(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you may wish to come to my material bar to browse and take a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected g

2024/06/3015:46:32 education 1951

(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you might as well come to my material bar to browse and have a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected things. Harvest. )

1. Classical sayings and aphorisms about Minhui

1. Wisdom is like a candle that can penetrate all things.

2. The so-called wisdom means knowing everything, having unique insights into what you hear, not being confused by one thing, and being able to deduce big truths from a small thing.

3. A man of faith will not give up his achievements; a wise man will not give up all opportunities.

4. A wise man will not give up good things because he misses a good opportunity; a brave man will not damage his reputation just to survive.

5. No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot defeat the crowd; no matter how smart a person is, he cannot exhaust all things.

6. It is unwise to be afraid of disaster before it happens; a gentleman knows to be vigilant before disaster occurs.

(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you may wish to come to my material bar to browse and take a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected g - DayDayNews

7. Talking about something without knowing the truth is unwise; knowing but not talking about it is disloyal.

8. Wisdom depends not on age but on soul. Friendship does not depend on time but on ordinary times.

9. Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a car.

10. Wisdom is not destroyed by overuse. Most people get rusty by not using it.

11. Where there are many weeds, there is little food, and where there is much nonsense, there is little wisdom.

12. A capable person controls the devil, and a wise person rides an army.

(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you may wish to come to my material bar to browse and take a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected g - DayDayNews

2. Examples of Minhui:

(1) Huang Wan cleverly answered

Huang Wan was young and wise. Grandfather Qiong was the prefect of Wei County. There was a solar eclipse on the first lunar month of the first year of Jianhe. The capital did not see it, but Qiong heard about it. The Queen Mother asked how much she had eaten. Jones thought he was right but didn't know what was going on. Wan, who was seven years old, stood by and said, "Why don't you say that the rest of the solar eclipse is like the beginning of the moon?" Qiong was shocked, and she responded to the imperial edict with her words, and she fell in love with her deeply. (Selected from "Book of the Later Han Dynasty")


Huang Wan was smart since he was a child, and his grandfatherHuang Qiong served as the prefect of Wei County. A solar eclipse occurred in the first month of the first year of Jianhe (AD 147). Since the eclipse could not be seen in the capital, Huang Qiong reported what he heard to the court. The Queen Mother summoned him to ask him about the situation. Huang Qiong thought about how to answer the Queen Mother's inquiry but didn't know how to describe it. Huang Wan, who was only seven years old at the time, was standing by and said, "Why don't you say that the rest of the solar eclipse is like the rising moon?" Huang Qiong suddenly understood and immediately reported the answer to the Queen Mother according to Huang Wan's answer, and thought that Huang Qiong Wan is different, so he loves him very much.

A seven-year-old child used metaphors to answer the Queen Mother's questions about the solar eclipse that even his grandfather could not answer, which shows his wit and intelligence.

(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you may wish to come to my material bar to browse and take a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected g - DayDayNews

(2) He Duo debates

He Tuo is young and alert, and studied in Guozi at the age of eight. Assistant teacher Gu Liangxi asked: "What is your surname? Is it the lotus of the lotus leaf? Is it the river of the river?" Tuo responded and said: "Sir, your surname is Gu. Is it the name of Blessing Gu? Is it because of the new name?" Everyone was confused. .


He Tuo was very smart when he was a child. When he was eight years old, he went to the (ancient Chinese) education management institution to study. His mentor Gu Liang joked to him: "Your surname is He. Is it the lotus from the lotus leaf or the river from the river?" He Tuo immediately replied: "Your surname is Gu, is it the surname of Gu or the new friend?" Everyone was confused. I was surprised by He Tuo's answer.

He Tuo both answered the teacher's question and returned the question to the teacher. This clever answer shows that He Tuo is smart and eloquent.

(Dear friend: If you are troubled by your composition, and are worried that you don’t have good materials for your article, you may wish to come to my material bar to browse and take a look. I will launch a series of composition materials to ensure that you will have unexpected g - DayDayNews

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