In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many "Qiong Yao movies".

2024/06/1104:21:33 hotcomm 1011

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao Girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many "Qiong Yao movies".

At that time, Brigitte Lin was fresh and refined, beautiful and playful, and was deeply loved by the audience. Thousands of girls regarded her as their idol, and countless boys also regarded her as their dream lover.

Even Aunt Qiong Yao once said this in an interview many years later, "Among the many Qiong Yao girls, so far, I have not met a second woman who can compare with Brigitte Lin."

It is said that as long as it is Brigitte Lin, The movies she stars in are always sold out, and many viewers even queue up in long lines just to watch a movie starring her.

But who would have thought that 's literary romance film "A Red Bean", starring her and Qin Han , would overturn.

After the film was released, not only was the cinema empty, but even the door of the cinema had a sign saying "Refuse to watch Brigitte Lin's movie". What exactly is this matter about?

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

The reason is because of a photo, and the protagonists in the photo are the male and female protagonists Brigitte Lin and Qin Han in the film.

In 1979, a Taiwanese tabloid used this photo to publish an explosive news: "Brigitte Lin and Qin Han secretly got married." As soon as the news came out, movie fans were in an uproar.

01. The malicious hype in the media eventually intensified

Qin Han was the most popular actor in Taiwan in the 1970s. He became a hit for his starring roles in many literary and romantic films such as "The Sunset Is Red" and "Small Rain". Because of his elegant manners and handsome appearance, countless girls were fascinated by him, and they pursued him as a "male god".

Because Brigitte Lin and Qin Han often play lovers on the screen, they are often said to be fake by the Taiwanese media to create scandals. I never thought that the scandal would intensify and even reach the point where the two got married secretly.

You must know that Qin Han has been married for a long time, which is a well-known thing in Taiwan's entertainment industry.

Qin Han's wife Shao Qiaoyin is not only outstanding in appearance, her father is also a well-known cosmetics agent in Taiwan, and the family power is quite strong.

Qin Han is the son of the famous general Sun Yuanliang , and the two families are well matched. With the help of their parents, Qin Han married Shao Qiaoyin in his early twenties and had a pair of children.

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

Unexpectedly, after the tabloid made such a fuss, the fate of the three people would be completely changed.

When seeing the news of "this incident", Qin Han's wife Shao Qiaoyin was completely angered.

Shao Qiaoyin's personality was too strong. Qin Han and her often quarreled over trivial matters, so the relationship between the couple has not been very good after their marriage.

In addition, she had already been concerned about the scandal between Qin Han and Brigitte Lin. At first, she was only half-believing. Until the news appeared, her attitude changed from doubt to certainty.

Finally, Shao Qiaoyin broke out. Not only did she complain tearfully in major media newspapers, but she also went to the set where Qin Han and Brigitte Lin were filming almost every day. If they had the slightest inconspicuous intimacy, she would argue with Qin Han in front of everyone. fight.

In view of Shao Qiaoyin's fierce reaction, the outside world became more convinced that Brigitte Lin was the third party in the Qin-Han marriage. All kinds of criticisms and accusations came overwhelmingly towards the simple and immature Brigitte Lin, leaving her physically and mentally exhausted and scarred.

02. Lin Qingxia was inexplicably labeled as the "mistress"

Movie fans naturally couldn't tolerate this "mistress" in the media's mouth who interfered with other people's families. They united and gave Brigitte Lin a loud slap in the face.

They put up banners saying "Refuse to watch Brigitte Lin's movies" at the entrances of major theaters, and actually took action. Therefore, the movie starring Lin Qingxia went from being full to empty, and no one paid attention to it for a while.While the box office of

plummeted, some producers did not dare to invite Brigitte Lin to cooperate. This result once again hit Brigitte Lin deeply.

Firstly, she couldn't accept that she had been labeled a "mistress" for no apparent reason. With the family education she received since she was a child, she knew that she could never become such a woman.

The second reason is that she cannot accept the setback in her film career. She was not willing to let her hard-working acting career go to waste because it was not easy for her to become an actress.

