In order to vigorously promote the core socialist values, strengthen the education of young students' legal awareness, integrity and self-discipline, and make good use of the precious time during the holidays to continuously enrich and improve themselves. On the morning of June 2

In order to vigorously promote the core values ​​of socialism, strengthen the education of young students' legal awareness, integrity and self-discipline, and make good use of the precious time during the holidays to continuously enrich and improve themselves. On the morning of June 24, the school’s Youth League Committee held an exemplary themed Youth League Day event on “Becoming a Law-abiding, Moral and Trustworthy Youth in the New Era” online using Tencent Conference. Teachers from the school Youth League Committee, representatives from the school’s Qingma Project and school student organizations participated in the event.

During the event, the participating teachers and students sang the national anthem and the group song together, and reviewed the oath of joining the group.

In this group day activity, through typical case explanations and learning experience exchanges, we learned about the " Interim Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks ", " Self-Discipline Convention on Civilized Internet Access ", "Eight Basic Guidelines for Civilized Internet Access", etc. The provisions in Internet laws, regulations and codes of conduct that are closely related to young students guide students to build a clear cyberspace even during the holidays. At the same time, we must also abide by the local epidemic prevention and control work requirements, actively cooperate and actively participate in local epidemic prevention and control work, and demonstrate the responsibility of college students in the new era.

The activity actively guides students to vigorously practice the core socialist values, integrate the core socialist values ​​into their own words and deeds, organically combine them with summer social practice, volunteer service and other work, and become practitioners, advocates, and advocates of the core socialist values. Leaders, consciously fight against bad behaviors and phenomena.

The activity also analyzed the importance of integrity to the growth of college students, pointing out that integrity is the foundation of everyone in modern social life and a basic requirement for the moral development of young college students, guiding students to strive to be good young people who are honest and trustworthy and fulfill their promises.

Mr. Wang Peng, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school, made a concluding speech. He said that moral norms are the first line of defense to ensure the normal order of individuals and society, and legal norms are the second line of defense. We advocate and practice the core socialist values, which means pursuing the high line of morality. We emphasize abiding by laws and regulations, which means we need to build a solid legal defense line and keep the bottom line of how we behave. College students in the new era must not only know and study the law, but also abide by the law and use it. They must constantly develop awareness and concepts of the rule of law in their study and life, and strive to be the builders and disseminators of the rule of law civilization. We must vigorously practice the core socialist values ​​​​in practical actions, strengthen our ideals and beliefs, carry forward fine traditions, and strive to be the pioneer of the times who are "diligent in learning, cultivating morality, discerning, being pragmatic, patriotic, inspirational, seeking truth, and practicing hard". At the same time, we must be honest and trustworthy, fulfill our commitments, be faithful to our lofty ideals and beliefs and our own development plans, reflect inwardly at all times, maintain inner clarity, and develop self-disciplined living and study habits; be trustworthy to our parents and family, and not waste precious time during holidays. , Arrange your work and rest reasonably, and do not forget to improve your abilities through various forms during entertainment and rest; keep your word to the times, be true to your word, be resolute in your actions, fulfill your promises, and live up to the times, the time, and the people.

(This article is reprinted from [Youth Xinong] and edited by [Kaisheng Media]. Please indicate the original author when reprinting this article to maintain the integrity of the article. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.)