24 hours in the city

2021/08/1622:36:13 education 1590

Every reporter: Yang Huan Every editor: Liu Yanmei

24 hours in the city - DayDayNews

Picture source: Photograph.com


Tianjin releases a new policy for college entrance examination

Registration conditions are adjusted to "household registration + student registration" ”

On August 16, Tianjin’s policies for improving college entrance examination registration were officially announced. Starting from the registration of the general college entrance examination in 2022 (early November 2021), the registration requirements for the college entrance examination in Tianjin have been adjusted from a single "household registration" requirement to a "household registration + student registration" requirement.

According to reports, the Tianjin Admissions Committee, in accordance with the principle of “increasing student status and step-by-step”, in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education, drawing on the experience and practices of brother provinces, after in-depth investigation and research, repeated comparisons and demonstrations, formulated the Notice of Tianjin General College Entrance Examination Registration Matters."

Compared with Tianjin’s original college entrance examination registration policy, there are two main changes: First, when candidates with Tianjin permanent residence register register for the college entrance examination, new graduates must have three years of school status in Tianjin high school and actually attend the college entrance examination. Requirements, and implement a three-year transition policy; previous graduates holding diplomas from schools from other provinces and candidates of the same academic ability at the high school stage have increased graduation requirements, and the same three-year transition policy will be implemented. The second is to clarify the cut-off time for household registration during the transitional policy period and after the transitional policy ends.

It is understood that the Tianjin municipal and district education administrative departments will carry out special inspections of ordinary high school students’ school status and actual enrollment in each semester, verifying students’ attendance at school one by one, focusing on the verification and correction of separation of status, empty registration, and abnormalities Changes in student status, forged student status, issuance of false enrollment certificates, and delay in handling changes in student status, etc., to ensure that the student status data is consistent with the actual students attending the school. Before the college entrance examination registration, each school shall uniformly publicize the list of senior third grade students and the actual enrollment situation of the students in the unit of class.

Interpretation: For many people, the gold content of Tianjin Hukou first comes from educational advantages, followed by the value of surrounding Beijing, and industries and the like are relatively behind. Previously,A research report issued by Guojin Securities shows that Tianjin’s acceptance rate of one book ranks second among 31 provinces in the country, nearly double the national average, and second only to Beijing.

24 hours in the city - DayDayNews

In 2018, the "talent war" was in full swing. With the " Haihe Talent Action Plan ", Tianjin attracted 300,000 people to apply for settlement within one day. In many media reports, "children and houses" have become the direct reason why some people prefer Tianjin. [Guess you want to see: Why should I settle in Tianjin? ]

Although the government has repeatedly emphasized since then that the " Haihe Talents " program is not a wholesale hukou, and simple college entrance examination immigrants cannot work, but people who are attracted by the college entrance examination bonus still regard this action as a hukou policy. This not only caused a large number of foreign candidates to drop by air, which in turn squeezed Tianjin’s educational resources. At the same time, for Tianjin, which is eager for talent-driven development, it intensified the separation of from households and households, increased the difficulty of social management, and weakened the expected talent policy. Meaning.

In recent years, Tianjin's economic and social development has been relatively slow. In 2020, it will fall out of the top ten cities in the country. In the first half of this year, its GDP will be 730.925 billion yuan, and it will continue to rank 11th in the country. Talents are still an indispensable key to how to pull the economy back to the fast lane. Just at the beginning of this month, Tianjin just released a new "grabbing policy"-returning overseas students can directly settle down.

Therefore, for Tianjin, the tightening of the college entrance examination policy is also an opportunity for bone scraping and drug treatment. It is necessary to let the talent policy play its due meaning and allow the registered population to truly contribute to the local industry.


Mi Automobile Headquarters may settle in Beijing

On August 16, it is reported that Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters and its first factory are basically settled in Beijing. A reporter from Beijing Business Daily asked Xiaomi to verify this, but the other party did not give confirmation. Since Xiaomi announced to build a car at the end of March, the location of its headquarters and factory has attracted much attention.There have also been several versions of the news before. It is reported that Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, Xi'an and other places are striving for Xiaomi car projects.

