"New Concept English" Book 1 Teaching Review and Experience Summary: Leading in listening and speaking, learning English well

2021/10/0923:45:11 education 606

Time flies quickly. At the invitation of friends who want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, the first volume of " New Concept English ", which they tutored, has completed the teaching task after four months, and now it is transferred to the stage of returning to school.

The first book of "New Concept English" is the first level of English, First Things First, which is the stage where we learn English to lay the foundation. It seems simple, but if our teaching method is not easy, then the gain is also "not easy"!

We will now learn the most basic parts of English: "new words", "phrases", "sentences", "Reading", "Listening and Hearing" Five aspects to summarize our learning effect and learning experience.

1. New words

English "new words" or "words" are the most basic materials for building an "English building". We need to "one brick and one tile" and keep accumulating!

1.1. New words expansion

The first volume of new words is not large, but we can use the "grape picking " method, one word can "pull out a bunch"!

L2: pen, pencil: you can think of other "pens", for example: ballpen (ball-point pen), brush (brush);

L3: Ticket: you can think of: bus ticket, air ticket ), ship ticket (boat ticket), theatre (film) ticket (movie ticket), train ticket (train ticket), etc.

L4: school: primary shcool (primary school), middle school (middle school), high schoo (high school).It should be noted that the "primary school" here is not a small shcool ,or little school, but a primary school. Or a supplementary school.

Our "primary school" should belong to primary education, not small shcool ,or little school , If you have to say small shcool, or little school, it means that the area or scale of this school is relatively small, and the students' lives are relatively small.

L5: green more color words: white, black,grey, orange, yellow, pink.......

L29: bedroom: more room: dinning room, living room, sitting room, guest room, study room,.......

and combination word : man: postman, milkman, salesman, workerman, foreman, superman, blue collar (man), white collar (man), etc.

short sentence : door to door service, see eye to eye, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, Great Wall ( Great Wall), lazy-bone (lazy bones), etc.

1.2, root affix

tidy:untidy; improtant: unimportant; happy:unhappy; sharp:sharpen; work:worker; teach:teacher watch: watcher; make: maker; engineer:engineering; police:policeman , policewoman; friend:friendly ;father:grandfather ;mother:grandmother ;sharp:sharpen, sharpener ;chair: armchair ;climb: climber

1.3, abbreviation

television=TV,TV ;refrigerator=refrig,refrigerator; sales rep: rep=representative n. Representative; Representative; typical adj. Representative; typical; representative system

2. The phrase

is short and concise, concise and concise. We should connect more phrases and be able to draw inferences from one another, and apply them more in actual work or life.

2.1. Subtle differences

L1: Excuse me? Sorry!

We can use these two phrases when we need to disturb others or ask others for help.

For example, when we are in a crowded train station seat, we need to go to the toilet when we get up, and there are people everywhere, we can say "Excuse Me" or "Sorry" at this time. The difference between the two is: Excuse Me, which first greets someone in need and asks others to give way, while Sorry is more of disturbing others (for example, if someone is sleeping, you must wake him or her. In the past), to express apology to others, that is, an apology for disturbing others first, and at the same time you can move forward conveniently.

Excuse me? and Sorry! seem very simple, but there are still slight differences in actual use, we need to master them.

2.2, English proverbs

L5, too: One is never too old to learn: live to be old, learn to be old.

L9, today: Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today.

L12, father: Like father, like son. With his father, there must be a son! (Parents are the children’s first teachers, and they must set an example); mother: Failure is the mother of success.

L14, dog: Every dog ​​has its day. Everyone When you want to be proud.

L15, friend: A friend in need is a friend indeed. See the truth in adversity!

L20, grandmother: Dont' teach your grandmother how to suck eggs!

L27, window: God closes one door while opening another window for you. God closes one door while opening another window for you. (God is equal to everyone)

L33: sun, shine: Make hay while the sun shines (strike the iron when it is hot)

L34: wait: wait and see

jump: high jump , long jump (broad jump), triple jump (hop,step, jump)

L35: between: just between you and me =Keep it secret.

L41: bread: a bread earner A person who earns money to support his family.

L42: bird: A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. (It rains cats and dogs)

L48: apple: One apple a day keep doctor away. An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

L51: rain: It rains cats and dogs.(The rain is really big, very vivid metaphor)

L53: east:East, west, home is best (golden nest and silver nest, not as good as your own doghouse)

L53, late: Better latr than never Do it well.

L57, o'clock, clock: The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled.

L61: look: (You'd better) look before you leap.

P63, better: It is better( to do sth) late than never. good.

P64: Work while you work, Play while play Work hard while you work, and relax when you relax.

All work and no play make jack a dull boy. The meaning: just work and not play, clever children become stupid.

P94:Rome: Rome was not built within one day.

P115: impossible: Nothing in the world is impossible if you put your heart into.

P117, swallow, swallow, swallow. One swallow doesn't make a summer. (Don’t be too optimistic about something!)

3. Sentence

Good sentence,Classic sentences and sentences with strong practicality need to be memorized, memorized and used!

Excuse me? Is this your .....? Parden? Thank you very much.

Good morning,good afternoon, good evening, good night.

nice to meet you, glad to meet you, happy to meet you.

What is your nationality? Where do you come from? Where are you from?

I am a keyboard operator. I am engineer. I am a teacher. I am a worker. I am an office assistant . I am a sales reps.

