I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. At that

2024/05/1109:49:33 education 1072

I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province.

At that time, my child was only in the second grade of elementary school. That was his first time participating in a competition held in the city, and this competition required layers of selection. First, outstanding players are selected from the class group, then these players compete, and finally there is a parallel competition between classes, and only the top three winners can enter the competition as school representatives.

I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. At that - DayDayNews

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After qualifying for the competition, the teacher will issue a question bank of 100 ancient poems. Memorizing this question bank is really not an easy task. It requires not only time but also certain skills.

This exam is not so much a test for children as it is a test for parents. In order to help children quickly memorize these 100 ancient poems, I also downloaded all the music that can be composed in these ancient poems. In this way, the originally boring ancient poems turned into interesting songs.

Some of these ditties with lyrics from ancient poems are as cheerful as the sounds of nature, while others are as low and melodious as rain hitting banana trees. When I wake up every morning, I turn on my phone and play these beautiful ancient poems and music on time.

Waking up, washing your face, brushing your teeth, eating breakfast, every daily step we spend is surrounded by the melodious sounds of ancient poetry and music. How about it? Isn't this method of memorizing ancient poems unique? Not only did I enjoy the wonderful music, but I also memorized ancient poems in a cheerful atmosphere.

I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. At that - DayDayNews

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In addition to the interesting music memory method, of course I also let the children adopt the traditional reading memory method. During this period, I arranged for the children to be divided into two stages every day. The first stage is the gap between washing up in the morning and eating, and the second stage is half an hour before going to bed every night.

Of course, in addition to letting the children remember by themselves, my participation is also indispensable. Because I personally also like poetry very much, so during the whole preparation period of my child, my mother and I would have a "flying flower order" from time to time.

In this exam preparation period, not only are my children’s poetry reserves growing rapidly, but I myself have also made some progress. Many things that had been forgotten in the long river of memory were picked up bit by bit by me.

What this experience helped me is that when I write later, I always like to quote one or two beautiful poems inadvertently. Frankly speaking, it was the stage of preparing for the poetry exam that made us grow up together.

I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. At that - DayDayNews

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Time passed very quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the competition. On this day, our family arrived at the competition venue early. It turns out that Shanghun Chinese Studies is not just an institution that only trains poetry, but an institution that teaches children many traditional Chinese studies.

As soon as I walked into the door of this institution, the aroma of books hit my face, and there were many calligraphy and paintings hanging in the hall. The most eye-catching one is Wang Xizhi 's " Orchid Pavilion Preface ", which is written in four lines. The vigorous and powerful block letters make people secretly admire the author's profound knowledge.

Of course, guzheng , Go, martial arts and other traditional Chinese studies are also highlighted in different classrooms. While I was visiting various classrooms with great interest, a voice came from the radio asking us to enter the examination room.

is different from traditional exams in that our exam does not require a written test or oral answers. Instead, each contestant is given a tablet. For children who have less exposure to tablets, this format will virtually reduce their points.

I have taken countless exams since I was a child, but the exam that impressed me the most was a poetry competition I participated in with my children. That exam was held by the Shanghun Chinese Studies Organizing Committee of Yuci District, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province. At that - DayDayNews

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Although we did not get a ranking in this exam, I feel no regrets at all. First of all, we have grown a lot because of the exam. Secondly, we have also seen a different kind of Chinese studies environment. In the end, the children deeply understood the principle of "beyond the mountains are green mountains and buildings are outside the buildings".

Now, my children are about to graduate from elementary school, but this unforgettable exam will remain deep in our memories forever.

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