Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the The

2024/07/0217:45:33 education 1798

Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the The - DayDayNews

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches on running ideological and political courses well, and implement the deployment requirements of the 13th Beijing Party Congress on keeping integrity and innovation in running ideological and political courses in schools, on July 15, Beijing University of Technology held a seminar on the reform and innovation of ideological and political theoretical courses in colleges and universities under the perspective of "big ideological and political courses". Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the Theory Department of the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Secretariat of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era Chen Rui, Kou Hongjiang, director of the Propaganda Department of the Education Working Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, Wan Peng, editor-in-chief of the Theory Party History Group of People's Daily Online, Communist Party of China News Network, and Jiang Zhengxiang, director of the Theory Department of Guangming.com attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was hosted by Li Siping, deputy secretary of the school party committee.

Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the The - DayDayNews

Jiang Zeting pointed out that ideological and political courses are a key course to implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches are the fundamental guidelines for running the “big ideological and political courses” and deepening the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in the new era. Beijing The University of Technology always attaches great importance to the construction of ideological and political courses, regards the School of Marxism and Marxist Theory as key colleges and key disciplines, formulates and implements the "Action Plan on Strengthening the Construction of the School of Marxism in the New Era and Improving the Quality of Ideological and Political Theory Courses", and strives to improve the quality of ideological and political courses. The "big ideological and political course" for epidemic prevention and control has achieved remarkable results. Regarding further deepening the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in the new era, Jiang Zeting put forward four suggestions: First, improve the political stance, adhere to the "eight unifications", constantly explore and deepen the rules for running ideological and political courses well, and strengthen the management of ideological and political courses well. The second is to improve teaching and research capabilities, comprehensively improve the quality and level of ideological and political courses, and vigorously strengthen the construction of "famous teachers", "famous courses", "famous topics" and "famous libraries"; the third is to combine the background of the times and In the process of reform and innovation, we must teach the "big ideological and political course", clarify the "two overall situations", thoroughly explain the " four histories " education, tell the story of China's anti-epidemic, tell the spirit of the Winter Olympics, and tell the deep red tradition; the fourth is In order to ensure the effectiveness of construction, we must not only look at ideological and political courses in terms of ideological and political courses, build ideological and political courses according to the characteristics and laws of ideological and political courses, but also look beyond ideological and political courses, and gather various resources to jointly improve the effectiveness of ideological and political course construction.

Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the The - DayDayNews

Chen Rui congratulated the convening of the seminar and pointed out that ideological and political courses are the main channel and main position for building souls with the party’s innovative theories and play an irreplaceable role in cultivating socialist builders and successors. The Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee has been actively promoting the construction of "big ideological and political courses" in an all-round way. It has done a good job in ideological and political theory courses with high standards by selecting and building key horse racing colleges, strengthening scientific research incentives, organizing social practice, and carrying out "Four Histories" education. Organize and implement work. It is hoped that Beijing University of Technology will highlight its own disciplinary advantages, condense unique research directions, and continue to produce high-quality research results that are responsible for the times.

In his video speech, Kou Hongjiang said that the 13th Municipal Party Congress has put forward new and higher requirements for further deepening the reform of ideological and political courses in schools based on the first good standard. The concept of "big ideological and political courses" is an important path for the reform and innovation of ideological and political courses in schools in the new era. It must be integrated into the development of the capital in the new era and transform the vivid practice of Beijing into a "big classroom" that enhances theoretical recognition; based on the school's subject and professional characteristics, Transform professional education into a "big position" for value creation; make good use of front-line construction forces to transform ordinary heroes into "big gentlemen" who tell the story of the journey of rejuvenation, and take the opportunity to publicize and implement the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to further deepen ideological and political courses Reform and Innovation.

