The Buddha initially did not allow women to become monks, because women were very emotional and intellectual after becoming monks, and were not conducive to spiritual practice for various reasons. Later, with the constant requests of women, the Buddha allowed women to become monk

There will be a nunnery within fourteen miles of a monk's temple, which is related to Buddha's will and the precepts of bhikkhus and bhikkhunis.

The Buddha initially did not allow women to become monks, because women were very emotional and intellectual after becoming monks, and were not conducive to practice for various reasons. Later, with the constant requests of women, the Buddha allowed women to become monks, but the bhikshuni sangha must abide by " Eight Respect Methods ", which clearly stipulates that bhikkhunis and nuns must stand up to inquire and bow before novices. It also stipulates that bhikkhunis, nuns and monks should go to a nearby temple on the first and fifteenth day of each month to ask for instructions from the great monk during their practice. Seek the law and study the law. It is clearly stipulated in the Bodhisattva Precepts Sutra that bhikkhus and bhikkhunis must receive the ordination together when imparting the precepts. If the nunnery and the monk's temple are too far away, it will definitely be inconvenient to come and go. Later, due to the modern feminist movement, it was believed that the "Eight Respects" actually represented the traditional concept of male superiority and inferiority to women, and it was proposed that the "Eight Respects" were not Buddhist and that the Eight Respects should be abolished.

There is another reason. In the past, when the legal system was not perfect, there were many bandits, and a group of nuns lived and worked together. If the monk's temple was too far away from the nunnery, the security of the nunnery would not be safe.

Buddhism is a small society. Don’t stigmatize monks and nuns as conversation starters.