are too old and it is not suitable for you.

The man didn't speak after that, but turned his face to another place, silently admiring the scenery of Guangdong.

does not care about others and automatically filters out hurtful words. It is not only a person's self-cultivation, but also a person's temperament.

Listening and silence are the best ways when others need to feel safe from you.

Because you understand that taking other people's words to heart is also a kind of comfort to the other person.

Of course, People with real cognitive abilities will not act like a mad dog. If you bite me, I have to bite you back. Instead, you will go crazy and I will be fine.

Hello everyone, the 218th article of


Written to the end

To be honest, people who have never seen the world and who have little education are more likely to refute.

always focuses on himself and doesn't care about others.

The scenery I have seen is right in front of my eyes, while the scenery others have seen is mountains and rivers.

Don't take yourself too seriously. Maybe your desire to refute will make you miss the opportunity.

Respect everyone and communicate equally. While you can accept others seriously, you will also gain something yourself.

Finally, may you restrain yourself and be a person who talks about sparing your life.

Don't miss invisible opportunities just because of your addiction.


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