The 2022 high school entrance examination in Beijing has ended. The children's tasks have basically been completed, but the challenges for parents have just begun. While anxiously waiting for the announcement of their children's scores, the enrollment plans of various high school

The 2022 high school entrance examination in Beijing is over. The children's tasks are basically completed, but the challenges for parents have just begun. While anxiously waiting for the announcement of their children's scores, the enrollment plans of various high schools have also become the focus of parents' recent attention. The number of students taking the high school entrance examination in Tongzhou District in 2022 has increased by 1,650 compared with previous years, an increase of 34.1%. Where will these extra graduates go?

Recently, Beijing Educational Examination Authority announced the 2022 general high school enrollment plan. So how has this plan changed compared with previous years? Let’s study it together.

First of all, let me make it clear that we will only discuss the enrollment plan for ordinary high schools here, and we will talk about the enrollment plans for general high schools, technical secondary schools and technical schools later. In addition, this time we discuss issues that concern ordinary children who are admitted solely based on test scores. The "1+3" students who have already obtained the qualifications of students with special talents and have obtained high school admission tickets, as well as the enrollment plans of private schools and Sino-foreign cooperation projects are not within the scope of this discussion. cut to the chase, post the picture.

2022 Tongzhou District Enrollment Plan (Part)

For the vast majority of ordinary children in the general public, getting into high school depends on their scores. They can enter high school through two ways: unified enrollment and school attendance (including municipal coordination). .

It can be seen from the data in the table that the unified enrollment plan for Tongzhou District general high school in 2022 is 1,621, an increase of 528 students compared with last year. The school has an enrollment of 1,988 students, an increase of 76 students compared with last year. The total number of students in the two categories is 3,609, an increase of 585 students compared with last year. Compared with the additional 1,650 candidates, this 585-person enrollment expansion obviously cannot make parents relax.

The changes in school quotas for 2022 have been discussed two days ago. Here I will add a few words in conjunction with the unified enrollment plan. Careful parents can find out through this form that the top three high schools in Tongzhou have also reduced their school enrollment plans and increased their unified enrollment plans. Why is this? There is no need to ask, just improve the quality of students.

Some parents here may ask, Rentong only has a unified enrollment plan for students with a limit of 20 students each year. Is he polite? In fact, Rentong has many enrollment methods. Among them, there are 40 places for Rentong at the municipal level. In addition, Rentong recruits about 80 students in the "1+3" program every year, which adds up to a lot. .

Parents who are familiar with the admissions rules of the Beijing High School Entrance Examination all know that "the quota is allocated to the school" simply means competition within the school, while "unified recruitment" means competition across the district. For schools whose teaching quality is not online, increasing school quotas will reduce the quality of students in high schools. Therefore, this year the top three universities also increased the "unified recruitment" and reduced the "school quota".

School allocation situation of junior high schools in Tongzhou District in 2022

Everything has two sides, and here may be a reminder to parents who are going from primary school to junior high school. According to the latest batch plan for school admission (pictured above), the junior high schools in the plan to reduce school quota for the top three high schools are basically concentrated in Luhe, Renmin University Affiliated, Yuqiao and No. 6 middle schools, which are popular schools for primary school to junior high school. In this way, those " The "unpopular" schools' "school-to-school" quotas are the most precious.

Still going back to being recruited? Which children will be affected by this year’s changes? Let’s look at the top three schools first. Although the quota for these three schools has decreased by 63 students in total, the unified enrollment plan has increased by 180 students. This means that students at the top of the district will have more opportunities to enter the top three schools. It is good for the top candidates (around 1000 in the district). At the same time, there will be no impact on candidates who originally planned to go to secondary vocational schools. After all, the general direction is to expand the enrollment quota of secondary vocational schools in the past two years.

Let’s take a look at the schools in the second tier (Yunhe, No. 2 Middle School, No. 5 Middle School, and Polytechnic Affiliated School). In addition to the North No. 5 Middle School (Tong), which has significantly increased the number of "school quotas", several other schools have enrolled students. Each plan has its own increase or decrease, so that the children ranked 1,000 to 3,000 in the district can improve their target schools.

The two schools with the largest enrollment growth in 2022 are Yongledian Middle School and Zhangjiawan. This is also the last stubbornness of the ordinary high schools in Tongzhou District.Whether you work hard to get into a high school or go to a secondary vocational school, it will happen in this range. Students and parents who are around 4,000 in the district should pay attention.

To sum up, with the number of candidates increasing and the number of degrees increasing, the overall situation of admission to ordinary high schools is not optimistic, but for parents, managing individuals well is enough. Learning is a protracted battle, and parents cannot be absent. They must set goals and work hard with their children to achieve satisfactory results.