01 Should summer vacation be relaxing or business as usual? Experts offer scientific insights. We know that many sports stars attach great importance to their regular life, because once the rhythm of life is disrupted, it is difficult to return to a good state. The same is true f

01 Should summer vacation be relaxing or business as usual? Experts offer scientific insights

We know that many sports stars attach great importance to their regular life, because once the rhythm of life is disrupted, it is difficult to return to a good state. The same is true for children's study habits. They also pay attention to rules, and the focus is on creating a regular study schedule.

But summer is the hardest hit area for many children with disordered schedules. For example, they stay up late at night watching TV and playing video games, etc. The normal routine has been disrupted, and the consequences can be imagined.

The reason is very simple. Once the study habits developed in the past are broken, it will be very difficult to develop them again in the future.

Good study habits are difficult to develop, and it basically takes a long period of time to "cultivation", but it is easy to break good habits, and a summer vacation may bring the child back to the starting point.

The real difficulty is not to develop the habit of independent learning from scratch, but to reconstruct the broken learning habits. This is like asking a car manufacturer to repair a damaged car is often much more difficult than to produce a new car.

The summer vacation is relatively long. If children are not guided to plan well, it is easy for children to have disordered work and rest schedules. If this situation is allowed to continue, it will be difficult for children to enter the learning state immediately after school starts next semester. In the long run, children will not be able to keep up with their studies, and they will inevitably become tired of studying.

So, when someone asks whether summer vacation is for children to relax or to be business as usual, my point of view is that if we want to avoid breaking the good study habits we have developed, it is best to allow children to maintain a certain learning state throughout the summer. Don't be completely relaxed, but don't be overly nervous either. For example, the work and rest time during summer vacation is similar to normal, but it does not need to be so tight. As long as you maintain a regular work and rest time every day, including time for studying, reading, physical exercise, leisure and entertainment, etc., it is enough to achieve a certain degree of relaxation.

When the long vacation is coming to an end, we parents need to guide our children to adjust their status about a week in advance, so as not to make them uncomfortable due to changes in work and rest rhythms.

02 Cultivate children's awareness of regular study and life - Make a study schedule

As mentioned earlier, even in a relatively relaxing summer vacation, you cannot reverse day and night and lose the regularity of life. Parents should teach their children in advance how to make a summer learning schedule with certain rules and patterns.

Making a study schedule that includes summer and daily life is a skill that every middle and senior grade child must master as much as possible. This is a lifelong skill, so children must develop the habit of making study plans during their primary school years. , which will be of great benefit to the child’s future growth.

However, it should be noted that parents should listen to their children's opinions when helping their children make plans, and at least let their children participate in the process of making plans, so that they will not feel that they are forced to follow their parents' instructions and arrangements. .

Of course, making a plan is only the first step, and you may encounter various problems during the actual implementation. If we encounter problems, we parents can make timely adjustments.

As long as parents pay attention to helping their children develop the habit of regular study and life, these children will have a great chance of becoming top students who learn independently in the future.

learning cannot just rely on three minutes of enthusiasm. You must plan what you should do in advance and put it into practice according to the plan. For example, we can guide children to make a simple "to-do list" based on the calendar and list the important things they have to do every day.

If we parents can explore ways to interest our children while helping them develop the habit of visualizing to-do items, the success rate of learning will be more guaranteed.

In addition, we can also break down the big learning goals into small learning goals, and then let the children implement them into the "Weekly Learning Plan", and finally conduct a review to see if each small goal has been completed. .

If it is completed, let the child start the next plan; if it is not completed, let the child adjust the strategy until the goal is achieved. In this way, a "virtuous cycle of achieving goals" is formed.

Parents can refer to the above practices and set learning goals with their children, then refine them into a daily to-do list, and make a schedule in "weeks". In this way, children will know more clearly what they should do every day. This approach applies not only to winter and summer vacations every year, but also to daily life outside of winter and summer vacations.


Is the summer vacation for children to completely relax or is it business as usual? After reading this, do you have the answer?