With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you.

2024/07/0304:16:33 education 1373

With the improvement of knowledge, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews1, Chinese language class

The higher you get to the senior grade, the more you will find the importance of and Chinese language . But when you pay more attention to it in the senior grade, the meaning of learning becomes more important.

In fact, the literature, history and other contents contained in Big Chinese should start to penetrate into children when they are still young, so that they can feel the charm of Big Chinese while watching animations and listening to poems.

Every winter and summer vacation, I will assign the task of reciting ancient poems, and this year is no exception. In addition to using MOBI to love ancient poems, I also found two very good cartoons to help children understand.

A. "Ancient Poems of the Tang Dynasty" - a Chinese comic classic

Frankly speaking, when I first found this 26-episode ancient poetry cartoon, I clicked on it without hesitation to collect it, thinking that I must let my children watch it.

This cartoon selects 26 representative poems from more than a thousand poems by more than 100 poets and makes them into cartoons with exquisite painting style and strong ancient style characteristics.

The animation production of the episode "Giving Wang Lun" is reminiscent of the once-incomparable classic "Nezha Hao Hai". The characters' movements and expressions fit the theme, are smart and natural.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

"Let's Enter the Wine" uses the highly classical ink animation to present the blank space. The painting style, soundtrack and poetic sentiment are perfectly unified. After watching cartoons like

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

, children not only learn ancient poems, but also gain a deep understanding of ancient rhymes.

B. " Chinese Ancient Poetry Animation " - an annual one-episode classic

You may not be familiar with "Chinese Ancient Poetry Animation", but when it comes to the original name "Chinese Choir", many mothers may suddenly realize it.

, this ancient poetry animation produced in 2017, is released once a year. With its deep emotions and super exquisite pictures, it caused a sensation as soon as it was released. There was even a clip of "Lovesickness" that became very popular on a certain music channel.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

This cartoon has been produced for 6 times, and it is said that it has been completed (sincerely regretting it). Each part ranges from 5 minutes to 23 minutes. The 6 themes are "Lovesickness", "Yuan Ri", "Wandering Son Yin" and "Drinking on the Lake for the First Time". "After Clear Rain", "Thoughts at Night" and "Plum Blossoms".

Children are familiar with these poems, but they are different from traditional poetry animations. The author has designed a very exquisite story for each one, which leaves a long aftertaste after reading it.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

One frame at a time, you can see the author's intentions. Such exquisite ancient poems and animations are worthy of collection by all children who love traditional culture.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews2, popular science

I have recommended many popular science encyclopedia cartoons to everyone before, and I want to make some supplements for my children this summer. Recently, he has been particularly interested in experimental physics, so I found two particularly good physics documentaries.

A. "My Coach Newton" - the style of painting is unique

Newton needless to say how important it is in history. When the children joined an astronomy group, the teacher's first task was to ask the children to look up information about " "Newton's Three Laws", it can be seen that if you want to learn physics, Newton is an absolutely unavoidable figure. In the

documentary, this great physicist not only made outstanding contributions to physics, but also took on a "virtual" mission to teach children a lot of physics knowledge through sports.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

This documentary has a total of 6 episodes, each episode is 20 minutes long, covering aerodynamics, speed, rotation and other mechanical knowledge. I checked the information and found that this cartoon was actually produced by CCTV, and its quality is absolutely guaranteed.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

To be honest, when I found this documentary, I also clicked on it and watched a few episodes, but I didn’t expect that I couldn’t stop.

Don’t watch the CCTV production, but the interpretation of the film is super interesting. It also puts all the presentations of physics in the sports meeting, bringing science down from the "high altitude" to the ground. If you have primary school students at home, you must watch it!

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

B.AumSum Time-Physics physics series - short and concise treasure animation

Speaking of popular science in English, I really don’t allow everyone to not know the AumSum Time series. This series of cartoons covers all fields of mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry. It is super popular abroad. fire.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

Let’s just talk about the physics series this time. The

physics cartoon series has a total of 80 episodes, each episode is about 1 minute, but in this short minute, it can clearly explain a physics knowledge point to children.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

covers everything from mechanics, optics, thermal to reflection. The content is closely integrated with children's curiosity, integrating popular science, English and practicality.

If you can really read it all, you can improve your children's English listening and physics knowledge, killing two birds with one stone.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

In short, this physics science film is especially worth watching in fragmented time for children.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews3, English category

As we all know, I have always advocated that children in the advanced stage of English learning should not only learn to read, but also read to learn. The same is true for watching documentaries. English is a language tool that helps us understand the wider world. .

So I found these two documentaries that are particularly suitable to watch in English.

A. "Seasons of China

During the Winter Olympics, the 24 solar terms became really popular, and this documentary combines the 24 solar terms with the thousands of years of Chinese people's wisdom, showing a unique oriental charm.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

The copywriting is super romantic, and many activities with Chinese characteristics and have accurate English expressions for the first time. Accumulate these materials and you will definitely use them in your English speeches.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

Only by mastering the English language can we better introduce Chinese culture to the world. This Seasons of China English documentary shows the poetry and traditions of the Chinese people to the world.

B. "Little Human Planet"

html For children over 03 years old, I strongly recommend this "Little Human Planet" produced by BBC.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

This documentary tells the lives of children from all over the world, helping us understand their customs, food and festivals. Each episode is 5 minutes long and looks very relaxing.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

Evelyn from Papua New Guinea dressed up beautifully to attend the celebration.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

6-year-old Dora will sleep in the tree house.

With the improvement of cognition, children are becoming more and more interested in documentaries. The documentaries I recommend to you today are all good things that I have carefully collected recently. I do not keep them privately, but share them with you. - DayDayNews

Children from different countries and nationalities lead different lives, but what is the same is their smiling faces. Although they cannot travel far, children can still see the outside world through documentaries.

This documentary has a very slow speaking speed, standard English pronunciation , and is presented in the form of children's questions and dialogues to stimulate children's curiosity. It is especially recommended for babies in the enlightenment stage between 3 and 6 years old.

Today I have collected all 6 documentaries and am waiting to watch them with my children during the summer vacation. Parents who are still worried about what their children will watch during the summer should quickly collect it, learn knowledge, sharpen their ears, and let the documentary nourish their children's vacation. It will definitely not be a loss!

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