The recent announcement of the Beijing High School Entrance Examination has aroused widespread heated discussion in society. There are 877 people in the city with a perfect score of 660 and a score of 655 or above. There are so many people who are almost close to the perfect scor

The recent results of the Beijing High School Entrance Examination have aroused widespread heated discussion in society. There are 877 people in the city with a full score of 660 and a score of 655 or above. There are so many people who are almost close to full scores in general subjects. Is seriously involved in ? Or are the test questions too easy? Will it be a big trend in the national high school entrance examination in the future? What is the purpose?

Picture from Weibo Beijing Evening News

This is not only the case in Beijing, but also in Guangdong and Hangzhou this year. There are also divergent opinions on the Internet, and the main opinions can be roughly divided into the following four types:


The simplification of the high school entrance examination is a general trend and an important step to implement the double reduction of and . In order to balance education and meet the needs of social productivity, spending a lot of money to make up classes has the same effect as not having to make up classes. If high schools continue to make up classes, firstly, there will be no time, and secondly, the effect will not be great, and education and training will gradually withdraw from the stage of history. Put the pressure of study on high school, make the college entrance examination questions more flexible and complex, and have higher requirements for children's lower ability, so as to select talents who are truly suitable for social development.


reduces the difficulty of the high school entrance examination, making the high school entrance examination results somewhat deceptive. For children who have poor self-discipline and do not like to learn, it is like boiling a frog in warm water. But at the same time, it is also very beneficial to children's physical and mental health, allowing children to have more time to develop their own strengths, find things they are good at, and build good self-confidence. The difficulty of the college entrance examination has not been reduced, which may cause a certain psychological gap for some children who have entered high school. The scores in the examination were obviously good in junior high school, but it may not be so easy in high school.


The internal volume has reached an incandescent level, and the requirements for children are higher. You cannot be partial to one subject, the foundation must be solid, and all subjects need to be developed in a comprehensive and balanced manner. Although the paper is simpler, the competition in the same section is also greater. Be careful, a small difference can make a huge difference.


teaching returns to the basics, textbooks, and classrooms. Give children the time they need to make up lessons and answer questions, so that they can read a lot, think about practices and activities. Cultivate children's basic ability building instead of relying on answering questions from an early age. Reducing the difficulty may divert parents' attention from focusing only on their children's grades, paying more attention to their children's learning process and physical and mental growth, and discovering what their children are really good at.


1, simple high school entrance examination questions is a major trend. It has been tried out in various places and will gradually be promoted nationwide. Higher requirements are placed on students' basic mastery, all-round development, psychological quality and attentiveness.

2, the exam is still selective. If there is selection, there will be competition. The test questions are not difficult, and it is basically impossible to widen the score gap. Therefore, it is important to lay a good foundation in various subjects and cultivate good study habits in children from an early age.

3, pay attention to the cultivation of children's basic abilities since childhood, making the high school entrance examination easier. The college entrance examination has not changed. The cultivation of literary literacy and the development of thinking methods are a long-term comprehensive process. Parents need to pay attention to cultivating their children's development in these two aspects from an early age.

4, provide career enlightenment and career planning for children as early as possible, and choose a path suitable for their development based on their characteristics. Whether you are going to a general high school, vocational high school, , international high school or going abroad, be fully prepared so that you will not be in a hurry after the high school entrance examination.

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