The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book "Fogg Behavior Model". Why are people unwilling to change themselves? Because change is painful, people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and of course

2024/05/2015:53:32 emotion 1741

The most effective changes come from feeling good.

This is the 31st article of in the book "Fogg Behavior Model".

The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book

Why are people unwilling to change themselves?

Because change is painful, people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Of course, they do not want to always experience pain, so it is difficult to change oneself.

But as people grow, they must constantly change themselves, what should we do?

is simple and makes change no longer painful but feels good.

In order to remind himself of this, Zhang Wei wrote this sentence on a note, "I change when I feel good, and the effect is best."

The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book

He posted this note on his dressing mirror Go on, read this sentence every day while getting dressed to remind yourself.

Now, Zhang Wei has learned to celebrate himself after doing good things and use this technique to create a good emotional experience for himself.

Before, Zhang Wei’s mentality was that for good behavior, I would either do my best or not do it at all. Now, Zhang Wei has learned to pay attention to every small success in his life and then celebrate it. Even if you still can't do your best, the good feeling brought by the celebration will make you continue to make changes and one day you will do your best.

Zhang Wei found that not only can you celebrate after the new habit is completed, but in fact, celebrating at other points in time is also very effective.

The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book

In order to cultivate the habit of brisk walking, Zhang Wei designed a mini habit formula for himself. After walking in the community and reaching the starting point of the walk, I started brisk walking.

But in the early days of developing this habit, Zhang Wei always forgot to walk to the pedestrian area when taking a walk. One day, Zhang Wei was in the elevator going downstairs and thought of this mini habit formula. He was a little happy and said to himself in his mind, not bad, you have remembered the habit of walking quickly. Zhang Wei found that this celebration strengthened his behavior, not the behavior of walking fast, but the behavior of remembering to walk fast.

With this celebration, Zhang Wei found that when he took the elevator downstairs the next day, he remembered to go for a brisk walk again, so Zhang Wei celebrated himself in his heart again. In this way, after several celebrations, Zhang Wei developed the habit of remembering to walk quickly when walking.

Zhang Wei also found that in addition to celebrating when you remember to implement a new habit, celebrating during the process of implementing a new habit is also very effective.

The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book

Once, during a brisk walk, Zhang Wei felt a little sore and bored before the expected amount of exercise was achieved. This painful feeling weakened Zhang Wei's motivation to continue walking. . At this time, Zhang Wei had an idea and decided to celebrate himself. He was celebrating that he was walking fast, which was good for his body. So Zhang Wei raised his right hand, made a fist-pumping gesture in celebration, and shouted "You are great, come on!". After completing this celebration, Zhang Wei felt positive emotions surge up, drowning out the bad feelings just now. This gave Zhang Wei the motivation to keep walking and complete the amount of exercise for the day.

The most effective changes come from feeling good. This is the 31st article of intensive reading and sharing in the book

Now, Zhang Wei has firmly remembered, "I change when I feel good, and the effect is best.", and continues to practice this sentence in his own life.

Therefore, change does not have to be painful. We can celebrate and create a good feeling at these three points in time when we remember to implement the new habit, in the process of implementing the new habit, and after completing the new habit. In this way, the effect of self-change can be optimal.

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