The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes

2024/06/3018:52:33 buddhism 1649

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majestic Buddha statues, and a long history hidden behind it.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

The Dragon King Ancient Temple is located in Changgang Town, Dongtai. This is an ancient temple with a history of a thousand years and was first built in the Song Dynasty period. In the 1930s, local fishermen went out to sea to fish. In order to have a place to pray for safety and to prevent their hometown from being submerged by the tide, they prayed to the Buddha to tame the Dragon King and receive the Five Precepts, and spontaneously raised funds to build the Dragon King Ancient Temple. During the war and turmoil, the temple was severely damaged many times. The most recent renovation was in 2003.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

Approaching the Longwang Ancient Temple, it seems that thousands of years of Sanskrit sounds are lingering in my ears, and my impetuous heart calms down instantly. Inside the temple are the Heavenly King's Hall, the Mahavira Hall and the Guanyin Hall, which form a three-pronged palace complex with towering eaves, each shrouded in spiritual light. Fortunately, the years have been prosperous, and the temple has been consecrated to this day. The incense is prosperous, and pilgrims from dozens of miles around come to worship. It has become famous.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

Passing through the mountain gate is the Hall of Heavenly Kings. On both sides of the hall are the tall and tall "Four Heavenly Kings", and in the middle is the Maitreya Buddha. Maitreya Buddha wears a crown on his head, a necklace on his body, his hands forming Buddha seals, and he sits on the lotus platform. Passing the Heavenly King's Hall, you will find the Main Hall. The hall is solemn, with colorful flying pavilions, yellow tiles filled with gold, carved beams and painted pillars. It is solemn and holy, desolate and majestic.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

In the Guanyin Garden, a huge statue of Guanyin stands on the lotus bed. Guanyin's facial expression is kind, kind, solemn, gentle, beautiful but not charming, showing the friendly image of Guanyin Bodhisattva "great mercy and compassion, rescuing suffering and rescuing people". Those who believe in Buddhism will choose an auspicious day to burn incense and worship Buddha in the temple, make wishes and pray for Buddha's blessing.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

The temple also has the largest camphor wood carving reclining Buddha in Asia. The entire reclining Buddha is 38 meters long and 16 meters high. It is made of 408 camphor wood pieces. It is covered with gold foil and uses 32 kilograms of gold. The Reclining Buddha is the Nirvana image of the Buddha, shaped according to the situation of Sakyamuni Buddha during his Nirvana. Lie on your side, with your feet straight and close together, your left hand on your body, your right hand supporting your forehead, your eyes slightly closed, feeling comfortable and peaceful. The entire Reclining Buddha Hall is magnificent and resplendent.

The temple is a solemn place due to respect for the Buddha. As soon as people arrive at the temple, they will be infected by the Buddhist atmosphere, their mood will become calm, and their expression will be solemn and solemn. The temple also has brightly colored buildings, majes - DayDayNews

The temple is neat and empty, and the clean environment is filled with sandalwood . The faint sound of Buddha enters the heart, making people feel empty and refreshed. Today, the ancient Longwang Temple still recites Buddhist and Zen sounds to protect the peace and prosperity of the country and the people. It is full of human incense and is a place of prayer where people can talk to gods and goddesses.

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