In the expert forum session, Professor Wang Binglin, former director of the Social Science Research Center of the Ministry of Education and director of the Institute of Party History and Party Building at Beijing Normal University, said that doing research is the main foundation for teaching ideological and political courses in depth, and focusing on the key points is The important link of teaching ideological and political courses deeply and thoroughly, and storytelling is an effective way to make ideological and political courses come alive. Three aspects explain "how to teach ideological and political courses deeply, thoroughly and vividly"; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University and concurrently Professor Shen Zhuanghai, Dean of the School of Marxism, focused on the theme of "Thinking and Exploration of the 'Big Ideological and Political Course' and its 'Good Utilization'" and conducted an in-depth analysis of "Who is the subject who makes good use of the 'Big Ideological and Political Course'" and "What is "Big Ideological and Political Courses", "Why should we make good use of 'Big Ideological and Political Courses'" and "How to make good use of 'Big Ideological and Political Courses'"; Executive Vice President of Peking University Institute of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era under the Study of Jinping Professor Sun Xiguo systematically discussed the challenges faced by the teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities from six aspects: establishing self-confidence in the subject, practicing one's own internal skills, establishing scientific evaluation standards, paying attention to life practice, improving affinity and pertinence, and implementing the concept of "big ideological and political courses" problems and solutions; Professor Qin Xuan, Dean of the Institute of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Renmin University of China, , from the perspective of construction goals, construction concepts, construction content, education subjects, construction objects, teaching arrangements, and teaching Systematically interpreting the concept of "integration of ideological and political theory courses in large, medium and small schools" from nine aspects: form, teaching management, and teaching methods; Professor Zhu Andong, Dean of the School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, discussed from improving teacher quality, being good at responding to problems, ideological and political courses and curriculum ideological and political Colleagues and colleagues talked about their thoughts on the reform and innovation of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities; Professor Feng Xiujun, Dean of the School of Marxism at Central University of Finance and Economics, elaborated on the theme of "Talk about the two focus points of making good use of the 'big ideological and political courses'" Make good use of major ideological and political courses, make good use of questions, make good use of stories and other content to provide demonstrations and guidance for teaching ideological and political courses in depth, thoroughly and lively. The expert forum was hosted by Ding Yun, dean of the School of Marxism at Beijing University of Technology.

Jiang Zeting, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Technology and Director of the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Director of the The - DayDayNews

In the teaching display and exchange session of the "Epidemic Prevention and Control Ideological and Political Course" for young teachers, Zhang Erjia from the School of Marxism at Beijing Institute of Technology, Gao Lijuan from the School of Marxism at Tianjin University of Technology, Yuan Shuaimin from the School of Marxism at Hebei University of Technology, and Beijing Zizi Xu Qinglin from the School of Marxism of the College, Chang Hongli from the School of Marxism of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, Mo Yiming from the School of Marxism of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Technology, and Zhao Congcong from the School of Marxism of Beijing University of Technology gave teaching demonstrations and sharing respectively. Liu Dongjian, Dean of the School of Marxism at Communication University of China, Zhang Yimu, Vice Dean of the School of Marxism at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and Zhang Jianbao, Secretary of the Party Branch directly under the School of Marxism at Beijing University of Science and Technology, hosted the exchange; Nie Liqin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at Tianjin University of Technology, and Beijing Institute of Technology Jiang Dawei, Vice President of the School of Marxism, and Fang Hongting, Dean of the School of Marxism of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, made comments. Gao Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Marxism at Beijing University of Technology, made a concluding speech.

The seminar is hosted by the Beijing University of Technology Research Base of the Beijing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Theoretical Research on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Beijing Universities. It is hosted by the School of Marxism at Beijing University of Technology and is a combination of online and offline activities. way. More than 500 teachers and students from the Collaborative Innovation Center for Theoretical Research on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Beijing Universities (Beijing University of Technology) and Communication University of China, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Guangxi University and other universities attended the meeting online.

Photography: Liu Xiaochi

Editors: Lu Yang, Song Lintao, Liu Changqi

Review: Liu Xinghan, Zhang Chao

Copyright statement: It is not easy for Gong Xiao V to create original works. Please do not reprint without authorization

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