Tathagata is one of the ten major titles of Buddha, such as it is, relying on it, working hard by oneself, constantly accumulating good deeds, and becoming a Buddha. In Buddhism, the word "ru" refers to Buddhism and true knowledge.

1. What is Tathagata

Tathagata is one of the ten major titles of the Buddha, such as the truth, relying on the truth, working hard by yourself, constantly accumulating good deeds, and becoming a Buddha.

2. What does Tathagata mean? Why is Sakyamuni called Tathagata?

"Tathagata" is a noun transliterated from the Indian Sanskrit . "Tathagata" means no coming and no going, hence the name Tathagata. In Buddhism, the word "ru" refers to Buddhism and true knowledge. It's called truth, and it belongs to the ** truth. "Tathagata" refers to the saint who realized the true meaning of Buddha, came to save all sentient beings, and preached the Dharma. He conceals the meaning of omnipotence and omnipresence. In the world of Buddhist scriptures, Sakyamuni is a saint who saves all sentient beings and grasps the true meaning. This expresses the admiration and reverence of Buddhists for Sakyamuni.

In addition, the explanation of "Tathagata" in Buddhist scriptures belongs to "coming from Tao and Dharma". Tathagata is the collective name for those who have become Buddhas. In our country, Sakyamuni is usually called Tathagata, which is a bit inappropriate. "Sakyamuni Buddha" can be called "Sakyamuni Buddha", but it is wrong to call him "Sakyamuni Buddha Tathagata". A Buddha is also a Buddha, and a Tathagata is a Buddha. It is a collective name for all Buddhas, and an individual is called Tathagata. Buddha does not mean that he belongs to a certain Buddha. Buddha has ten titles, Tathagata is just one of them. Tathagata Buddha Which one is more powerful, Tathagata Buddha or the Jade Emperor?.

Why is it called Tathagata? Everyone believes that when Buddha became a Buddha, he went to the Western Pure Land. That's not what it means. Although he became an immortal and a Buddha and lived in the Western Heaven, his supernatural powers were boundless. , his relics are spread all over the world. There are 84,000 pagodas in the country. Each pagoda has Buddha bones relics, which means the return of the Buddha, so it is called Buddha. When people are at peace and praying to God to know themselves, there will be pagodas and relics in the pagoda every once in a while, as if the Buddha is around us, so the name of the Buddha is taboo.

The founder of Buddhism is the founder of Buddhism and the most important Buddha in Buddhism. Therefore, he has the supreme status in the hearts of Buddhist believers. Therefore, Tathagata Buddha and Sakyamuni are equal. It can be seen that in the hearts of Buddhists, the believer Sakyamuni Muni has a high status. Tathagata has become so deeply ingrained in the hearts of our people that using Tathagata to refer to Sakyamuni becomes even more affectionate. The meaning of Tathagata.

3. What does "Tathagata" mean?

Meaning: Tathagata, generally refers to Tathagata Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha. The meaning of Tathagata is explained.

An alias for Buddha. Sanskrit translation. "Like" means true. "Tathagata" is a person who comes from the truth and reveals the truth. He is also one of the ten names of Sakyamuni and the founder of Buddhism.

His real name is Siddhartha, which means "Enlightened One" (old translation: "Yi"), and his surname is Gautama (Qutan). Because his father was from the Sakyamuni family, he was revered as Sakyamuni after he became enlightened, which means "the saint of the Sakyamuni family". Other titles include Buddha (enlightened one), Lord Buddha, and Buddha.

Tathagata, in the Buddhist world, can be understood as a title, such as the president and chairman of the world today. Such as Sakyamuni Tathagata, Dengzhan Tathagata, etc. The so-called Tathagata usually refers to Sakyamuni Tathagata. It is not a special name for a certain person, but a respectful title for a powerful person.

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