It can be seen that the root of all problems lies in ourselves. If we do not understand ourselves, life, and life, then no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain.

2024/07/0205:33:33 buddhism 1004

Many people will have this question: "Why have I heard a lot of truths, but I still haven't lived a good life?"

The ancients gave this answer.

Wang Yangming once said: "Knowing and doing are one."

Laozi said: "He who knows others is wise, and he who knows himself is wise."

It can be seen that the root of all problems lies in ourselves. If we do not understand ourselves, If you understand life thoroughly, if you understand life thoroughly, then no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

It can be seen that the root of all problems lies in ourselves. If we do not understand ourselves, life, and life, then no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain. - DayDayNews

1. Understanding yourself

Writer Zhou Guoping said in "The Soul Can Only Walk Alone": "True maturity should be the discovery of the true self."

If a person wants to understand himself, he must first put himself in a state of "enlightenment" "environment of.

Zhuangzi said: "I communicate with the spirit of heaven and earth alone."

Only when people are alone can they stay away from the hustle and bustle, truly understand their own hearts, and reflect on themselves better.

As we all know, Zeng Guofan is not a smart person, but he is good at being alone and dares to adjust himself.

It is said that once, Zeng Guofan was alienated from his friends. He did not realize that he had made a mistake and even blamed his friends.

But when he returned home and reflected on his words and deeds as usual, he realized what he had done wrong. "It is better to change quickly and admit that you are wrong in public."

Zeng Guofan's life was a life of reflection in solitude.

The reason why his life and work can reach a certain height is not because he will not make mistakes, but because he constantly reflects on himself and understands himself.

When we calm down, think, and understand, we will master our ignorance and see our shortcomings.

As Confucianism said "Be cautious in independence", that is to say, people will dress up as gentlemen in public, say good things and do good deeds, but once they are alone, they will take off their gentleman's coat and reveal the appearance of a villain.

What you really look like is actually what you look like when you are alone.

The saddest thing in life is that one would rather be a clown in the crowd than a wise man in solitude.

Instead of deceiving yourself and becoming a joke to others, it is better to be open-minded and be your truest self.

Only when a person overcomes the hurdles in his own heart, sees his "dirty parts" clearly, and accepts that he is a "fool", will his soul become purer and his mind more and more broad.

If you want to be the best version of yourself, you should understand yourself in time, reflect on yourself, and understand yourself. Only in this way can we live soberly.

It can be seen that the root of all problems lies in ourselves. If we do not understand ourselves, life, and life, then no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain. - DayDayNews

2, Understanding Life

What kind of life is it? This is a big problem.

Some people say that living is life.

Indeed, only with life can we live. Similarly, without life, life will lose its meaning.

So, how can a person have the life he wants?

A philosopher said it well: "What kind of thoughts you have, what kind of life you have."

Only by knowing what kind of person you are, can you choose a way of life, experience, get close, and understand.

Poet Ai Qing said: "Time is like going down the river, and life is like sailing against the current."

Life is like a scale, with "wealth before others" on one end and "suffering after others behind" on the other end.

Cao Dewang, a well-known entity entrepreneur, followed his father to sell cut tobacco and set up a fruit stall.

Young Cao Dewang rode a dilapidated bicycle to wholesale goods at 3 a.m. every day. He didn't even have money to buy a pack of seven-cent cigarettes.

Cao Dewang, who has gone through a lot of hardships, even though he is worth over 100 million, does not forget to let his children work on the assembly line and do the hardest work at the bottom.

He also often said to the children: "Three years of hardship will bring about half a lifetime."

People can enjoy the sweetness of life only by understanding the bitterness of life.

Wang Yangming once said: "Work is practice, and the mortal world is the dojo."

The best way to get rid of life is to regard life as practice, and regard all hardships and destruction, happiness and gains as the best gifts in life.

Whether good or bad, sad or happy, they all allow us to wake up and perceive life.

There are too many people in the world living in illusions. It is not until the last moment of their lives that they discover that the best meaning of life is to live every moment well.

When we understand ourselves and choose a life, we must find the meaning and value of life in this practice.

Only by constantly appreciating the ups and downs of life, understanding life, and living in the present can we live out ourselves and live the life we ​​want.

It can be seen that the root of all problems lies in ourselves. If we do not understand ourselves, life, and life, then no matter how hard we try, it will be in vain. - DayDayNews

3, Understanding Life

Life is like a new chess game.

In the face of victory and defeat, gains and losses, we are always at a loss. When you are confused, you are in the game; when you realize it, you are already on the outside.

Writer Bai Luomei said: If you look at everything in the world with a peaceful mind, it will be simple and clear. If you use a complex mentality, you will be fascinated by the world.

When people come to this world, simply put, they are born, old, sick and die. Thinking deeply, they live in a "state of mind".

The two dynasties had a good name, Huang Qia, and he often said to the people around him: "When you look up, you don't deceive heaven, and when you look down, you don't deceive others. So why should you ask for help in order to seek great blessings?"

Du Fu also said in his poem: "But if you have an old friend to support you, what more can you ask for than a small body?"

Whether it was Huang Qia's smooth life or Du Fu's poor life, he showed an indifferent mood throughout his life.

They are not competing for fame and fortune in high places, but to find a suitable lifestyle in ordinary life. Apart from this, they have no other requirements.

They are satisfied with ordinary life, but they are also happy in this life.

They know very well that the highest point in life is also the lowest point in life.

A philosopher once said: What people have to solve in this life is not what they should want, but what they should not want.

Deep desire and persistence will only disturb the peace of mind and miss a lot of more beautiful scenery.

Life is short. Instead of struggling in the ups and downs of the world, it is better to learn to let go, let yourself go, and let life return to peace.

Let the past go with the wind, let your tired body and mind rest, and enjoy the beauty of life peacefully.

Wang Yangming said: "I cultivate my mind as a Confucian, and I have never abandoned things. I just let nature take its course, which is Kung Fu." destiny.

For the rest of my life, I hope you and I can realize our own shortcomings, realize the taste of life, let go of our obsessions, comply with destiny, and live a wonderful life!

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