Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea

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Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva 's painstaking efforts

In Chenjiazhuang on the Tongtian River, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower realm and set up a barrier to increase the suffering for those seeking scriptures in the West.

This goldfish spirit was originally a goldfish that had been listening to sutras in the lotus pond of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea for many years. During a high tide in the sea, it drifted down the river to the Tongtian River.

Tongtian River, as its name suggests, has huge waves, is as wide and deep as the sea, and cannot be seen to the edge. It is like a spiritual sect swallowing Huayue and flowing through hundreds of rivers...

is infected by the aura and scriptures of Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea. , this goldfish spirit has quite magical powers and is very popular here. It ensures that Chenjiazhuang has good weather and good luck every year.

Ordinary people also built a temple for the "King of Inspiration" on one side of the Tongtian River.

Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea - DayDayNews

In the myth of Journey to the West, according to this plot development, this goldfish spirit has good cultivation and its destiny is also pretty good.

But the local people don't think so, saying: Although there is kindness, there is still resentment, even though kindness hurts others. Just because you want to eat young men and women does not show your integrity.

There is a saying: a gold cup and a silver cup are not as good as the people's reputation; a gold medal and a silver award are not as good as the people's praise. Why do the people in Chenjiazhuang not like this so-called inspiration king, and are even a little afraid of him?

In the 47th chapter of the original work of the Four Great Classics "Journey to the West", "The Holy Monk blocked the water from the sky at night, and the gold and wood fell kindly to save the child", it can be seen that this goldfish essence must be presented to the village every year. A pair of boys and girls, and it is stipulated that they must be their own flesh and blood...

Over the years, many people in Chenjiazhuang have been broken up and broken up. They are very sad and angry at the King of Inspiration but dare not speak out.

Tang Monk's scripture-seeking team passed by here and invited Guanyin Bodhisattva to successfully subdue the goldfish spirit with a fish basket.

Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea - DayDayNews

Just when Tang Seng and his disciples felt that their stay here was about to come to a successful end, an old turtle who had practiced cultivation for thousands of years suddenly emerged from the Tongtian River.

"The square-headed divine object is extraordinary, and the nine-help spiritual machine is called Narcissus. A trailing tail can last for thousands of years, and it can hide in the abyss of hundreds of rivers. Jump over the waves and rush to the river bank, and lie on the seaside facing the sun. There is a true way to nourish Qi and contain spirit. For many years Pink-capped manly turtle. "

"Go to death, live!" In the myth of Journey to the West, in the six-character mantra of Guanyin Bodhisattva's subjugation of the goldfish spirit, countless spirits in the Tongtian River died, but this old turtle did not. He was safe and sound, and expressed his willingness to help Tang Monk and his disciples cross the Tongtian River.

Chapter 49 of the original work "Journey to the West", in the chapter "Sanzang's house sinks in disaster, Guanyin rescues fish basket" mentioned that there are two reasons why the thousand-year-old turtle is willing to help Tang Monk and his disciples: First, It turned out that the goldfish spirit occupied the Tongtian River Mansion left to him by his ancestors, and was the younger brother of the water turtle. He was very fierce and stubborn and hurt many of his descendants and family members. Tang Monk and his disciples invited Guanyin Bodhisattva to help return the things to their original owners, so they treated Sun Dasheng Be grateful.

Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea - DayDayNews

Another reason is that although the Millennium White Turtle has been practicing for more than 1,300 years and can prolong life, understand and speak human language, it cannot shed its turtle shell and cultivate into a human form. I would like to ask Monk Tang to help him ask Tathagata Buddha after he reaches the Western Heaven. Ask when you can shed your original shell and achieve the true fruition.

Tang Monk accepted the request from the thousand-year-old turtle and repeatedly expressed that he would ask the Buddha questions.

However, it's not that enemies don't get together. When Tang Monk and his disciples came to Lingshan and got the scriptures, they were soaring in the clouds and mist in the sky, but suddenly they fell to the Tongtian River.

"The holy monk was ordered to worship Amitabha. The water was far away and the mountains were far away, and there were many disasters. He was sincere and not afraid of death. He crossed the Tianhe River on a white turtle." When the Buddhist scriptures project was coming to an end, Tang Monk and his disciples were about to cross the river. Suddenly, the old man The turtle asked Tang Monk: Back then, you promised me to ask Tathagata Buddha when he would be able to take off his tortoise shell and cultivate into a human form. Have you really asked?So what's the result?

Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea - DayDayNews

Knowing that Tang Monk did not ask, the thousand-year-old turtle suddenly became emotional and threw Tang Monk and his disciples together with the scriptures into the Tongtian River. Despite the rescue, a piece of the scripture was glued off while it was still drying, making it incomplete and no longer perfect.

So, why did Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about the matter entrusted to him by the thousand-year-old white turtle? Combining the original work of "Journey to the West" and folk myths and legends, we believe that there should be the following reasons:

First, Tang Monk and his disciples were naive and forgot to prepare offerings for Anuo and Venerable Kaye, and suddenly encountered the wordless scripture. , when he was in a panic, he lost his mind and forgot to ask Tathagata Buddha;

Secondly, Tang Monk intentionally did not ask, because he knew that if you want to achieve the true fruition, you mostly rely on your own cultivation and enlightenment, or you can achieve great enlightenment and become a Buddha immediately. ; Or sacrifice your life to seek the Dharma, complete your merits, and see the truth for yourself...

Entrusted by the thousand-year-old turtle, why didn't Tang Monk ask Tathagata Buddha about his lifespan? Guanyin Bodhisattva's painstaking efforts lead to the Tianhe River. In Chenjiazhuang, the goldfish spirit who claims to be the King of Inspiration came here from the lower rea - DayDayNews

Third, Tang Monk asked, but Buddha did not answer. Tang Seng's disaster book clearly records: 36 disasters when encountering Tianshui, 37 disasters when falling into Tianhe, 38 disasters when the fish basket appears...

In other words, these grievances between Tang Seng's master and apprentice and Lao Yu by the Tongtian River were originally It is a difficulty that those who seek scriptures must go through. When Guanyin Bodhisattva knew that Tang Monk still had one more difficulty, which was not in line with the number of "Nine-nine Returns to True Truth", he arranged the Eight Great Vajra Practices to make Tang Monk and his disciples stay in the Tongtian River, and let the thousand-year-old turtle add another difficulty to him.

This is very difficult. With Tang Monk's usual carefulness, serious habits and character, he did ask the old turtle for help, but the leader did not give a positive answer; it is also possible that Guanyin Bodhisattva wanted to help the old turtle. If the old turtle I learned that Tang Monk did not ask or get angry, but tolerated and sent him to the other side of the river. It is very likely that he "became a Buddha immediately"!

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