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

03. Brigitte Lin repeatedly promised to keep herself clean, and her mother agreed to let her enter the entertainment industry

In 1972, Brigitte Lin was 17 years old. After failing the college entrance examination, she was spotted by a talent scout in Ximending, Taiwan.

Not long after, Taiwanese film director Song Cunshou invited Brigitte Lin to star in "Outside the Window" adapted from the famous writer Qiong Yao's novel of the same name, letting her play the heroine.

Brigitte Lin was very excited, but her parents were firmly opposed to her entering the entertainment industry. The film company sent people to Brigitte Lin's home several times, but her parents drove them away.

Despite this, Brigitte Lin has never given up. In the end, Brigitte Lin repeatedly promised that even if she entered the entertainment industry, she would remain clean and respect herself. Only then did her mother, Ma Lanying, reluctantly agree to accompany Brigitte to the film company to meet the director.

According to Brigitte Lin's recollection, after her mother got the script that day, she marked all the kissing scenes with a cross. The director said he could borrow the seat, but her mother was still worried.

After repeatedly confirming that director Song Cunshou was a well-known good gentleman in the film industry, Ma Lanying felt comfortable letting Brigitte Lin star in "Outside the Window".

The reason why Song Cunshou went to great lengths to invite Brigitte Lin to star in "Outside the Window" was because at that time, Brigitte Lin had a student face, with beautiful facial features, clear lines, and no impurities in her eyes.

Her image is the ideal candidate for Taiwanese literary and artistic movie stars in the 1970s. There is no one more suitable than her to play the heroine of this movie.

Although "Outside the Window" was not released in Taiwan due to copyright disputes, the film received a great response when it was screened in Hong Kong, Singapore , Malaysia .

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

In the second year after this movie was released, that is, in 1974, Lin Qingxia starred in the second movie " Yun Piaopiao ", which achieved great success after its release, making her one of the seventeenth-century celebrities. The brightest new star in the literary and romantic films of the 1900s. How popular is

? In Taiwan, she is featured in movie advertisements on both sides of bus carriages.

After the huge success of "Clouds Piao Piao Piao", people kept asking her to film movies. Brigitte Lin, who had just graduated from high school at the time, suddenly changed from a student to a screen idol.

04. Brigitte Lin and Qin and Han pretended to be in love, are they okay?

In the 6 years from 1973 to 1979, Brigitte Lin filmed a total of 52 movies, more than 20 of which were in collaboration with Qin and Han as lovers.

The contents of these movies are mostly fresh and showy, and the dialogues are full of affection. The pure and beautiful Brigitte Lin and the handsome and gentle Qin Han have become the "best on-screen couple" in the hearts of thousands of viewers.

After the collaboration between the two achieved unprecedented success, the producers never stopped letting the two continue to collaborate in order to attract the audience's attention.

However, while the success of her acting career has brought her countless favors, it has also brought her unprecedented pressure. For these pressures, Brigitte Lin was not prepared at all at that time.

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

In order to attract the attention of the audience, the media began to make false claims and create topics, and fake and real breaking news has naturally become the best gimmick to attract the public's attention.

As a result, scandals about Brigitte Lin and Qin Han began to spread in Taiwan's major newspapers and tabloids.

So, is it true that the relationship between them in the movie has been extended to real life as the media said?

is, but not quite.

05. Brigitte Lin and Qin Han have feelings for each other, but they have never crossed the boundaries of partners and friends.

There is a deeper reason why Brigitte Lin can star in "Outside the Window", and this reason is related to Qin Han.

When the crew of "Outside the Window" was selecting the heroine, Brigitte Lin, who accompanied her friends to the audition, was spotted by Qin Han among the many actors. And Brigitte Lin, a young girl who had just left school, was also impressed by the elegant and handsome senior in front of her. Charmed.

Under the strong recommendation of Qin Han, Brigitte Lin got the opportunity to star as the heroine of "Outside the Window".

Perhaps from that moment on, their love began quietly.

In the following years, as they collaborated on more and more films, the two spent more time together day and night than with their families.

As the saying goes, it is only polite to be in love. Although the two of them had feelings for each other, they avoided talking about it, restrained their feelings for each other, and never crossed the boundaries of partners and friends.

