The National Theater of China issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022: From July 7 to 15, 2022, our school will conduct a recruitment service platform for the public recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022 on the public recruitment service platform of inst

2024/07/0207:50:33 education 1705

The National Theater of China issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022: From July 7 to 15, 2022, our school will conduct a recruitment service platform for the public recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022 on the public recruitment service platform of inst - DayDayNews

China National Theater issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022: From July 7 to 15, 2022, our school will recruit fresh graduates in 2022 on the open recruitment service platform of institutions affiliated to central and state agencies. The personnel to be recruited are being announced, and the announcement is now over. This public announcement has attracted public attention. Our hospital attaches great importance to it and carefully sorted out and verified the issues reported by everyone during the public announcement. The relevant situation is explained as follows:

Regarding the recruitment procedures. In accordance with the "Interim Regulations on Public Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions", our school has formulated a recruitment work plan for fresh college graduates in 2022 based on the needs of art production and the annual graduate acceptance plan, and on March 17, it was held in public institutions affiliated with central and state agencies. The public recruitment service platform released a recruitment announcement, announcing recruitment position information such as secretarial , financial accounting, actor, costume design, director, etc., as well as basic requirements for applicants, job requirements, recruitment process and other matters. The recruitment process includes registration and qualification review, examination, physical examination and inspection, publicity, employment and other links.

According to statistics, a total of 590 people signed up for this recruitment, of which 447 passed the qualification review. Based on the ranking of the candidates' final scores from high to low, 10 candidates were identified, specifically 7 for the actor position, 1 for the director's position, 1 for the sound operation position, and 1 for the costume design position. The recruitment process implements the principles of openness, equality, competition and merit selection, and strictly follows the recruitment announcement procedures.

Regarding the qualifications of proposed personnel. The recruitment announcement clarifies 8 basic conditions that applicants should possess, as well as the qualifications specified for the recruitment position, including academic requirements and professional requirements for the position. After qualification review, all proposed personnel meet the requirements.

In response to the problem reported by netizens that some proposed personnel did not meet the qualifications for "non-employed personnel", we reviewed the qualifications of 10 proposed personnel. None of the 10 proposed personnel signed an labor contract with any unit during their schooling. , social insurance has not been paid. The 10 proposed personnel were not found to have established a labor relationship stipulated by laws and regulations with any unit, were not found to be employed in any unit, and met the qualifications of "non-employed personnel" specified by relevant departments.

is about actor position setting and examination situation. It is planned to recruit 10 people for this actor position, with majors covering performance, art, drama and film, film, etc. A total of 309 people applied for the job, of which 223 passed the qualification review and took the exam. After the recruitment process, 7 people are planned to be hired. There is no " "" because of people setting up positions, there is no "carrot recruitment" problem.

In accordance with the "Interim Provisions on Public Recruitment of Personnel by Public Institutions", employers determine the examination subjects and methods according to the industry, major and position characteristics, and can adopt various methods such as written examinations and interviews. In accordance with the above regulations, based on the characteristics of the actor position, and with reference to the recruitment examination methods of other literary and art troupes, our academy has determined that the recruitment examination for the actor position in 2022 will be conducted in the form of interviews, focusing on the professional and technical abilities of the applicants such as voice, stage, form, and appearance. , there will be no written test. The interview is divided into three rounds, with the same examiner in the same round. The shortlisted candidates for each round of interviews will be notified by our hospital to advance to the next round, and those who are not shortlisted will not be notified. Taking into account the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control in various places, the recruitment examination adopts a combination of online and offline methods. The first trial was held from April 14th to 16th, and all 223 people participated online. The second and third tests were originally planned to be conducted offline, but due to the impact of the epidemic, they were changed to online and offline methods. Among them, the second test was held from April 24 to 25, with a total of 52 participants, 22 online and 30 offline; the third test was held on May 2, with a total of 20 participants, 9 online and offline 11 people. All 10 candidates to be recruited participated in three rounds of interviews. There was no case where anyone failed to participate in the interview, and the procedures and requirements were met.

The National Theater of China issued a statement on the recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022: From July 7 to 15, 2022, our school will conduct a recruitment service platform for the public recruitment of fresh graduates in 2022 on the public recruitment service platform of inst - DayDayNews

(@China National Theater)

Editor: Zhao Shanshan

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