The stone Guanyin Bodhisattva is a symbol of compassion and wisdom. It is one of the most noble and efficacious Buddhas in people's hearts. There are stone statues of Guanyin worshiping in temples all over the country. They have different shapes. It is also recorded in the Buddhi

stone carving Guanyin Bodhisattva is a symbol of compassion and wisdom. It is one of the most noble and efficacious Buddhas in people's hearts. There are stone statues of Guanyin worshiping in temples all over the country. They have different shapes. Guanyin is also recorded in the Buddhist scriptures. There are thirty three incarnations, such as the stone carving Avalokitesvara , the stone carving Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara , the stone carving Ruyi Guanyin, the stone carving Dripping Water Avalokitesvara , etc. Today I will introduce to you one of the thirty-three incarnations of the stone carving Dripping Water. Guanyin.

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Rock Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone

stone carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Rock Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaiyan Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaiyan Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaiyan Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone


Stone sculpture dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Guanyin - Kaishi Stone Industry

Stone Carving Dripping Water Guanyin-Kai Rock industry

stone carving of Dripping Water Guanyin, also known as "Sprinkling Water Guanyin", holding a pure bottle in the left hand, with the mouth of the bottle tilted downward in the shape of pouring water, and holding a willow or making a seal in the right hand. Meaning: It can protect the place, protect it from disasters, and keep it safe forever. "Drip" means water flowing slowly and preciously. The stone sculpture of Dripping Guanyin is the embodiment of compassion and a Bodhisattva who saves the suffering. Therefore, the stone sculpture of Dripping Guanyin is placed not only in temples, but also in some Buddhist cultural places, squares, and mountains and forests.

The stone carving of the Dripping Water Guanyin Bodhisattva produced by Quanzhou Kaishi Stone Industry is made of high-quality stone. It makes good use of the research, inheritance, integration and promotion of thousands of years of cultural carving techniques to make the stone carvings carry art and culture and embody more Social value.