Come here, come upstairs. Come here to have a cup of tea.

Here they are. Here we are. Here you are.

What's the matter? What's the matter with you?

No smoking. No littering. No drinking or eating. No parking. Don't do that! Don't drop it!

Open the door. Shut the window. Close the window. Air the room. Dust the table. Sweep the floor.

What are you going to? What are you planning to do? What will you do tomorrow?

Can you come here for a minitue? Can you type this letter?

Do you li ke coffee? Do you want a cup of tea? Do you want any milk? Do you like biscuits?

Do you want any beef or lamb? Do you want a chicken?

What about some steak? How about a glass of beer?

To tell you the truth. Be frankly speaking. To be honest with you.

What's the weather like in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter? It is warm/hot/cool/cold

Go to work in the morning. Come home from school in the afternoon. Arrive home from the office in the evening.

What's the matter with Jim? What's matter with you?

Stay at home. Stay in bed. Remain in bed. Stay at hotel .

Come home early. Arrive home late. Go to office on time.

This requires reading aloud, gradually forming a sense of language, and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation when reading aloud! In addition, in the process of teaching, I have mentioned many times: Read between the lines (read out the "implications").

Read between the lines, this term began in the mid-19th century and is said to be related to intrigue and code words. In order to protect confidential information, spies usually use an invisible ink to hide secrets between written words. In fact, Lines here means the printed text line by line, and there is a completely blank place between the lines, but masters can still "read" the implicit meaning of the blank space of . Let's take an example to illustrate How to read between lines?

Lesson 87, A car crash, there is such a dialogue in the text

ATTENDANT: Didn't you have a crash?

MR.WOOD :That's right .I drove it into a lamp-post.Can your mechanics repair it, sir?

ATTENDANT: Well, they're trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car!

The text tells that MR.WOOD sent the car to Garage (auto repair shop) after a car crash. A conversation between MR.WOOD and ATTENDANT (receptionist) of the auto repair shop. In this simple conversation, there are two points that we can see clearly:

First, I drove it into a lamp-post.

Here we use Drove into instead of Drove to: a small difference Yes: the prepositions "into" and "to" have an additional "in",It just so happens that there is more, so that we can read the "extraordinary meaning"!

Second, To tell you the truth, you need a new car!

To tell you the truth, you need a new car! Combining the first point, we can see that MR.WOOD's car not only crashed, but also crashed into a "wholesome mess", it is possible that the engine crashed into "fall apart"! When the car hits a lamp-post, the preposition "into" can clearly indicate that the car has been severely crashed, or even "into" into the lamp-post. Of course, the bumper has been broken long ago! If it is a general car accident, repairing the headlights, bumpers, front cover and other problems of the car can be said to be "a piece of cake" for the repair shop, but here we read from the line between the lines of the text "Understand" more information, this is the true meaning of English: read between the lines!

Many English learners are only satisfied with the literal language learning in the text. As everyone knows, if you can read between the lines, it means that your English has begun to change from quantitative change to qualitative change! I hope English lovers or English learners can do as soon as possible: read between the lines. Look for the meaning between the lines!

5. Listening and speaking

English learning includes four aspects: "listening, speaking, reading, and writing". Of course, translation, especially advanced translation, is a specific application of English, which is beyond the scope of what we are talking about today.

From the very beginning of learning English, I have attached great importance to English "listening and listening" training, emphasizing "Speaking and listening should be given top-priority" (Speaking and listening should be given top-priority).

English is a communication language tool that requires a lot of imitation and training. It cannot be learned as a piece of knowledge that has been "dismembered" into multiple "modules", and it is not appropriate to use exams to measure the quality of learning!

To learn English, we first need to "input", and the function of English listening is both "input" and "understanding" . Take a look at the process of learning our mother tongue: the primary input is mainly based on listening, not reading.

Children learn their mother tongue. They use listening input before the age of 6 and basically have no reading input, so they learn their mother tongue very quickly. This gives us an inspiration: the listening function of English has been misunderstood or misunderstood in our English teaching process. In our English learning, "listening comprehension" is for comprehension and comprehension. Listening has a comprehension function, but also an input function. The accumulation of language elements depends on listening. Because hearing has an input function. It usually takes only 1-2 years for children to learn their mother tongue. By the age of 3, they can hear clearly and speak clearly at the age of 4 at the latest.

"English Listening" is the input function first, followed by the comprehension function. In the daily communication with parents or adults, children practice listening a lot, and at the same time use life scenes or body language to slowly understand what they hear (input) Understand the content and respond accordingly at the same time, showing that he or she has fully or partially understood the language they heard. While they are "practicing listening", they are also trying to "speak" or "dialogue". Although they are not very clear or very clear at the beginning, they continue to repeat the training, basically when they are 3-4 years old I can "talk" with adults.

We should be inspired by the method and process of language learning for infants and young children: that is We should also pay attention to listening and listening comprehension when we learn English, first "listen" and then "understand", and then "speak".

English must be learned and practiced from "listening and listening", otherwise, it will be difficult to say that you have learned English well! After most people have studied English for many years, the result is that they have become "deaf" or "dumb" ! This situation has reached the point where it must be changed!

I’m @安地校园旅英语,In national newspapers and radio stations, I have published articles " is leading in listening and speaking, learn English well ". Welcome English lovers to follow me, Let us learn English from each other, and make more progress together!


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