Guangdong: Supporting the promotion of construction companies’ listing and issuance of bonds

According to the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government website on the 16th, the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government issued "Several Measures to Promote the High-quality Development of the Construction Industry in Guangdong Province." It mentioned that we should increase financial support, support the promotion of construction companies to list and issue bonds, guide financial institutions to develop financial products that adapt to the characteristics of the construction industry, simplify loan procedures, and innovate guarantee methods and credit businesses.

my country's first private capital-controlled high-speed railway has entered the completion acceptance stage

On August 15, my country's first private capital-controlled high-speed railway- Hangzhou-Taiwan high-speed railway began static acceptance, marking the official completion of the project Acceptance stage. The Hangzhou-Taiwan high-speed rail is one of the first eight social capital investment railway demonstration projects in China. After completion, the Hangzhou-Taiwan high-speed rail will connect Shanghai-Kunming, Shanghe-Hangzhou, Nanjing-Hangzhou, Hangzhou-Huangzhou, and Hangzhou-Shenzhen high-speed rails. The travel time from Taizhou to Hangzhou will be changed by Compressed in about 2 hours to about 1 hour. According to reports, the Hangzhou-Taiwan high-speed rail will undergo dynamic testing next month, and then will be transferred to joint commissioning and joint testing. Operation tests will be conducted in November, and the conditions for operation will be available before the end of the year.


Ren Zeping: China’s main fertility force is born after 75 to 85 and should increase encouragement of fertility in the future. Economist Ren Zeping also released his views.

Ren Zeping pointed out that the current major fertility population in China must have second and third births in 75-85 years. The post-90s and 00s cannot be expected. "We must seize the time window allowed by the last major fertility population as soon as possible. Introduce measures to encourage fertility."

He said,"It has been five years since the release of three children. In the future, we should increase efforts to encourage childbirth: the provision of inclusive childcare services, the protection of women’s employment rights, cash subsidies, individual tax deductions, vacation incentives, etc. Let more people dare Birth, affordability, affordability."


July 70 city new house prices:

51 cities rose 16 cities month-on-month, down

"July 2021, The sales prices of commercial residential buildings in 70 large and medium-sized cities have dropped from a month-on-month and year-on-year basis." The National Bureau of Statistics released data on the 16th.

Among them, the increase in the prices of new and second-hand houses in first-tier cities fell by 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, and the increase in the prices of new and second-hand houses in second-tier cities fell by 0.1 and 0.2 percentage points respectively from the previous month.

House prices in my country's large and medium-sized cities have shown signs of cooling for two consecutive months. From the data point of view, in July, among 70 large and medium-sized cities, house prices in 51 cities increased month-on-month, 16 cities decreased, and 3 cities remained flat. That month, the number of cities where housing prices rose month-on-month decreased by 4 compared with the previous month, setting a new low for the year.

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At the same time, the number of cities where the second-hand housing prices of 70 large and medium-sized cities rose month-on-month and the average growth rate were also at the lowest level during the year. At present, in the control policy, the emphasis on second-hand housing is particularly prominent. Since the beginning of this year, more than 20 cities across the country have issued policies and notices for second-hand housing.

24 hours in the city - DayDayNews

Image source: National Bureau of Statistics


25 city charging infrastructure monitoring report:

Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Guangzhou have the highest average density

span_25 According to the data of span26span's latest automobile sales in July,In July, the national automobile sales volume was 1.864 million, a year-on-year decrease of 11.9%; in contrast, the sales volume of new energy vehicles was 271,000, a year-on-year increase of 164.4%. The data comparison of one up and one down makes the future of new energy vehicles worth looking forward to.

The hot sale of new energy vehicles puts forward higher requirements on the configuration of charging piles in major cities, especially DC charging piles. Recently, the 2021 "Monitoring Report on Charging Infrastructure in Major Cities in China" was released to the public. The report was compiled by the Urban Transport Infrastructure Monitoring and Governance Laboratory of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the China Urban Planning and Design Institute.

The report is based on the basic data of 4 municipalities directly under the central government including Beijing and Shanghai, 16 provincial capital cities including Chengdu and Hangzhou, and 5 separate cities including Shenzhen and Xiamen. Analyze the situation.

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data shows that the average density of public piles in 25 major cities across the country is 17.3 units/km2. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Changsha and Xiamen ranked high, with a density of public piles exceeding 20 units/km2. Among them, the density of public piles in Shenzhen was the highest, reaching 73.2 units/km2. There are 8 cities where the density of public piles is lower than 10 units/km2. Among them, Dalian has the lowest density of public piles, only 4.2 units/km2.

24 hours in the city - DayDayNews

The average coverage of public piles in the central urban areas of the 25 cities is 73.5%. Among them, 11 cities such as Shanghai, Xi'an and Shenzhen have the coverage rate of public piles exceeding 80%. The highest rate is Shanghai, which reaches 92%. Among the cities with low public pile coverage, Taiyuan has the lowest public pile coverage, only 48.1%.

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