On July 7, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with the Kaifeng winning teachers in the 5th Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Basic Skills Demonstration Competition. He expressed warm congratulations to the winning teachers a

2024/06/0820:44:32 education 1092

On July 7, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with the Kaifeng winning teachers in the 5th Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Basic Skills Demonstration Competition. He expressed warm congratulations to the winning teachers a - DayDayNews

On July 7, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with the winning teachers in the 5th Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Teacher Basic Skills Demonstration Competition Kaifeng . He expressed warm congratulations to the winning teachers and hoped that teachers and educators in the city will implement the fundamentals of cultivating moral integrity and cultivating people. mission, adhere to the original mission of educating people for the Party and the country, guide students through words and deeds to grasp the direction of life, and emphasize that departments at all levels in the city should create a better educational environment and provide greater development space for teachers and educators. Let respecting teachers and valuing education become a common practice in Kaifeng, and promote the development of education in Kaifeng to take the lead and set an example.

Zhang Songwen, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Vice Mayor Liu Zhen attended the event.

On July 7, Gao Jianjun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, cordially met with the Kaifeng winning teachers in the 5th Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Basic Skills Demonstration Competition. He expressed warm congratulations to the winning teachers a - DayDayNews

Gao Jianjun pointed out that our province has organized basic skills demonstration activities for primary and secondary school teachers for five consecutive years. In this event competition, Kaifeng contestants returned with impressive results of 5 first prizes and 1 third prize. Use a good self-image to show the bright style of Kaifeng's head teacher and teaching team. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government attach great importance to education and have always adhered to the education priority development strategy. They have strengthened organizational leadership, established special work classes, introduced special policies, adopted targeted measures, prioritized financial funds to ensure investment in education, and sent "big gift packages" to teachers. ”, providing full support in school construction, teacher recruitment, assessment and incentives, etc., and Kaifeng’s education development has achieved encouraging results. To promote the high-quality development of education and provide education that satisfies the people, teachers and educators must adhere to the original intention of cultivating moral character and cultivating people, and consciously integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into all aspects of learning and life, helping students to "put the first priority" in life. "Every button"; we must keep in mind the mission of educating people for the party and the country, shoulder the important task of spreading knowledge, spreading ideas, spreading truth, shaping souls, shaping lives, and shaping new people, and cultivate a society with comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical education, and art. Make new and greater contributions to the builders and successors of socialism; we must adhere to the combination of words and deeds, teach students with solid knowledge and superb teaching skills, and set a good example for students in terms of study, life, and behavior. Promote the healthy growth and all-round development of young people with heart and affection. The Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government will, as always, attach importance to, care for, and support the development of education, provide a strong backing for the high-quality development of education, and provide all-round elements for the high-quality development of education from various aspects such as policy, environment, funds, talents, and evaluation and assessment. Assure.

Lou Heyan, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, introduced Kaifeng’s awards. This year, Kaifeng City ranked first in the province in terms of the number of first prizes and the number of winners, achieving the best results in the city’s previous competitions. Kaifeng award-winning teachers Zhang Wenjing, Jia Zhai, Xu Xinfeng, Wang Pei, Lu Hui, and Zhang Ping in the 5th Henan Province Primary and Secondary School Teacher Basic Skills Demonstration Competition gave speeches, saying that they must live up to the trust of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, insist on learning as a teacher, and conduct Shifan, be a good teacher of the "four haves" with responsibility and emotion, cultivate more talents for the country and society, and actively contribute to Kaifeng's pioneering role in high-quality development in the new era.

Source: kaifeng.com

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