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

For Qin and Han, Brigitte Lin clearly knew that the education she received, her family, and her conscience did not allow her to fall in love with a married man. Therefore, she could only bury this feeling in her heart and never thought that it would develop further.

Moreover, before entering the entertainment industry, she repeatedly promised her mother that she would keep herself clean. If I did it despite everything, how could I get my parents' blessing?

Who doesn’t want their relationship to be blessed by their parents? Brigitte Lin is no exception.

Like those girls who sit in front of the TV and watch Qiong Yao dramas, she also imagines that one day she will meet a prince charming who understands her. When they are free, the two can go shopping hand in hand, and when they are busy, they can give each other care and warmth. But the love Brigitte Lin wants is definitely not stolen from other women.

Faced with the false reports from the Taiwanese media, Brigitte Lin knew that she could not disappoint her mother, but as a young woman, she did not know how to deal with it.

06. Faced with false reports from the media, Brigitte Lin was overwhelmed and thought about committing suicide.

In the book "Brigitte Lin Qingxia's Autobiography" published in 1987, there is this passage: "No matter how loving a couple is, discord is inevitable. The Qin and Han couples Of course, there are no exceptions, but many people are pointing their arrows at me. This is so frightening. Because of this, I am so sad that I want to leave this chaotic world and live in seclusion in the mountains. "

Unexpectedly. What's surprising is that the overwhelmed Brigitte Lin really did this.

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many

On July 7, 1979, Brigitte Lin and Qin Han were invited to participate in the 25th Asian Film Festival held in Singapore.

That night, when the dinner was approaching, all the members were getting ready at the door of the hotel, but Brigitte Lin was nowhere to be seen.

So, the head of the delegation, Mr. Ming Ji , went to the room where Brigitte Lin was located. He knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Everyone felt that something was a little unusual, so they asked the waiter to open the door to see what was going on inside.

Perhaps Qin Han had already had a premonition at that time. Before the waiter came over, he rushed up to the room and violently opened the door with his body.

After everyone rushed into the room one after another, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them. I saw Brigitte Lin lying on the bed, her body wrapped in a blanket, her face pale, and she didn't react at all to the shouts of the crowd.

Qin Han saw that Brigitte Lin was unconscious. He looked at the sleeping pills on the bedside table again. Qin Han realized that something was wrong. He immediately picked up Brigitte Lin and ran out while shouting to call an ambulance.

After a series of emergency rescue operations from the hospital, Brigitte Lin was finally out of danger. That year, she was only 23 years old.

07. Lin Qingxia couldn't stand the vicious tongue of the media, and she once wanted to stay away from right and wrong.

After the suicide incident, when the media once again pointed their guns at their prey, the hunters were surprised to find that the prey was missing.

On New Year's Eve in 1979, after a bottle of red wine bottomed out, Brigitte Lin painfully decided to leave Taiwan and stay away from right and wrong.

The reason why she chose this day was obviously because everyone was celebrating the festival and no one would notice her sad departure. Moreover, this was a day to get rid of the old and welcome the new. Did she also secretly make such a choice? Hope you will have a new tomorrow?

Many years later, in an interview, she said this about this experience: "In 1979, my fame made me unbearable. I wanted to escape from the film industry, so I went to the United States. I even served dishes. I don’t mind, I don’t want anyone to know who I am. If no one knows me, I will be very happy even if I serve the dishes.”

In the 1970s, literary romance films adapted from Qiong Yao novels became popular throughout Taiwan, and Qiong Yao girl Brigitte Lin also became the focus of public attention overnight because she appeared in many


The wedding photo incident is actually a farce made out of nothing by the Taiwanese media. . At that time, Brigitte Lin and Qin Han were filming a wedding scene, and a tabloid reporter who came over took some photos on the spot.

When the photo was published in the newspaper the next day, the scene of the marriage of the male and female protagonists played by Brigitte Lin and Qin Han in the movie turned into a photo of Brigitte Lin and Qin Han getting married in real life.

Perhaps they are simple, magnanimous and have a clear conscience regarding the malicious hype by the Taiwanese media, or perhaps they are already used to being surrounded by rumors, so the two of them did not actually raise alarm at first. But no one would have thought that this incident would change the life trajectory of the three of them.

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