In order to further accelerate the construction of school characteristics, innovate development methods, promote the school's sustainable and high-quality development, and enhance the school's core competitiveness, the High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University launched

2024/06/2108:14:32 education 1109

In order to further accelerate the construction of school characteristics, innovate development methods, promote the school's sustainable and high-quality development, and enhance the school's core competitiveness, The High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University will launch the construction of the school's characteristic disciplines, special projects, and special activities in 2021. Among the featured activities, there are five major activities including the "Principal's Cup" Drama Festival, Symphony Orchestra, Smart Farm, Creative Physics Experiment and Traditional Martial Arts.

In order to further accelerate the construction of school characteristics, innovate development methods, promote the school's sustainable and high-quality development, and enhance the school's core competitiveness, the High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University launched - DayDayNews

Health Qigong Baduanjin is an important part of traditional martial arts. Baduanjin, which originated in the Northern Song Dynasty, has a history of more than 800 years. "Eight" is a divisor, which means that the method has multiple elements, which are mutually restrictive, interconnected, and circulate in cycles. The collection of each move and style is as continuous and complete as silk brocade. This is called "brocade". It is colorful, beautiful and luxurious. When the ancients named it "jin", what they expected was this set of wisdom and Xin Xue's fitness technique has been passed down for thousands of years and still retains its perfect consistency, allowing future generations to truly understand its true meaning of "softness, slowness and tranquility".

In order to further accelerate the construction of school characteristics, innovate development methods, promote the school's sustainable and high-quality development, and enhance the school's core competitiveness, the High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University launched - DayDayNews

The sky is the curtain and the earth is the platform, allowing you to appreciate the breadth and depth of Qigong; the exquisite skills and flexible postures show the long history of the culture. The blood of traditional Chinese culture has been passed down to this day and is condensed in Baduanjin. Baduanjin, as a fitness method with a long history and a long history, is blooming with unique light today and is becoming more and more popular and loved by people.

In order to further accelerate the construction of school characteristics, innovate development methods, promote the school's sustainable and high-quality development, and enhance the school's core competitiveness, the High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University launched - DayDayNews

Just as a classmate who studied Baduanjin said: What Baduanjin teaches us should be the philosophy of life that is contained in every move and posture, that is calm and unfazed by changes. While we benefit from it, we should also continue to hone ourselves and make a modest contribution in its long inheritance. (Hu Zhaoqiang)

Source: High School Affiliated to Shandong Normal University

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